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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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damn, that's evil. thanks for this amazingly fast fix! 
While I Remember ... Gamma On Lose/Gain Focus 
On OS X at least, a nicety would be ...

1) .. if Quakespasm is in a window (not fullscreen)
2) And I switch to another application
3) Quakespasm should restore the system normal gamma on "lose focus" and then restore the game normal gamma setting on "gain focus". 
Quakespasm doesn't seem to flush sound names between maps.

If you load up one map with many sounds and then load up another map with many sounds, the engine will crash with "S_FindName: out of sfx_t"

this was inherited from FQ085. 
make install does
cp quakespasm /usr/local/games/quake

Shouldn't that be cp quakespasm /usr/local/games/quake/ instead? 
Anyways, SOMEONE just made an Archlinux AUR package

Probably really ugly. 
Sound name flush, DESTDIR/trailing slash and mlook enabled by default would be good, but not much time at the moment. Patches ?

I'm curious about LeopolD multiplayer stuff too. (The format is a little wrong though. Individual file patches are normally concatenated together to form meaningful groups, but they'll get looked at sometime). 
I will give mlook, always run (!) and the trailing slash a try. 
always run and trailing slash were simple and clean.

But mlook seems to be evil. I also thought about making some better key defaults (right mouse to jump for example) so newbies get a modern keymap but then realised that this is config land. I gave up. 
What I did was add a cvar called freelook, then every check just becomes "if ((in_mlook.state & 1) || freelook.value)". Reason for this cvar name is that precedent is set in both Q2 and Q3A so it's expected behaviour for players. 
Yeah - some of these config options can be hassles.

Not keen on changing the always run default myself.
freelook.... hmmm. Maybe we can live with the mlook hassle. It reminds people of how things *used* to be, laugh.
Slash is applied. 
Out Of Sfx_t 
Maybe the solution for this is adopting the S_BeginRegistration/S_EndRegistration/s_registration_sequence stuff of q2 into q1. I'll try making a patch, possibly this evening. 
Out Of Sfx_t, #2 
it would be good if I had some testcase content for it, though. 
I think just setting num_sfx to 0 in Host_ClearMemory is all you need. I've done this in C++ with an std::vector<sfx_t *> which is NULLed then cleared from Host_ClearMemory, but of course that's not an option here. 
Freelook Cvar Sounds Nice. 

I also thought about making some better key defaults (right mouse to jump for example) so newbies get a modern keymap but then realised that this is config land. I gave up.

that sounds like a good idea. I think the main thing that needs updating is moving the movement keys to WASD.

I forget which file the actual defaults are in, but if quakespasm provided a replacement config file that had a higher search-path precedence than the originals in id1/pak[0/1].pak, but lower than everything else, it should work ok.. (?)

re: autorun, does anyone play without autorun? i guess changing the default is approaching a fine line between "good defaults", and "screwing with the game too much", although my initial reaction is having it on is a good default. 
Other things that need changing are -heapsize and the max_edicts cvar. -heapsize needs to be replaced with proper virtual memory, and max_edicts shouldn't exist at all - both of them are loading work onto the player that should really be handled automatically by the engine. 
Patch Format 
Well, yeah, I went from file to file because I had made some other changes as well that don't have anything to do with the MP or don't work at all.
However you should be able to do a
$ cat *patch > big_patch
and apply that since you will need all of them anyway.

My wishlist:
1) independent FPS for single player - going from 600 and more FPS in MP to forced 72 FPS in single player just to prevent elevators from fekking up on a CRT running @120hz is not a nice experience.
2) gl_contrast would be really nice.
3) a well working demo menu.

Most wished and hoped for of course is independent FPS:) 
Keyboard Setup 
Is there any way to force a keyboard layout? I don't like the console key being a couple of keys left of backspace and would prefer the setting that Fitzquake uses, which seems to force a US layout. Also, Quakespasm has some problems with the console flickering for some reason. I suspect that it's related to the Japanese input program in windows, which uses the same key as the console, and is a pretty horrible piece of shit anyway...

Lately I really realised just how much I hate Windows 7. 
if gl_texturemode setting was saved automatically or available in graphics options I would be extra happy. It can be added to a command line shortcut or config file pretty easy of course :) 
(gl_texturemode in options)++
is a command, but could be re-implemented as a cvar... or they could just hack it into the config like vid_restart and +mlook get added. 
already implemented as a cvar with a callback in the svn repo. 
Console Key 
you can always use shift+esc combination for console 
Higher Sound Quality 

Is it possible to increase the native sound rate from 11khz to 44khz? I couldn't find a command line or console variable. Also I've always found it bizzare how the weapon doesn't sit on the HUD like software Quake, is it possible to fix this in GL or is that a fault of Id's programming with the GL code? 
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