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It would seem spammers are on a roll today... 
Just Played... 
...Hangover Devastation by Ankh.

Good monster placement, and nice architecture. Liked it. 
Deathmatch Classic's Unusable Leftovers Of 3WaveCTF Has Been Recreated 
Ha ha holy crap.

I do really want to poke around in those maps. I lived in the original 3wctf maps for a while back in the day. 
I've been looking into DMC only recently. It has very interesting Quake weapon remakes. The designs are closer to the later titles such as UT or even Quake's own sequels, but still very good. 
DMC's weapons ported to Quake when? 
Complaining About The Weather ... 
Who would thought talking about weather effects would induce Spike to patch up Quakespasm to do this:


Looks Pretty Cool, But... 
I can only hope that the community uses these newfound powers with great care and responsibility...
or we DarkPlaces now, bois

All jokes aside, it's pretty cool to see stuff like that. I can't say I'm a fan of any of the particles in the videos here or in the other thread, but that doesn't mean that the tools can't be used to make some great stuff. 
A particle-based waterfall effect will be very good for quake.

Waterfalls in quake have so far looked shite. 
I Don't Want To Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth, But: 
is there any possibility that these can retain the original particle aesthetic?

each individual pixel bigger with less of them? 
The problem with many advanced features is them being used by people with insufficient experience. Default particle effects in advanced ports is a good example - they look weak at best. I think Nehahra (of all engines) got the least offensive bullet puff particles.

DMC's weapons ported to Quake when?

I'm surprised I haven't seen this being done yet. Maybe it's the style differences. 
Just The Documentation, Sir! 
The particles sizes and quantities can be set, everything needed for fine-tuning is available.

I'm just documenting, not attempting to do fine-tuning --- that's on mappers. I'm not an artist.

I hope at some point, someone with a more artist eye makes some higher quality examples. 
To me, the best way to use this sort of system would definitely cut down on the bloomy effect a lot of those particles have. Have each emission be a single pixel, or maybe two or three. Things like embers from fire, streaks of blood from gunshots, that sort of pixel-y, stylized look would fit well I think, especially considering QS's reputation as "a modern engine for pure quake" rather than being associated with pretty shinies.

Just... keep the aesthetic and you'll probably be popular in this community :p 
If the style's different, then a little recoloring of the textures shouldn't be hard. And if you want to keep the same aesthetics, you can always use DMC's textures (which I adapted for Quake for my mod, and you can download the .wad file from here:
You can't have a robust particle system without also allowing the possibility that someone will use it in a way that's about as tasteful as a zoophile felching party. 
Touching up the skins - maybe, but I was talking about the more elaborate designs in general.

Regardless of whether it was forced by the tools or hardware available at the time, Quake weapons look very crude, like they were hacked together in a society that possessed only basic technology and/or didn't care about aesthetics. Primitive and deadly. 
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