I Prefer TGA Actually
I prefer to start with uncompressed images. It's easy enough to convert quickly with any number of apps. I use something similar to this: https://www.imageconverterplus.com/features/right-click-menu/
@metlslime id was most likely was using Truevision video accelerators in their Windows machines back then. TGA was originally from Truevision.
PNG Is Lossless
#2811 posted by mh on 2017/06/14 20:41:27
Software Quake used PCX. Because that was an 8-bit renderer it was also just a simple matter of "dump the pixels".
According to Carmack's .plan file ID were using Intergraph accelerators on NT as their graphics workstation platform of choice at the time GLQuake was written.
PNG format didn't even exist when Quake was released. First release of PNG was October 1996.
TGA offers simplicity and speed, although nowadays with disk IO being the primary bottleneck for many operations a compressed format may well be the faster option, at least until SSDs go cheaper than spinning plates of rust.
#2812 posted by khreathor on 2017/06/14 20:57:01
I prefer to start with uncompressed images. It's easy enough to convert quickly with any number of apps. PNG has lossless compression. It's like ZIPping TGA, but in one operation. It is easier to preview and maintain.
Got it. Obviously PNG would be the most handy format at the moment especially for immediate sharing. I take the previewing aspect for granted as I have the aforementioned shell viewer/converter and Photoshop.
#2814 posted by megaman on 2017/06/15 00:50:01
JPG is not really "needed" for web use, it just the most common. Many times it gets used when PNG would be the better choice.
Read about how those compression algorithms work and when they're appropriate to use.
#2815 posted by megaman on 2017/06/15 00:51:06
Quake screenshots are not a good case for png, but are OK for jpg.
#2816 posted by ericw on 2017/06/15 01:30:35
Quake with texture filtering off is a bad case for JPEG, though. JPEG is also a bad choice if you want to make brightness adjustments afterwards, especially extreme changes (something I often do when I get screenshots of lighting bugs.)
Ideally JPG, PNG, TGA would be available. I think MarkV can do those and has a cvar to pick the format.
#2817 posted by Spike on 2017/06/15 03:02:34
aye, jpeg sucks. you can reduce the compression to get something close to png, but doing so just increases the filesize too. if you've got high res textures (which frankly just look like noise in the first place) etc then jpeg can't make it any worse, but otherwise imho png is a better choice than jpeg at least for a default setting.
(windows) bmp might work if you want something more equivalent to tga, its basically just a different header but much better supported (at least on windows and except by quake engines). it can also be paletted, and doesn't need extra libraries.
but png is best if you're going to shove it on a website (and why take screenshots if not to share them).
#2818 posted by mh on 2017/06/15 06:22:03
The problem with BMP is that each row must be a multiple of 4 bytes, so for odd resolutions like 1366x768 or if you want 24-bit data you can't just fwrite the output from a glReadPixels.
#2819 posted by Baker on 2017/06/15 07:51:22
Open the source code for JoeQuake. There are 3-5 headers. 1 cvar. Link libpng and libjpeg. Call the appropriate function to write a png or jpeg. 30 minutes tops.
Guyz, Check Out This 8mb PNG Shot Of Some Nondescript Area In My Map!!
#2820 posted by negke on 2017/06/15 09:25:15
Well okay, TGA isn't particularly small, either...
#2821 posted by metlslime on 2017/06/15 09:39:29
doesn't matter what the engine writes out, you should convert to jpeg before uploading it.
Case In Point
#2822 posted by megaman on 2017/06/15 11:27:04
#2823 posted by mh on 2017/06/15 14:46:22
doesn't matter what the engine writes out, you should convert to jpeg before uploading it.
If I wanted to highlight something like a conchars font with different filtering and scaling options I'd leave as PNG.
#2824 posted by Rick on 2017/06/15 15:26:18
JPG was created for photographs. If an image is not a photograph then JPG is probably not the best format. In particular, JPG is a poor choice for images with large areas of the same continuous color, such as many web page graphics.
JPG is not intended for images which will require additional editing, but for an in-game snapshot is probably fine. The option for a higher quality image would be good to have, but I would not consider it a necessity for a game.
