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Nice! A bit colorful IMHO (green sword?!) but very well done. 
Shambler: looks amazing as ever.

Muwump: Believe me, the colour palette is very, very restrained for the miniature in question. You should see what rainbow-vomit colours people were painting Tzeentch warriors in the 90s. 
I had to look up Tzeentch. Yeah, I'm not very familiar with the Warhammer universe but from what I've seen along the years, it seems pretty colorful in general. 
The blue reminds me of shovel knight 
Very Cool Shambler! 
Cheers Guys. 
The sword is supposed to be some magical warpstone-infused chaos crystal shit, so that's why it's green.

Yeah Tzeentch is pretty colourful, that's why I like painting 'em.... 
I Have A Night Goblin Army 
It's barely painted at all, I bought it years ago.

Squigs are awesome. 
Looks Good 
but i can't see it colorful at all like others, more like the opposite, even the blue in the armour is quite greyish.

What i don't like is the miniature itself being used for Tzeentch, i can't even see it for more than Khorne or Chaos Undivided. Maybe could work for Nurgle with a bit of green/turquoise over what you did, but not for the other two gods. But you did a good work on using the paint to make it at least resemble Tzeentch so congrats for that. 
It is, by default, a Khorne miniature: - I just chose to paint it Tzeentch to demonstrate some techniques to a friend of mine who really likes Tzeentch colours. 
Oblivion had weapons that were an even brighter shade of green than that. 
I haven't been very far in Oblivion yet. It's been a while since I haven't touched it (been playing Quake exclusively since the first trailer for Doom 2016 came out) but I'll get back into it someday full time. I made a cool female dark elf with almost pitch black skin and a white mohawk, she looks badass! Haven't seen that kind of weapon yet. 
Oh. OK 
Looked around a bit and it seemed to be a generic one, so i assumed, wrongly. 
Dat feel when no PC.

My main laptop's PSU died and I can't wait to test the latest code changes. Damn anxiety.

And I'm not sure if a repair shop will be enough to fix the PSU, or if I'll have to buy a new one. 
Forget that. It's actually the laptop itself. 
can you salvage the disk? 
The disk is fine, I guess. What happens is that the laptop isn't pulling power from the PSU, and I only noticed any problems when the battery was already depleted. Given my luck, I won't find anyone who can fix it in this city. 
That Sucks 
Hopefully you'll be able to get back up and running soon. It's never fun when a computer dies on you :/

How old is the laptop? I'm guessing it's outside its warranty... 
It's a second-hand Dell N5110, with a Core i5 CPU. No warranty.

For now, I'm using an older Core 2 Duo PC to test my code changes. Its performance in 1280*960 is similar to the i5 in full HD. 
run it in software mode for higher fra...

oh wait.

Six On Func_msgboard 
Posted by NumberSix [] on 2016/10/15 00:56:41
Hello func_msgboard members!

I just did a full synopsis here:

I have decided to kick my development up a couple notches with:

To that end I am investing more time on forums and such.

The Main project: "Anode X" an open world puzzle / adventure game

I have a lot of quake experience over the last 20 years, so I will frequently respond in that area.

If you have quake-c questions, I often answer them, and these are the best places to post:
(you have to sign up for both)

Game on everyone! 
Howdy. Just an update on the experiment I was doing with quinstance tool. After putting together a large greybox of what should be just a section of a water station level, I got sick of it. What to do? After jam6 and a deathmatch level I'm growing a graveyard of unfinished stuff again. Lots of ideas, not enough life. 
Lots of ideas, not enough life. 
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