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Czg Scraps 
has anyone picked up where terra left? I think there are about 20%-ready terra7 and 8 maps on czg's site. I really loved the series, decent size and inspired maps! 
Nice screenies, but the architecture is a little bit too flat IMHO... Add crates !! 
It Could Be Good, 
but it's so dark, i can't see a thing...

that's not doom3 is it? o.0 
I Didn't Wanna Say Anything 
Looks bland to me. Nothing spectacular. Not saying it can't look good, but needs some lovin. 
I'm a sucker for grey/brown industrial textures, so you've got me there. The wall details in shots 1 and 3 are pretty cool, but I also have to agree with what other people are saying--there needs to be some additional stuff, and the stuff that's there needs to be a little more coherent. Try changing some of the right-angled wall corners into 45 degree walls. I think the stairs could be good in the right circumstances, but I don't think they fit well with the other architecture you have--the stairs and thin and frail, whereas the other architecture is wide and bulky. Try making some of the architecture more consistant--i.e. adding more small- and medium-sized details and making some of the larger shapes and details smaller (such as rounding off corners, splitting one large wall into two walls different walls that stick out at different heights).

Good job though, man. Show us version 2 after you make some changes. 
Cliff Complexity 
What levels of cliff complexity are acceptable these days?
are the cliffs in image 1 acceptably complex?
or should I make the whole cliff surface like image 3?
Shots #1 and #2 look way too bland. #3 looks OK, but could still use slightly more complexity. 
Complex Analysis 
Do the most complex you can afford to do while keeping the r_speeds reasonable. I know that's not a proper answer as you'll just ask what reasonable r_speeds are, but the point is that it depends on the rest of the map around those cliffs. If you look at the cliffs in Masque of the Red Death in the big open outside section, they're more in the style of #1, because it's a big open area with a huge castle through the middle of it. On the other hand, if those cliffs are the focal point of this area and you've got enough vis blocking so they don't slow down the other set pieces, then go ahead and do #3. 
What Jago Said 
I'd also point out that the rock texture you've used is a bit pants. It is very flat, repeats rather obviously and is a nasty shade of mint green. I dunno, maybe you chose it just to make the brushwork clearer in those shots, but it doesn't help make the cliffs complex/interesting. 
Hmmm Texture 
most of the map is different shades of greenish
doom textures from czg05 <- lunaran
is there a better greenish cliff texture available?
or should I try and make one?

1 and 2 are in a largeish outside area and are not
the focal point, I will try and make them more "natural" looking.

3 is in a very busy area (as in lotsa other stuff) and is just one side of the area, other stuff is visually more important in that area
imo. (3 also looks alot better in game then in that shot ;)

Thanks for the comments I will be considering
other cliff textures. 
Is nice, I like it, make them more like that.

I also like the rock texture, got a different vibe to it, looks a bit like a quarried pit or something, not too busy and harsh like some rock textures. 
bad tex, green-grey in q1 pal is pretty bad
shot #3 is fine 
Looking Good. 
Real good. I've realised I rather like Spdbase style.

Good luck with it, looking forward to it. 
What happened to that other speedbz map of yours? The one that was nearly finished and the one you were asking for help with? 
n1, looks great 
3 is good but the compiler will catch fire. I think with a busier/larger rock texture you could get away with vertical rocks - just turn them in and out at steeper angles, and qbsp will like you more. 
those look tight. Hope to see stuff from you soonish. 
typical d3 base-ery. :S

is it decent looking at least? :P 
It Has A Decent Ammount Of Color 
and the floor tiling is quite solid. What do you have in mind as far as developing it, giving it an edge over the yet-another-techbase syndrome? I have a recommendation if you will endulge me. Remember the gardens in System Shock, some nice high rez flora textures can be found on Shaderlab, that could add some color to a base in a similar respect. 
Yeah decent looking but no better really. Basically the same old syndrome of looking pretty boxy and just about obscuring that with dark lighting and detailed textures.

I'd like to see some DESIGNS please. 
I am supposd to mail it to u when u get ur stuff sorted out! 
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