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They actually have software out there using their tech.

Just not games... maybe never games.

You can't really call that vaporware. 
I only saw the cheesey "unlimited power" YT vids, hehe. Thanks for letting me know.

Wolfenstein 3D running on a Game Boy Color. 
I couldn't work out how they had optimised the gbc to make it do that, then I read that the guy included a co-processor in the cart to make it work.

Cool, but cheating. 
I mean, it's not unheard of for console carts to include non-standard components in order to work. Tended to make them more expensive, of course, which sometimes made the games into commercial failures as a result, but still.

Perhaps in homebrew it could be considered cheating, but I'd still want to give the guy credit.
Apparently he's butting up against the ROM limit of 128k, which means he's managed to shrink what's on there pretty significantly. I think that's neat, even if it'd never actually run on a standard cart. 
Don't get me wrong, it's impressive as hell. But I'm more impressed by what people can do with programming wizardry, breaking the limits of what existing hardware can do, rather than adding extra hardware. 
I need a program that determines the average RGB value of an image (or part of image), in order to know which color I should apply to a light according to the source texture. Any idea? 
Resize the image to a 1x1 pixel and see what color that is? Not sure if that can be made to have the same result as strict averaging, but it's at least an interesting/relevant result.

Or if using Photoshop, try Filter-Blur-Average.

A few other things found on quick Googling: (try "Palette from image") 
Thanks Johnny 
70 Minutes Of Hugo Martin Talking About Cool Shit 
Xmas At Func 
Cute present :) 
Merry Xmas Func_! 
The evening has already started here, so I'll see y'all on the other side of the Christmas tree. 
Merry Xmas Too 
and a little anecdote
with a friend we discused who whas the most powerful superhero. but between the doom marine and the quake ranger. in 1998. obviously i defended the quake guy and my friend defended the doom guy. i don't know.. if someone who falls to lava manage to get out, he has to win.

remembering that always brings a smile 
Ate A Whole Lot Of Snails 
On The Other Hand, 
lava doesn't even hurt Superman... ;) 
Merry Christmas ;-)

Back in March, someone asked me who I thought would emerge as "someone new who does stuff".

I said "Shamblernaut".

Even though your first map looked like a un-lit boxmap, I have been proven right 3 times over ;-) 
Thank You All =D 
Thanks for all the help you've given me this year man. I'm slow and I'm still learning heaps. I love this community, even with all it's idiosyncrasies.

This community wouldn't be the same without its trolls and its users who take their bait.

It wouldn't be the same without the people who spruik insane ideas or make maps with the same quality as mine >_>

We were blessed with AD this year. The mod was great, the maps were AMAZING. We also had amazing jams and individual releases, all of which showed your fondness for this game and love for crafting interesting worlds.

Thank you to all who've offered help, provided assets, offered opinions, given critiques and shitposed. Thanks for the random song and random porn postings on func. Thanks for the inspiration thread, and thanks for the help threads.

Thanks for the guys that worked on editors and tools, you make our lives so much easier and you add polish to our maps that never would have been there otherwise.

You guys rock. You've helped change what has been a difficult year for me into a bearable one.

I hope you all have a wonderful christmas.
<3 Shamblernaut (Ben) 
Shambs here said it all. Thank all of you for making Quake what it is today. Though I've been playing Quake on and off for the past 20 years, I was always restricted to the base game, the 2 mission packs and Aftershock.

I first stepped into the community only a few months ago and I never imagined how rich it could be. Something like AD is incredible and I hope a lot of you guys will use the devkit to make even more great things for the next 20 years.

Sock, you did an outstanding thing here, gathering all these great people and pushing them into making one of, if not the best Quake mod ever. And if you sometimes feel like the criticism outweighs the praise, maybe it's because we feel like the praise goes without saying and we're not saying it enough. Thank you. Merry Christmas. 
and by func in this sentence: Thanks for the random song and random porn postings on func. I of course meant to say terrafusion. 
Porn On #tf Is Never Random 
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