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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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NOT enough bloody trims!
Who says that!!? ;)
Now, seriously I plan to add some trims and decorations in the area posted on the last screenshots.
I will check if I can do something with the ceiling texture, but I'm not sure about it. 
Might Have Already Seen These... 
But what the hell, no harm done... 
Yes, it has been already sent... Nevertheless, the screenies look good !

next speedmap chalenge :p 
Hell Village 
screenshoots of my upcomming quake dm map hell village hope you masters like it :) 
looks like an SP map 
It reminds me of some of the village maps in Unreal 1 SP 
well it's supposed to be a dm map but still it's not finnished yet many things can change 
Elvis (was A Hero To Most)... 
Looks good, but I would lose those "upside-down ice cream cone" trees. 
hehe that tree was just a test to see if it would fit

and why does this look as a sp map when i was trying to make a dm map, please say what would make it more dmish :) 
please say what would make it more dmish

an atrium :| 
It Should Have 
less open areas 
kell eh an atrium hrm i doubt that would fit on this map and i doubt ill make it any larger, the castle is largh enough

bambuz well i actually make maps with some open areas thats just how i like dm maps easy to spot and shoot no thinking just good old run and shoot lol 
i told u elvis... :) make a sp of it...eheheheh 
ugh thats to late now Trinca when i'm allready placeing in dm like stuff on it, like a litle patch on the mountin sides just for hiding and shooting heh 
Quake 1 Deathmatch 
has no place for sniping from hillsides. A Q1 DM map should be all about connectivity and manouverability, so separate buildings joined simply by open spaces generally doesn't suit the gameplay mechanics. A talented DM player maps a route round the map in their mind, so without a little guidance the gameplay will be reduced to a very skilless and therefore unrewarding experience.

Or so I think. 
I Dunno 
Maybe something different can work, if the mapper has the skills and inspiration to pull it off. Q1 DM gameplay doesn't HAVE to be about a rigid specific style, I think there are other possibilities for enjoyable gameplay if people are prepared to see them. 
No Dude. 

Dapak clones 4 life. 
of course different things can work, but there will always be limits, especially in older games such as Quake 1. There are no long range accuracy weapons in Quake 1, so large areas are essentially wasted space, if you ask me. 
There Is 
the shotgun ;)

Take the following as not very serious:

I think, generally, but not necessarily, people need to have some playing experience to make good maps. One can of course make good-looking but that's not the same :).

Or make 6 different ones and hope that some of them turn out right. :) 
BBQ Accident 
hhmhmm looks interesting ... I will look forward for next screenschot(s) ;) 
I Thought You Gave Up Working On That Fric 
Abandoning 22000 brushes total would be just silly. 
Don't you just hate it when this sort of thing happens?

testlevel = 4

************ ERROR ************
CheckStack: leaf recursion near (457 -2368 2048)

Elapsed time : 0:00
Session time : 61h 19m
State time : 7:06

Oh and some pics! 
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