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"Toggle Unselected Vertices" has been something Ive wanted to suggest as well.

I wanted to include "Toggle Tint on Selected Brushes/Faces" at the same time cause theyd be used in conjuction with one another. Youd wanna turn off the tint AND unselected vertices for the most benefit whole moving vertices.

"Toggle Tint on Selected Brushes/Faces" would be really good for working with textures, as well.

When the toggle is turn off, the brush(es), when the mouse either hovers or moves off the selected brushes, would be given the Red Edges as seen in "Show Edges".

Sleep seems a bit backed up at the moment so I've left it on the back burner. Lots of other important stuff to sort out first. 
Realized how poorly that was worded:

When the toggle is turn off, the selected brush(es) would be given the Red Edges as seen in "Show Edges", when the mouse either hovers over or moves the cursor off the selected brushes. 
Exaggerated Example 
Here's what I would normally be looking at, rather than that image, since TB will hide edge verts if you select a corner and vice-versa. Not as bad, but still not great.

Hiding any more verts is problematic, unfortunately. Perhaps an option to cull/occlude ones that belong to brushes that are obscured from view, but that seems like a lot of work/processing to get that improvement.
And it would have to be an optional toggle, for that one guy who really wants to drag a vert on the opposite side to where his camera is for some damned reason... 
Perhaps "Only Show Verts of Brushes Under Mouse" or something like that. 
And it would have to be an optional toggle
Of course, that's what I meant by "option". We should be able to switch it on/off at will. 
Worldcraft would let you move verts around anyway you wanted. You could make an invalid brush, and if you did it was your fault. I found it pretty easy to use.

Radiant does some kind of constant checking to prevent invalid brushes, which tends to make vertex editing a pain. Sometimes to get from a to c, you have to go thru b, and if b isn't a valid brush Radiant auto-corrects. I finally had to switch to mostly clipping for odd shaped brushes. 
I'm trying to think of what shape you'd be trying to build if you had to temporarily make an invalid brush to do it. I'd love to read/see an example. 
You have a shape with 12 verts. You manually move each vert, one by one. Maybe when you move one, you need to move 3 more for it to be a valid vert. It's not like you need to compile the map every time you move one.

It's like pants. You are supposed to either have pants on or off.

Yet to do either, you have to put your pants on 1 leg at a time to reach that state.

If you were disallowed from ever having your pants in an invalid state, how would you get them on or off? 
It's like pants. You are supposed to either have pants on or off.

Yet to do either, you have to put your pants on 1 leg at a time to reach that state.

If you were disallowed from ever having your pants in an invalid state, how would you get them on or off? 
I use Vertex mode for making angled rafters and such. I just find it quicker to do with the same effect. I never really used the 3-point clip tool (I use 2 point a ton however) and I feel like I am missing out on it. I did however discover the power of TB2's brush tool and it's incredible.

Anyone have an example of what they created with the 3-point clip tool? Also, I suppose we can move this to the TB thread if this keeps active. 
Continued In TB Thread 
Anytime you move one of the vertexes off the plane of a brush face (defined by 4 or more) the brush becomes invalid and when the editor "fixes" it automatically it's rarely what you actually want.

Looking down on a box (or truncated pyramid) and changing the slope of the sides by moving one vertex at a time is an example. 
in JACK using the split face and triangulate options fixes most of those irregularities and allows you to have more "complex" geometry.

I've been able to get some nice rock faces using these methods. 
Also supports a "rock" primitive. 
yeah, but that isn't much good for cliff faces is it? 
it looks like the lightning gun is now real ;) 
Ooh, Me Wants One For Xmas! 
Not Sure About That 
Seems like it would be more of a pain to setup than the Omni because you have to have something dangle from the ceiling. 
Not to mention that it looks super likely that you'll trip up and fall over, trashing it within a few minutes of using it. 
No Pain = No Gain 
Big up Gotshun and all the RetroJam5 entrants for injecting some fresh new / old Quake into the system recently. I've really enjoyed the simplicity of semi-vanilla Quake without having to dick around with multiple mods, specific engines, shit pixellated .rc files and stuff, and get on and just smash monsters and hunt for secrets.

Keep it going guys. 
Cheers Shambler 
Sheer Charmbler. 
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