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Installing Q1 On A Win98/3dfx Voodoo2 Machine? 
Hey guys, I have this guy at Quaddicted asking about installing Quake on the antique system mentioned in the title. Is there a modern engine that can support that or is he stuck with old GLQuake?

Here's the thread if you want to reply to him directly: 
Fitzquake theoretically could do it but there's a good chance that I broke something since I never had such a system to test on. 
" aren't very good by todays standards, set by AD of course."

Nah mate. AD is great, but you can still make very good maps that don't reach that standard. 
aren't very good by todays standards

Forget about what is considered an standard by the community, just map what you want. Not going by what you like the most is the second reason for map stalling (first is going for too grandiose ideas). 
@-mugw I would reply if the link made any sense to your comment.

As it doesn't I can only say I have a win98 computer with a vodoo2 on which I can play Quake1. I had to install the very weird GL-Open filter that immediatly started complaining about its insecurity for the net. As I have computers that are stand alone and not connekted to the net I can safely play.

There's only one thing that bothered me the most and that is that the quality of the screen tends to the nasty yellow Q2 gamma, which I don't like at all. It may be vodoo2, but there's nothing that makes it feel better like Tombraider or Unreal.

I think the reason is, that Quake hasn't the same catch for the colourfilters, so anyway, if I had to choose it would still be Fitzquake above Vodoo2 on win98. 
The issue discussed starts at post #9 in the thread I've linked. Previous posts are unrelated. I probably should've mentioned that, sorry. 
There's Still Hope For You Skacky. 
"Le tivi cho tr�s tr�s f�musse..." Bwahahahahahahahaaa! The guy has a generally good accent but sometimes what he says clearly shows that he's not french. And seriously, can they stop with the croissant/baguette/accordion clich�s already? 
But really, it's as if we were constantly portraying Americans with a Bible in one hand, a Colt in the other and shouting "yeehaa!" to some country music. I can assure you it gets old pretty fast... 
Every Single Stereotype Ever Conceived In The History Of Mankind Is Tr 
I am so triggered right now. 
I don't disagree with this statement but any culture is so much more than its stereotypes. 
Stereotypes have a tendency to stick around while the culture has moved on. For instance, you don't hear much accordion in french culture anymore. 
Omelette Du Fromage! Omelette Du Fromage! 
That Would Be "omelette Au Fromage" 
Omelette with cheese, not omelette of the cheese... ;) 
I just added steam to steam as a non-steam game so I could play steam while playing steam.

...I was bored. 
Yo Dawg 
I just had a good chuckle over my early internet days.

I thought Methodus Toolz was sooooo legit.

I also remember thinking I was hot shit for being able to play sounds in AOL Chatrooms. I'd always play this one called "tongue". I cant remember what it played though :( 
Vertex Edit Vs Clipping 
(Using JACK) For some reason I almost always clip the ends of brushes to make them angular even though vertex mode takes one less motion.

I probably do it in the same amount of time either way. You know, I tend to dislike vertex mode. Maybe that's why I struggle to grasp Trenchbroom. I pretty much clip and stretch everything and duplicate brushes like crazy...I mean I so rarely add a new brush from scratch. Perhaps I just need to look up how to duplicate a brush while dragging it in TB.

Just thinking. 
TB has clip, in case you didn't know. Press C and draw a line with 2-3 points.
And I'm pretty sure it's ctrl+right click on a selected brush to duplicate+drag.

Vertex mode is alright, but I also find myself preferring clip when I'm angling brushes. At least for simple operations, that is. When I'm "trisouping" or whatever it's called I use vertex mode, even if all the little points can be a bit hard to make out from one another...

even if all the little points can be a bit hard to make out from one another...
Yeah, TB would greatly benefit from an option to hide non-visible vertices. Feel like making it a feature request? 
both ctrl + left and ctrl + right duplicate a brush, just tried it out.

The strength in TBs clipping is using 3 points. 
Oops, Used The B Tag Instead Of Q... 
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