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Two Worlds Speedrun In Two Minutes 
..,and end up like Ball's Born Robotic Song? 
Quite the feature! 
Every so often I decide to have a poke around the quake arcade tournament stuff to see what I can do with it.

I decided to see if any of the qcc decompilers could work. I was able to decompile a small chunk before the decompiler shat itself.

If any of you want to dig through the qc files, here they are.

I included the PROGSQTV.DAT in the zip so you don't have to find the CHD file and bugger about with extracting it, just in case you want to decompile or play with it yourself.

Interestingly it looks like they borrowed heavily from the clan ring mod (

I'd love if the quake executable itself could be decompiled, but I'm not sure how possible that is without a sentinel security dongle thingy. 
Arcade Quake 
I had a try installing all content to another computer. When decompliling it looked it had a windows version of its own included.
When started this version my computer was able to download the models (with baseskin frame included) maps and textures.
When I tried to start the arcade version my computer freezed and I had to make a new win install.

It seems as you could actually win money with it! 
i want my xmass crate
Xiangjiao Has Won! 
China has the biggest banana stock!

He who has the most bananas,
has won the world!!

New Doom Mini-doc 
Just Browsed To Func Using Lynx

Works pretty well, gave me bad ideas though, like piping the output to quake so I can browse in the console

QuakeOS :) All terminals paned vertically in the (transparent?) console, notifications in the sbar and graphical apps in the game... with demos in the background if not playing. 
Mugwump +1 
Kindly redirecting misguided guy about QuakeC stuff in wrong thread to instead post into correct thread and providing link. 
Thanks Baker 
Yeah, I know the rules by now. If I can help other newbies avoid making my early mistakes, all the better. 
It's 2016, Why NO Rotation W/collision 
Okay so I just did my first test map for rotating objects using the AD .fgd! Wow, that was kind of a letdown for obvious reasons(no collision/fake collision).

Not a knock on AD as it's fantastic Mod made with existing tools and played in existing engines.

But why haven't the main compilers and engines incorporated rotation with collision into their source?

I guess I mostly mean Quakespasm and Eric's tools. I know about DP already but hmap2 is not widely used so not a consideration really.

I googled and saw several examples were it was incorporated, is more elegant and is much simpler to set up mapping wise. But those projects perished.

Jus' curious... 
I think most of that stuff is handled by quakec rather than the engine itself.

Also the compilers want to be as "feature agnostic" as possible. They want to be able to compile whatever is put in front of them while only worrying about the base geometry. Additional features are still passed through to the end bsp, but will be handled by the engine / progs.

I think the idea is largely for backward compatibility and to ensure that mappers design vanilla maps to be playable in dos or winquake. For example, if I make a map for quakespasm-spiked with rain and snow, etc. It should still be able to be run in winquake or dosquake (probably with some console warnings).

Big ol' caveat here: I'm a layman and have nowhere near the knowledge of others here, who I encourage to correct me if I'm wrong :) 
Brush rotation with correct collision would be an engine thing.

Compilers wouldn't need to do anything - it's just another brush model to light.

Backwards-compatibility with vanilla engines seem to be less and less important these days because it seems almost every major release breaks vanilla limits in some way.

The key problem would be ensuring support and identical behaviour across a number of recent engines (DP, QS, MarkV etc.). 
I'm sure this has come up numerous times. And after I posted I found in this very thread where it was discussed in 2014.

gb said he submitted the changes needed for Quakespasm, if they wanted to implement it, and he also posted a link on quaketastic that has everything.

I loaded it up in DP's "Oct 12 2016" build and everything "worked". Not flawlessly though. To be expected of course.

Anyway, I just thought that with the advancement of engines, tools and mapping that this would be another cool little feature to have. Sans the clumsy hip-rotate method. 
thanks for the clarification Kinn 
Rotation Support Has Oddities That Must Be Dealt With ... 
E3M3 -- the freaking map itself --- has angles. It's true.

So does a distrans sp release? dis_sp3?

Supposedly messes with the spikey ball in the Quake END map (the Shub).

Messes with something in Nehahra somewhere.

So if someone cares about compatibility, it must be done right.

Rotation has consequences. 
7 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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