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That sounds kinda cool. If that's the case, would it be copacetic if I made another speedmap in the idbase theme, so I could link up the four sm*_rpg speedmaps and have a comprehensive speed mini-episode?

Also, what time Sunday were you going to stop accepting SM58 contributions? 
I don't care if you want to make an extra map to go along with all your other maps if we're going to 'everyone fix your maps and I'll host/pimp them' route.

Let's say 4pm est sunday I'll stop accepting. Seems like a good round time. 
release them all seperately as examples of what a speedmap can become.

Better plan?

sounds good. 
For music visit Dazv3 for great justice!

If you like it hard, u might like that, if you dont like it hard then steer clear :) 
I'm Liking Rpg's Plan... 
That's what I wanted to do with my maps initially... modify them & create a mini episode. And yeah I'd have to make an idbase one too.

But it would be sweet if we had several of these episodes for each mapper. Or the mappers could choose one or two of their maps and make them into standalones. Then they could all be released together as scampie said...

3 or 4 weeks sounds good to me too. 
A Mini Episode 
containing modified proper maps would be pretty funky. And if a reasonable number of the mappers choose to do this, it'd be the biggest collective release of levels since nehahra. 
alright, at this point I have sm58 maps from Starbuck, Xen, and myself. RPG and inertia have promised me maps for tomorrow.

anyone else? 4pm est sunday is when I'll be releasing the pack.

nitin: Yes, it would be cool, but I fear it taking just as long to complete and have just as many headaches as nehahra. It's easy to say 'Yeah! let's all do this' but to get it done... it's something I worry this many mappers will have trouble completing. Sad but true. :\

Each person doing their own thing seems to be the best route to go here, and will hopefully get us plenty of excellant maps to enjoy. Myself, I think I'll be expanding my sm58 map from this week. 
Doom 3 Editing Forum 
You've probably already seen this, but just in case take a look at

I've been reading through a lot and theres a ton of handy info here for doom 3 mappers, etc. 
i think i want to use a new logo for my site, can any of you talented guys help me out?

i just want it to say

"underworldfan's single player map reviews"

[note no quake/cube etc and no capitalization]

it should also be the same size as the current one.

in terms of background/overall theme anything quake 1 is fine. 
what about dimensions? you currently have that cluster of 3 jpgs fitted around the obligatory banner ad; will that stay as is? 
If you still want that redesign, I'm still here, though my PC is down..but not for long, so I can't work just yet. 
kell: dimensions staying exactly the same. Keeping the 2 drawings on either side, i just want a new main heading to replace the current one.

phait: thanx man, but not the whole site. just the new main heading. 
Since no one else seems to have noticed, Deus Ex 2 demo is out.

You need a good (dx9) graphics card or it won't even run though 
runs fine on my geforce 3 (640x480 medium details) :) 
Re: Hmmm 
And from the comments I've read, it sucks last week's ass. As was somewhat predictable from the previews and interviews. Although the reported shocking performance wasn't. 
Hmm (two Ms! Two Dammit) 
To be specific, you need a card that supports pixel shaders 
Well I kinda like it, its still deus ex below all the graphical craziness.

The gameplay is actually quite good I thought, the only things I didn't like were the performance (obviously) and damn retina hud ( I like to see where Im going kthx!) and the god awful inventory management (thank the xbox for that no doubt).

If you can live with these flaws, then I bet the full game will be great. I'll be buying it. 
Just sent two SM58 maps your way. Right on the deadline... 
Dark Places Pulls Ahead

In the race of the SuperBuild Quakes Dark Places pulls ahead of the competition, rivals Tenebrae (beautifully lit but every thing looks melted)and Telejano (eye candy so gorgeous, a Scag spitting poisonous luggies in your face becomes an aestheticaly pleasing experience) this past week. Lord Havoc released a version on the 18th that if you check through the release notes you'll notice it includes the fact the engine now runs the Quake 3 format -- I tested it in Quake 3 maps for several factors -- Hugeness, model polycounts, patch (curved meshes) rendering, and in all my maps it performed better than Q3 Arena.

BTW, I'm not in any way affiliated with the Dark Places team aside from my plans to release maps specific for the engine in the near future. I don't know the guy, and he does not even bother to answer my e-mails (no offense though, my questions could have very well been stupid ones). 
What's With The 
superfast movement in darkplaces? is it just me? it seems like you run faster than in normal quake. 
Looks like everyone doing their own expansion project is it. What does a Jan 2nd deadline sound like to you guys? Keep in mind that Jan 3rd the Turtlemap 3 event begins. We can make Janurary one hell of a busy month for mappery! 
I am refering to expanding/cleaning up speedmaps from the last few week's Megatheme, unless that wasn't clear. 
Video Game Awards 
If you get Spike TV in your area, they're having the First Annual Video Game Awards on December 4th. This will probably be the only award show I watch ;) Anyways, you can vote for your faves here: 
this was a good year for shitty games. I voted Vice City for damn near everything. 
Bo! <<< THOUGHTS on unreal2

You lot moaned so I didn't have to =). 
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