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This might be born from my ignorance of QuakeC and coding in genral but, I had an idea. Mind you, I've never done any coding or programming, unless you count batch scripts(which no one does).

Demos stop recording upon death. Thatll likely always be the case. BUT, is it possible to allow the "record" cvar to accept some sort of variable to make sequential demo files?

for example - "record %mapname%"

whenever you use that bind or command it saves it as the mapname+the next number in sequence. (ie ad_necrokeep01, ad_necrokeep02...)

The idea is for something to combine with ones "Load Quicksave" bind to allow for single button save loading and recording of a demo.

again,Ive no experience in coding, so this idea might be a little ignorant.

hell something on this order might already be possible? 
Quake Wiki 
my first guess.., Demo_tools

It's not specific, but I remember there being a smart demo editor,
can't come up with a name. 
Bloughsburgh linked me on twitter. Might be what youre thinking of.

Most of those just combine demos into one file. Theyd be useful after using my idea, tho. 
if you're serious about it, I have this small compiling program, release 2003.

dem2mpg is a converter that reads quake demo's and turns them into mpg. Delte the last .gz and unrar the tar file
Mark V has an autodemo feature that automatically records demos with a sequential number. I think they're limited to 3 though, and the 4th recording overwrites the 1st one. 
The goal here is to have a single key bind that does two things:

Loads a quick save
starts recording a demo

the demo filename would be based on the .bsp name. Normally Quake overwrites .dem of the same name. Id like for it to create a new file by appending a number to the end of the filename.

Once the user finishes the map, THEN they would use any of the other various demo tools available to combine them. 
Thanks Mugwump 
Ill look into that. 
triple post, sorry.

the single key bind idea wont be feasible, im guessing.

at the very least, itd be nice to bind record and it create filenames based on the mapname/.bsp name and appends a number(or date or time or anything) if theres multiples. 
JoeQuake does something like that. 
Depending on what you are record, you better make sure the demo tools actually can work on it first.

Demo tools were designed for protocol 15 (original Quake). JoeQuake uses protocol 15, and most engines you can set protocol 15 (like type sv_protocol 15) in the console.

But many modern maps cannot be played in protocol 15 because they are limit busters, or use entity .alpha (Arcane Dimensions is one example among many). 
Yeah the idea here is for it to work with "modern" Quake. 
Try the demo tools out and make sure they work before you do anything. I don't know that they will.

They may very well not work. Or you may be pleasantly surprised, but they were made in 1997 era for standard Quake. 
Even if they worked, I wouldnt have a clue where to start tackling that issue. Time to learn QuakeC? errrr? 
Mirrors Tutorial 
A quickly made mirrors tutorial: - Mirrors Tutorial @ YouTube 
The people at Speed Demos Archive know things about demo tools. You might Google for their site and try to contact someone there. 
Mirrors Where? 
Wanna make mirrors 
You can find one in Leptis Magna (AD 1.5), but it's hidden well. 
I will find it eventually* 
Post 582 in the Mark V thread has the download for that test map.

Just make use a texture starting with "mirror_" like "mirror_1" or "mirror_glass" and put it on a wall.

Mirrors heavily depend on vis and there is a list of "do" and "don't" especially for func_illusionary mirrors, but in a simple area and on worldmodel it is very easy. 
So do everything need to be under some draw distance limitations + it must twice the amount of draws? 
Yes, not a good idea to put a mirror in a wide open area with complex brush work and 200 monsters ;-) 
"Hewhouse" ... sorry. Lack of edit strikes again! 
A Method For Chaining Commands 
If you execute the following commands in the Quake console, you can create chained commands for a single keypress. You can create these kinds of commands automatically with a simple script and put them in a configuration file you load when you start your Quake engine.

bind p cmd1
alias cmd1 "echo cmd1; bind p cmd2"
alias cmd2 "echo cmd2; bind p cmd3"
alias cmd3 "echo cmd3; bind p outof"
alias outof "echo out of commands"

Unless I've made a typo above, this will cause the p key to be bound to an action that will print cmd1, cmd2 and cmd3 to the console consecutively and from then on print "out of commands."

If you replace the echo commands with record commands using unique demo names, you can use a single key to start recording a new demo after each death. You can create as many of these commands as you think you'll need in one Quake session. You have to pick the names of the demos in advance, so they'll need to be something like mydemo1, mydemo2 and so on.

This isn't a complete solution to the problem of recording multiple demos and naming them accurately. However, it doesn't require any external tools.

Any suggestions or corrections are greatly appreciated. I just thought of this idea today. 
Did you happen to save the Madfox Band gifs linked here
Just Browsed To Func Using Lynx 
Works pretty well, gave me bad ideas though, like piping the output to quake so I can browse in the console.

I think I'll stick with my current projects. 
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