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Whatevs. I'm more worried about him ripping up all the climate change commitments. 
dont worry, it is all gone off by now.

blabla pessimisctic stuff here, we are screwed... 
Engine Diffraction 
Is there any major differences between Fitz, QSS, and MarkV?

All 3 seem to have the goals of

� Preserve original look and feel (crunchy pixels, twisty water)
� Support large maps (bsp2, extended limits, protocol 999)
� Support for fence textures

Is there any major defining features I'm missing or incorrect on?

What would keep, for instance, QSS and MarkV from merging? They already seem to share most of the same features and keep borrowing from each other. 
I'm Not The Best Person To Say 
But the list of differences "under the hood" is enormous I imagine. Was just following the discussion in the MarkV thread about the differences in the MarkV renderer vs the QS renderer... 
Is the original "authentic Quake" engine, from which QS and Mark V have forked years ago.

The latest version is 0.85, from 2008. It does not support BSP2, protocol 999, or fence textures. 
QSS is not QS.

The point of QSS is to support mods. Be they qc extensions or other features that a large mod might use like particles, or merely just bigger maps, even networked.

QS (and fitz before it) on the other hand seems much more quintessential. The changes it makes are for good reason, only adding new features when someone actually NEEDS something, instead of because they might want it later, and then warning if it is ever actually used!
QS also cleans up code, like switching to SDL instead of having separate win+lin+mac ports, and stripping the software renderer (which was a nightmare to maintain).
I personally only see QS as distinct from from fitzquake because of the (significant) switch to SDL, they seem to have similar/continued goals to me and the lack of fitzquake updates kinda backs up that feeling.
QS makes for a great base engine for forks, hence the number of engines that use it as a base. It would be a great shame if someone went and just copied over all the markv files over the top.

MarkV seems to have different aims from QS+QSS, more of a sandpit than an actual goal (somewhat like FTE, but still much more limited, with many files with a single comment containing the words 'todo' in a way that indicates adhd...).
I *think* merging QSS's features over to MarkV is one of Baker's long-term goals, but I get the feeling that its a very long term one... Mostly because I don't think he gives a damn about modders as he really has no experience of qc modding.

Either way, merging stuff is never trivial, especially if someone already ported over incompatible stuff like qmb's particles instead of qss's...

Large maps/fences/etc are a product of AD and it being popular enough to get people to care about it working properly. They seem supported more due to necessity than as actual goals.
You can thank mh/rmq for it ever happening.

Ultimately though, some people just create engines because they can - its much easier to bolt your own crap on the side than it is to figure out all the crap someone else bolted on years ago.

Anyway, I'd better stop ranting before someone gets pissy about how I see things. 
No More Internet Privacy 
I hope it returns and is more inclusive. These days everybody is after your data and personal information and seem to believe this is some kind of "right" that you must give them in exchange for using their service.

This attitude is pervasive and spans across ISPs, social networking sites, search companies, and even the Windows operating systems.

The best defense is to be proactive and aggressive in counteracting these transgressions. Use ad blockers, block JavaScript, use a tracker blocker, and even a cookie killer. A VPN maybe even become necessary if nothing is done. 
uMatrix seem to be the chrome browser plugin to control it all. "what a sentence" 
out of interest, do you have anything else on the boil at the moment? 
I wish. unfortunately I've been finding less productive ways to spend my free time lately.
I keep thinking I ought to fix up my in-engine brush editor (yay networked map editing), but I can never find the enthusiasm to actually work on it.
fte's downloads (aka: updates) menu got some tweaks lately, that's probably the most interesting thing lately, if you ignore bugfixes anyway. The android port got a new icon, if that helps any. 
Just Played... 
...alk08sp by Kona.

From 2005, this was a jolly single player romp in a deathmatch style map. Lots of body parts by the end, slightly enhanced by being in the right spot when some new monster spawned in.

Rushing around often got me quite dead, quite quickly. Softly, softly catchee monkey (or Shalrath, Shambler etc.)

The best defense is to be proactive and aggressive in counteracting these transgressions. Use ad blockers, block JavaScript, use a tracker blocker, and even a cookie killer. A VPN maybe even become necessary if nothing is done.

just use TOR u phaggets, lmao. 
Mods? We've got a shitposter here. 
Shitposting? On MY Func_msgboard?? It's More Likely Than You Think! 
Just Played... 
...SM103 from 2005.

It took many attempts before I could kill all 10 monsters in Neg!ke's map with just the axe - my skills have not improved with age!

In Zwiffle's map I re-encountered the 'anglegrinder' bug as shown below in both normal and fullbrite modes:-

See the original forum post for the explanation as to why this happens in this map.

More jolly romping. 
Sm103_generic2 Is The Best!! 
Absence of comment should not be taken as an implication of any form of dissatisfaction.

The gib fountain was certainly well executed, and the final sentiment was clear and concise.

At first, I wasn't sure about the lighting but I stuck with it and by the end I was happy with its consistency.

I played on the default skill level and overall was satisfied with my performance. 
Speculation: Might that be where the teleporter was designed with human-sized creatures in mind, and the larger fiend hitbox overlaps the teleporter trigger at the destination? 
You Are The Best, Mike! 
Who would be the one to ask to get the Coding Help thready stickied under Mapping Help? 
No One 
I would ask in Site Help so metlslime can see it. 
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