#2841 posted by Esrael on 2017/06/24 13:59:02
Looks like I had stirred up quite the discussion touching on the very fundamentals on what to fix/improve/modify and where.
How about I just remove that one explobox from my map to remove the stack overflow, and we all forget this ever happened, shall we? ;D
But in all seriousness, it's good to have this discussion. Seems there really is no clear-cut right answer for it. @~@
#2842 posted by Baker on 2017/06/25 02:32:32
Start a map, pick up some guns, shoot some monsters leaving some alive, open some doors, turn on some lights and save.
Now open the save game file.
Look at the monsters and the doors, etc. in the save game file.
Now realize if you change the names of any of that stuff in your progs, it can't load that save file.
Go to the Teaching Progs New Tricks thread, realize if you rename any of that stuff or rewrite how it works, any of the maps using those tricks are now broke with your progs.
#2843 posted by khreathor on 2017/06/25 02:54:40
Ahh, ok. Just opened saves and now I see what you mean. Idk why I never opened Quake saves. I probably thought they are binary...
So if I keep names intact and just add new stuff, it should work just fine. Only problem with this approach might be when there is a new field added to some entity and it's not available in save file. This field will become null or empty after loading.
#2844 posted by Baker on 2017/06/25 04:06:50
Exactly. Breaking things would simply be normal. Someone would have to set out to deliberately not break things.
Adding fields? Well, now you are making a mod, not bug fixing the original progs.
Makes as much sense as saying "Hey everyone! I created an different flavor of vanilla ice cream!"
If you see my point.
#2845 posted by khreathor on 2017/06/25 06:33:37
Adding fields? Well, now you are making a mod, not bug fixing the original progs.
Yes, I was thinking more about mods compatibility, so they don't break vanilla behavior etc. That's why I was curious about saves.
But speaking of vanilla patching, I agree, it needs to be made carefully, with lots of testing and solid code review, with attention to backwards compatibility.
It might be a little tricky to refactor vanilla progs, but there are many smart guys in this community, so I'm optimistic :)
#2846 posted by muk on 2017/06/30 04:18:22
What causes this "Host Error" ?
Im using the newest version that was released with ad_sepulcher
#2847 posted by muk on 2017/06/30 04:22:02
that is "quakespasm-spike-admod"
it works fine in "quakespasm-spike"
Incompatibilities With AD Mod
#2848 posted by Barnak on 2017/06/30 13:29:16
I got a few instances of older maps that don't load with the AD1.6 mod. In their case, I got some Host errors. Loading them with the ID's default goes well, though.
I wonder what may brake some maps with the AD mod ?
Spike FX In Other Mods ?
#2849 posted by Barnak on 2017/06/30 18:04:39
The spike FXs from QuakeSpasm-spike-admod are working great with AD1.6. But AFAIK, these new FX aren't dependent on AD, and yet I don't have them when loading any other mod.
Any other players here are able to get the FX with other mod, and not just AD ?
If so, how could I turn on the FX with other mode ? Is there a special command for that ?
#2850 posted by mfx/sock on 2017/06/30 20:46:36
AD does NOT support quake maps designed for other mods and maps that use map hacks, it makes no sense loading a quoth map and expecting it to work.
Even maps designed for vanilla progs can break in AD, due to maphacks/unconventional mapping features.
Same applies to the Spiked FX, each entity has to be specifically setup to support it.
So, in short, no, there is no easy command to make it work for older maps.
#2851 posted by ericw on 2017/06/30 21:03:27
Sorry, not sure.. I tried running a few quoth maps in quakespasm-spike-admod and couldn't reproduce. Does it work in regular quakespasm?
#2852 posted by Spike on 2017/07/01 00:57:58
if you want QSS to load up some custom particle effects then you can name them via the r_particledesc cvar.
eg place https://sourceforge.net/p/fteqw/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/engine/partcfgs/high.cfg into id1/particles/high.cfg and set r_particledesc high and it'll use those particles.
