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Fat Controller: 
Sorry for taking such a long time to reply. Where can I get OUM?

DaMaul: I like consoles, but the one problem resides in the making and obtaining of quality mods. Haven't seen any Armored Core 3 mods on Playstation II yet. :) 
The Thing ... 
Picked up and started playing The Thing, but very little info on the web about this game. From what I can tell UK based development. Anyone know more about the game or the development? 
The Future Of Convergence 
Aw Crap... 
end of the second episode of doom? In doom2 they were used as a normal monster on some levels. 
Wrath, Vondur 
cheers for your info.

Metlslime, is it possible to have no subject please? 
I Hate Mapping 
so goodbye maps n' this forum i suck at it anyway, ciao 
from good to bad:

amazing geometry everywhere
often very good atmosphere
some varied level designs
decent textures
better weapons than unreal 1
terrain part of the engine very simplistic and ugly
many irritating/not fun to fight AI
sub-standard gameplay (it's really boring)
a most amazingly retarded storyline for 2003 (cringe) 
U2 Levels 
given the quality of the level designers there, I was hoping for some quality level design. It seems most people tend to acknowledge the levels and the skins/models as the best part of the game.


one question, from the 2-3 terrain based screenshots I've seen, it looks pretty good though admittedly in-game can be a lot different. Could you please outline what you thought was wrong with it? 
Galactix Gets Revamp, News On Mapping 
Galactix has gotten some pretty new screenshots that show off its nearly final form. Go to to look at the screenshots and mod profile.

Regarding mapping (as many people have been asking about it lately), since there is little that will be changed between maps (mostly fog and skybox values, and player move speed), most of the variation will consist of cfg files. Instead of releasing a new bsp for most of the new maps, simply modify the existing one with a cfg that the player execs in addition to loading the map. The architecture never changes - it's a box with some boundaries. Only the skybox and other variables would ever change, and a cfg is much smaller and simpler to build.

For example, if you have the skybox "planet", you could make planet.cfg and include it with your skybox. The cfg would set fog to none, would set the skybox to planet, and would lower the player's speed slightly (it's a hard level). You could also modify how much points are recieved, etc.

For those of you who do wish to mess with more than that (for example, changing the distance of the background garbage that floats by or doing something creative), a new bsp would be in order and would likely work fine with any cfg modifiers that are released as well. Default variables of the map would be loaded if no cfg is present. 
you could use engine with skybox rotation (mh quake has it) for cool effect 
OUM's over here:

Look under "downloads."
It's on FilePlanet, I'm afraid. 
Nitin (unreal2 Terrain) 
- terrain texturing is a bit simplistic but ok
- terrains are always very small (if I remember correctly tim said it is brute force rendered in one chunk, which could explain it)
- they are very barren vegetation wise, esp from a distance they look extremely bland
- looks very monochromatic
- the shape is often smooth and not realistic/interesting. the technical term for this is "molten icecream modelling" ;)

I guess I am spoiled by our in-house landscape engine (see screenies on, but most other games do good as well. Compared to their amazing indoors/architecture, the terrain in unreal2 is clearly a generation behind. 
Thanks Aard 
interesting points, the only ones I can pick out from the screenshots are the smoothness and barreness. Textures and size are only something that can obviously looked at in-game. Interstingly, I thought the terrain in q3:TA and games based off that engine looked a bit too smooth too. I think Ritual in Fakk2 were the only ones who managed to make some non-smooth terrain but that had its own share of problems too. 
oh crap aardappel those screenies look great. 
Quake1 & XP 
i know this has been asked alot nowadays, but here it is again: how the fuck can i get Q1 to run under XP? must i masturbate with broom to get make it work? 
Speedy: Thanks, I'll see about that. Maybe CheapHack (the engine I'm driving at currently) can do that too.

Fatty: Thanks, I'm d/ling it now.

Quack: Have you tried the newer engines? I'm sure the dos quake won't work but the new engines (cheaphack, mhquake, darkplaces) should do ok. Hopefully. And leave the broom alone, it never did anything to you. :)

BTW, over at the inside3d forums I've been entertaining the idea of finishing Galactix mostly as is, and then distributing its full source to several people so they can make their own Galactix derivatives. We'd all release our versions at QExpo (some may even end up being stand-alone!). Someone brought up an idea I've been putting aside but now looks feasible if I do it as a different mod (having the ground move under you with turrets and tanks etc on it, as well as air enemies; like Raiden. there'd even be bosses at the end of each level, and some actual mapping oportunities).

What does everyone think of that? 
Mapping for an overhead shooter sounds interesting. Especially if the player may need to dodge some of the architecture (protruding antennea that break off when you hit them but they still cause damage to your vehicle; maybe cliffs, etc too). 
dosquake won't work on any NT, but winquake and glquake will. 
At this point, Galactix is going to split into several different mods as it is distributed to and worked on by multiple people. Everyone will release their version durring QExpo (if all goes well). The one I intend to do will involve a (probably) randomly generated terrein moving below the player, with various architecture and enemy forces strewn about, their movement and placement guided by various algorithms (curving roads, place enemies on roads and flat plains, placement of taller architecture etc).
In this sense, the taller architecture that must be dodged would sort of take the place of asteroids in the existing Galactix (something solid to dodge that randomly presents itself).

There is also the idea of just having a lateral map the player moves through. Every location of everything would be staticly defined, by the mapper, and actions would generally be scripted. However, this would add some definition and structure to the action and would beter allow the placement of bosses and powerups, etc. It would take up a lot of area though and could be tricky to implement.

I'm also considering working on Metal Slug Quake, which would operation the same idea: either have randomly generated areas the player moves through, or have a pre-built 2D world the player moves through. It wouldn't have to be lateral like Galactix though, which would help a lot.

If you're interested in trying out Galactix or mapping for it (which is about as un-complex as a box-map can get), e-mail me at static _ void @ hotmail . com . 
I'm interested, but I'm really way too busy right now. Things should ease up around the middle of May, though. 
Quake Demo -> Avi 
Does anybody know how to record video from quake without any special hardware ? Nongrindspire said he has a prog, but I havent heard from him for a week. If you know how to do it, mail or post here please. 
Makes more sence to me to have a team working on a single mod, to output finished, full of features, polished and tested game, rather than five guys, each making his own version with minor variations, half of which probably wont reach even beta status. 
Hehe, True 
Yea, I don't know what to do really. In all the mods I've ever worked on for myself, I have been a 1-man army. It's hard to depend on people to deliver when you're pretty sure they won't. :)

The nice thing about Galactix (and much of the quake1 programming world) is, most of the models and pictures and stuff can be found or adapted from something else, leaving mostly only programming (which can be done by a single or maybe 2-3 people at most) and maybe some mapping. I am Galactix's 1-man team, and I produced that alone in my free time, in a relatively short time period. The 'minor' variations I'm talking about would have a fairly large effect.

And besides, I would never consider having people map for a mod until it's nearing completion. Things could change durring development (rendering the map obsolete) or the whole mod could bomb out, leaving everyone hang'n. That's not very nice.
As fickle as modding is, especially in the older games where support is limited, it's nice to be able to go at it alone.

But it would be really nice to assemble a dedicated mod team. 
Galactix is completely done. All that's been done to it lately is a few enhancements (skybox on the map, couple bugfixes, new models to replace ugly ones). That's an advantage.

What we're doing is, we're taking the completed Galactix and giving it out to people, allowing them to use it as a code base for their own mods. That's how Galactix got started. I took frikac's Snowed mod and screwed it up so bad it'll never be fixed, and thus Galactix was born. ;p
From here people will make their own games with it. 
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