Stack Overflow Bug
#2825 posted by Esrael on 2017/06/23 12:30:07
While playtesting a map I'm working on, I got a stack overflow bug: First, I pick up the quad damage, enter the door to the left and then aim somewhere between the Enforcer and the radioactive container in front of him. I could fairly reliably get the following stack overflow:
CALL4 1705(T_RadiusDamage)T_RadiusDamage()
misc.qc : barrel_explode
misc.qc : barrel_explode
combat.qc : Killed
combat.qc : T_Damage
combat.qc : T_RadiusDamage
misc.qc : barrel_explode
combat.qc : Killed
combat.qc : T_Damage
combat.qc : T_RadiusDamage
misc.qc : barrel_explode
combat.qc : Killed
combat.qc : T_Damage
combat.qc : T_RadiusDamage
misc.qc : barrel_explode
combat.qc : Killed
combat.qc : T_Damage
combat.qc : T_RadiusDamage
misc.qc : barrel_explode
combat.qc : Killed
combat.qc : T_Damage
combat.qc : T_RadiusDamage
misc.qc : barrel_explode
combat.qc : Killed
combat.qc : T_Damage
weapons.qc : ApplyMultiDamage
weapons.qc : AddMultiDamage
weapons.qc : TraceAttack
weapons.qc : FireBullets
weapons.qc : W_FireShotgun
weapons.qc : W_Attack
weapons.qc : W_WeaponFrame
client.qc : PlayerPostThink
stack overflow
Host_Error: Program error
The map can be downloaded below:
#2826 posted by mh on 2017/06/23 15:28:32
I've reliably reproduced this too.
Increasing MAX_STACK_DEPTH in pr_exec.c to 64 is sufficient to resolve; a lower value may also do but I didn't bother testing.
It's caused by a large amount of exploding boxes in close proximity setting each other off.
#2827 posted by negke on 2017/06/23 16:09:13
I remember running into this issue myself once many years ago. I was under the impression it's simply a common Quake bug/limitation, but I can't seem to reproduce it in Winquake/GLquake using Esrael's map. Does it occur everywhere or is it actually something introduced in and carried over from the Fitz code?
#2828 posted by mh on 2017/06/23 16:54:04
It's a hangover from the original ID code.
You need to be very specific about this because it's the chain of effects that sets off the stack overflow. Hence you need the Quad and you need to be in the very specific situation where there are 6 or so exploding boxes in close enough proximity.
You shoot near one box, the Quadded shotgun explodes it, it triggers the next box to explode, which triggers the next box, and so on.
Each explosion is 4 function calls: barrel_explode for the explosion, T_RadiusDamage from he explosion, T_Damage to the next box, then Killed which kills the next box and in turn sets off another barrel_explode.
Removing one of the boxes should be sufficient to prevent it ever happening.
I also have engine code somewhere that effectively gives you an infinite stack (at least until you run out of memory) which would also more robustly fix this and other similar issues.
#2829 posted by Spike on 2017/06/23 18:23:20
findradius is just all kinds of evil. its possible for exploboxes to be skipped entirely too, depending on how .chain gets clobbered by the different explosions.
Frankly, calling T_RadiusDamage inside Killed/.th_die should be considered a bug, fixable by delaying it to a think function. This also fixes the above crash, too.
Bad QC, Not Engine Fault
#2830 posted by sock on 2017/06/23 18:54:51
While playtesting a map I'm working on, I got a stack overflow bug ...
This is a bug in QC that happens on anything with a call to a radius explosion function within a death event.
This is why tarbaby.qc (line 172) delays the explosion to the next frame. So that you cannot get a chain effect and stack overflow.
The misc.qc - barrel_explode function is broken. It should delay the radius explosion one frame and it would be fine. I fixed this in AD QC if anyone wants an example of this.
This Guy^
#2831 posted by mfx on 2017/06/23 23:12:41
#2832 posted by mh on 2017/06/24 01:33:55
But yet ID1 progs does it. If ID1 does it, is it still a bug?
#2833 posted by Spike on 2017/06/24 02:41:45
... yes?
findradius cannot reliably be used recursively like that. there are other symptoms than just the stack overflow.
is it time for eg quakespasm to throw a new progs.dat into its .pak?..