If you want to use particles made for DP, you can set r_particledesc effectinfo[_foobar] which instead will load id1/effectinfo[_foobar].txt in a manor compatible with DP. This is effectively what AD does, except AD names them via ssqc (which then causes the client to load them as needed).
Some of the other things that AD has (like flame particles) is done via the qc itself. You may be able to replicate such effects via a particle config with the r_effect command (which attaches particle effects according to model), but the result is unlikely to be identical.
#2853 posted by muk on 2017/07/01 01:07:33
I got it working in quakespasm-admod. just quakespasm-spike-admod that im having trouble with. :shrug:
Thks Spike
#2854 posted by mfx on 2017/07/01 01:15:50
#2855 posted by Barnak on 2017/07/01 02:04:17
When I start Quake with the AD mod, I can start any custom map in my ID folder and get the special FX. They are all working great. I would like to get the same effects while starting Quake with the default ID too, without having loaded AD.
So what file should I add to my ID folder ? It's not clear to me.
#2856 posted by Baker on 2017/07/01 02:24:35
Come on dude, Spike said:
place https://sourceforge.net/p/fteqw/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/engine/partcfgs/high.cfg into id1/particles/high.cfg and set r_particledesc high and it'll use those particles
1) He gave you the link to the file
2) Says where it goes
3) "r_particledesc high" is what you type in the console.
Spike FX In ID
#2857 posted by Barnak on 2017/07/01 02:46:14
Well ok, I placed that high.cfg file into a new "particles" folder, and typed r_particledesc high. It did worked somehow, but the effect is really not the same as running from AD.
Also, I got this error message in the console :
Unknown particle command "cl_expsprite".
#2858 posted by Baker on 2017/07/01 03:20:25
AD has extra effects coded into the game logic, the same way it has extra monsters coded into the game logic and optional floaty particles. So it isn't going to be the same no matter what you do.
But that config Spike provided will give you something.
#2859 posted by Spike on 2017/07/01 03:50:06
Grab the effectinfo.txt file from ad and shove it in id1 or whereever. set r_particledesc effectinfo.
that'll get you as close as is easy to do. As I say, it won't affect torches or anything the mod does explicitly, like the teleporter effects or the skill pillars, or the pentagram effects etc, but you should get the blood trails and weapon effects.
#2860 posted by Barnak on 2017/07/01 04:28:56
Yep, this appears to work now, but I also had to copy all the files from the AD particules folder :
I didn't tested yet which files actually does the trick, and which one could be removed from these above.
It's very sad that we can't get the same for the torches as well. It's so cool.
#2861 posted by Barnak on 2017/07/01 04:34:11
Apparently, I just need these in the particle folder :
The lava balls also use the FX.
#2862 posted by mfx on 2017/07/01 05:05:49
My balls also use spike fx.
Glad to hear it does somehow work nevertheless, what a ride.
Reflexion On Liquids
#2863 posted by Barnak on 2017/07/02 03:11:06
Is it possible to get reflexion on water surfaces and blood liquids in QS ?
Is there any technical problems/issues/constraints that don't allow reflexions in Quake with our engine of choice (i.e. QS, that is) ?
Upgrade To Source Engine !
#2864 posted by anonymous user on 2017/07/02 03:53:53
#2863 Barnak
#2865 posted by Spike on 2017/07/02 07:57:37
FTE has a 'recursive' renderer, that is it can deal with rendering another scene half-way through rendering the first. This is what gives it the ability to render reflection+refraction textures as needed (or q3-style portals etc).
I believe DP builds a list of surfaces and then only draws them after or something. I'm not entirely sure tbh, I've never found DP all that easy to read.
Either way, the point is that there's no fundamental reason it can't be done, just that doing it is messy, and really not the sort of thing that would be considered QuakeSpasm's forté.
Quite frankly, if you want that sort of thing then just use FTE(with r_waterstyle 3 or so) or DP(with 3rd-party per-texture shaders) instead, those two engines already cater to such stuff anyway.