#2583 posted by Mike Woodham on 2005/09/16 05:07:40
Some super-bastard lavas there: I'm playing with them now.
#2584 posted by grahf on 2005/09/16 09:03:22
i think the problem is not with the choice of lava texture (they're all decent), but with the massive brightness change from the fullbright lava and the fulldark brick columns coming out of the lava. Put some light sources down near the lava, so it looks more like it's glowing a bit, then the transition won't be so jarring.
#2585 posted by Mike Woodham on 2005/09/16 10:01:35
Yes, you're right. The original screenies do show a section of stone and lava correctly lit: see #2545 above, third shot.
I think more than anything it was the tiling that I was concened about but as I say, I have now selected the lava that I will use.
Thanks for your comments anyway.
#2586 posted by Lunaran on 2005/09/16 10:51:00
I hear start.bsp has a good lava texture too.
#2587 posted by Mike Woodham on 2005/09/16 12:40:26
Luv it :-)
Blah, blah... melting icecaps and the sea levels are rising; blah, blah... price of oil looks like it will drop back to pre-hurricane prices; blah, blah... blistering speeds proven on the new G4s; oh yes, and did you catch the quality of that lava in start.bsp - I've been told it's really good...
(Read the above in your head using a psuedo-newscaster type voice, kinda mid-Atlantic disc jockey)
Made me chuckle just imagining the scenarios of how you 'heard' about it.
Anyway, honest, I've now selected the lava I will use. But what I might do is give FMB-BDG a start map where the player can choose their lava texture: that could provide a solution to suit everyone ;-)
Ooooh, I've eaten too much rice pudding!
#2588 posted by nitin on 2005/09/16 18:43:53
"But what I might do is give FMB-BDG a start map where the player can choose their lava texture."
You're no serious are you mike ? Just go with what you picked.
#2589 posted by Mike Woodham on 2005/09/17 01:16:06
Just a joke, honest.
I promise not to mention lava again. (Well, at least, not in this post!)
Shad3dm2 - Deep Freeze (Release Canidate 4)
Need To Have
#2591 posted by Shambler on 2005/09/17 09:13:22
Bigger screenshots and more grey brick textures...
Seriously though, looks sweet, nice one.
#2592 posted by negke on 2005/09/17 10:51:32
the bots get stuck in the corner next to the stairs in the rl area.
woops.. yes they do :P
had a spawn point inside a bot-clip brush.. I'll fix that for the final version
#2594 posted by pjw on 2005/09/17 21:21:21
This map is looking very nice. Lighting and detailing are excellent, and item placement is a kick. I especially like the MH and Quad (and it's kinda cool that someone can get the Quad without using the wall switch if they have the movement skills, although I doubt it would happen during an actual match).
It feels pretty finished at this point. The only nitpicks I might have are (a) clip (and botclip if you haven't already) some of the weapon spots that are a bit bumpy as you move across them, and (b) the brick is a bit iffy on some angled brush faces, especially where it has to go from wall to ceiling and/or is getting stretched a bit. There are a few places where you've done some clipping and added some metal trims and such on some angled bits rather than having solid brick on all faces, and it looks better. I'd be tempted, were it me, to replace the brick in quite a few spots, but like I said, that's nitpicking...
#2595 posted by gone on 2005/09/20 04:31:05
grey brick
#2596 posted by Jago on 2005/09/28 15:23:54
#2597 posted by HeadThump on 2005/09/28 16:07:21
#2598 posted by necros on 2005/09/28 16:39:18
i love that wood detailing going on in the second shot. those angles are making me hot!
Very Nice Shots
#2599 posted by ionous on 2005/09/28 19:39:47
...although i personally would like to see the Heretic2 textures phased out in favor of the ID ones.
#2600 posted by R.P.G. on 2005/09/28 19:53:12
Cool stuff, but I'd rather see the the original id1 textures used instead, plus a few variants a la e1m1rmx.
#2601 posted by necros on 2005/09/28 21:04:14
i think it looks awesome with those textures. ;)
#2602 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/09/28 21:08:36
Did you even work on it or are those shots from like 3 months ago?? :) Anyway, you can work on it for a while yet Jago I'm swamped with school so I won't be able to touch it until Christmas time.
#2603 posted by JPL on 2005/09/28 23:05:58
IMHO, there's a weird thing in the screenies: Why did you use these light textures (yellow neons) that sounds to come from the ID base texture set ?? I'm very surprised to see some electrical stuff in a medieval like castle... it's not really, let's say consistent...
I really think you should replace these light textures by something else... thought... it's just my taste, so..
However, it looks cool regarding the screenies... keep it up !
#2604 posted by bal on 2005/09/28 23:11:19
Looks nice, but the two shots almost look like they come from different maps cause of the textures. The classic ID textures just don't blend it so nicely with the Heretic2 textures in my opinion.
#2605 posted by Vondur on 2005/09/28 23:32:11
nah it blends well in the game, i've seen
Nice Shots.
#2606 posted by Text_Fish on 2005/09/29 02:38:42
Though, I think the first shot could do with having a bit more love and attention lavished upon it to make it stand up to the second, as it looks a little bare in comparison.
PS. I like the lights, myself. They suit the putrid, almost gaseous atmosphere you have going.
Just my personal opinion of course, but if you're using those textures, I feel you've missed the point of the whole RMX thing.
Vondurzg had it exactly right - you want to use the standard textures and variations of those, to make it look faithful to the original (or at least in vaguely the same style).
Of course, I haven't seen the map in game, so maybe its superawesome and I just don't know it...
But honestly, if you wanna make a version of that map with different textures, go right ahead (obviously!) but if you wanna do an RMX thing and follow in the footsteps of Vondurzg, then I'd reckon you'd want to stick closer to the original theme.