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I Think I Broke That Site 
Probably cause it had "cock" in that filename.

This should work...
Probably cause it had "cock" in that filename.

haha :D 
New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire 
Strogg Empire is an mod in development for Quake 2. Currently, aims to make Quake 2 MP more attractive to modern audience (mostly grown on the Quake 3), adding a "hit-sound" for feedback, 125 HP on respawn, a quick weapons switch, announcer and other enhancements. In addition, there is a plan to add bots and small SP campaign in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Quake 2. In the end, it's planned to make it's own client for the mod to make possible "Project Relight" (HD lightmaps with normal mapping and specular attenuation for the whole game) which will be included with this mod at. Stay tuned!

Why is the rocket launcher white? 
The Graphics Are Too Good 
If They Wanted To Attract More Audience 
They should make the controls more like Q1's :^) 
Lacks some punch in the beginning! 
New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire 
Strogg Empire is an mod in development for Quake 2. Currently, aims to make Quake 2 MP more attractive to modern audience (mostly grown on the Quake 3), adding a "hit-sound" for feedback, 125 HP on respawn, a quick weapons switch and other enhancements. In addition, there is a plan to add bots and small SP campaign in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Quake 2. In the end, it's planned to make it's own client for the mod and base game to make possible "Project Relight" (HD lightmaps with normal mapping and specular attenuation for the whole game) which could be included with this mod. Stay tuned!

Quick Question. 
What features does this in-development mod actually include?? 
Well, looks like the announcer was dropped today! 
I wonder if most multi-player mods that go for non-realism sort-of end up being a carbon copy of quake 3 inherently. I mean, that game had a shit tonne of polish and logevity.

The draw to do "what x game did" is pretty strong.

I've been thinking of how I would implement a mp mod based on the noir mapjam theme and all I can think of is a TF / overwatch like game. Kinda sad. 
When it comes to design archetypes that work, it's really pretty limited on the macro scale. Even moreso in multiplayer, where it needs to be fun for all players rather than 1 player.

If I were to make a noir multiplayer mod, it'd be VIP, which is a rarely-done mode. One team has a player they need to protect, like a crime boss or dame or something, and the other team has to try and fight their way to them and take them down. I think that could be pretty fun, I don't know about a good fit for Quake though... 
Early cs did it pretty well... It isn't used these days, at least not officially I think. 
The only game i know of right now with a VIP mode is Insurgency. I've never tried it though. 
Strogg Empire Q2 
Heh, seems like that message was posted twice. :P Only God knows why it wasn't posted to news section, seems I'm too new to this board and don't understand a lot.

The mod started from trying to convince my old friend to play some Quake 2 after a few matches of Warsow. It ended not too fun for him, mainly because "the game feels really old, the Times of Quake 2 in the past, I guess". So just from curiosity, I've grabbed source of OpenFFA and made some changes to make it more friendly to someone who grown on Quake 3, without touching main aspects too much. Then I just found myself lost in having fun with sources of Quake 2. So I thought that it would be great companion mod for another project I'm working on - Project Relight For Q2 (Rebuild of lighting in base game and missionpacks with custom made from scratch lightmap compiler, TBA).

Currently from plans for MP part:
* Better feedback with player, which includes "hit-sounds" and announcer (both messages and sounds
* 125 initial HP to prevent rail spam on respawn points
* Fast weapon switch to make overall feeling of faster game flow
* Integration of other game modes, like TDM, CA, DUEL, CTF, FT in one place
* Integration of 3zb2 bots 
So what does it currently feature?? 
The Problem With 
125 initial HP to prevent rail spam on respawn points

is one of map design, not game mechanics. 
Current State 
First pre-alpha build:

* Better feedback with player, which includes "hit-sounds" and announcer (some messages, alpha version)
* 125 initial HP to prevent rail spam on respawn points
* Fast weapon switch to make overall feeling of faster game flow 
That's useful. That's also not really enough content for a news item, News being usually for full and final maps / episodes / mods / engines / mapping tools etc. You might find the Screenshots And Betas thread useful though. 
Beta, Exactly 
Thanks, betas would useful for sure! I might post from time to time there about mod and my lighting tool. 
Dunno if it was done before, but I just whacked together a QS-compatible version of EpiQuake for myself, and thought that maybe someone will find it useful.

EpiQuake is: 
If You Want To Prevent Railgun Spam 
Simply decrease the railgun's damage from 120 to 80, like QL did, as well as reducing its hitbox, so that it's still a heavy hitter rewarding on precision without being OP. 
Yeah, first time I saw it in CPMA. Warsow even made it 75, but reload time was reduced around 0.25 seconds, I haven't looked at code, but it feels like 1.25s instead of 1.5s. 100 points of damage is some kind of sign of Quake 2, it's just annoying when someone just abusing spawn points, it may be alright in FFA, but highly unfair in DUEL. You still can do classic RG -> SG/SSG/MG combo to finish your opponent, but that requires little bit more reflex to do it right, read skill. 
OTTT But Latest Blah: 
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