#235 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/21 06:23:45
So you are saying that the Lionguy problem is because of the map, not because of the code?
That fight looks pretty good, use the skull projectile I linked to earlier.
I think your stratos is too small, next to the Scrag it looks really small, make it because.
The Joker doesn't have regeneration either, it falls down and gets back up, But I think that is a long pain pose and not regeneration.
#236 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/21 06:30:34
regarding limb removal, I think you should try that after all the Chasm monsters are converted and work good. The main thing about that is that the attacks change when the limbs are removed. Even Panzerchasm has problems with that.
#237 posted by madfox on 2020/01/21 09:12:23
I'm not sure what causes this side effect.
Joker don't has a regenerate code yet, because I wonder what causes this one time self.inpain effect.
After the first time it won't respond again and won't hardly go into run or pain functions.
Just keeps attacking in one row.
It can be the frame count is or too long, or not in balance.
#238 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/21 11:01:58
so if you placed the lionman into another map, like fourfeather, would his code work correctly?
#239 posted by madfox on 2020/01/22 08:20:43
- Repaired the Skeleton status to Zombie.
- Added a small Sacrof.
- Repaired the Lionguy attack.
#240 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/22 09:35:19
Congrats on the lionman being fixed
Here is a saved game for dos chasm with a skeleton, so you can see how the real thing works
#241 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/22 09:39:47
There is something wrong with the Stratos, it changes size during its animations
Both versions of the Sacrof is too weak, change to:
sarcof - melee_attack 55* missile attack 85* health 2500. (armagon level)
sercof - melee_attack 25* missile attack 35* health 500. (shambler level)
Delete or make the rock invisible on the deadguy, and it looks like the shout attack, right?
#242 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/22 09:40:44
what is the damage value on a fiend jump?
#243 posted by madfox on 2020/01/22 10:40:50
I accidently resized only one frame in Stratos. I did an update but it's possible it is rejected.
#244 posted by madfox on 2020/01/23 00:00:57
Demon_JumpTouch = ldmg = 40 + 10*random();
I think Skeleton's health is too low.(:P)
#245 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 05:28:17
Yes, the skeleton can take 3 rockets.
what is the code for the mincer's attacks?
I feel like both versions of the Sacrof is too slow, make them the same speed as the alien captain.
You see how currently after the Skeleton's regen, it could only be killed with rockets? Then part of the code is useful for the deadguy, as in Chasm only rockets can kill the deadguy.
#246 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 05:37:09
Can you put do a test map where the big Sacrof and the mini are next to each other? How big is the boss Sacrof compared to the shambler?
Can you do another one mini Sacrof vs shambler?
#247 posted by madfox on 2020/01/23 05:45:45
Finished tt_tower. I hate turrids! Yes? I hate them!!!
Scarof and Scerof have even less attack frames than AlienCaptain,
so they are faster than him.
Their attacks were less damagefull.
Mincer is just the dog code with melee attack of 50*.
The regenerate code is rather obvious. If I make the health stratus higher they won't go down anymore.
#248 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 05:54:16
I am talking about the Scarof's walk speed
Can you show me the dog code and pig code?
Make turret shoot lasers, nails, and rockets, and the damage between 20-25. Quake 2 Ground Zero shows us that high damage turrets are nasty
#249 posted by madfox on 2020/01/23 07:15:04
Have another play and tell me how it goes.
Their walk speed was indeed too low.
#250 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 07:44:01
Turret is not done yet
Stratos corpse sinks into the ground again, please fix
deadguy attack is good, but needs a bit more damage, also the sound is not correct, the zombie has a special howling sound.
I've seen the mincer do close to 100 damage in one attack, why is this? The melee damage should not go above 50. Pig should be slightly less than mincer.
#251 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 07:50:02
I think that weird rock sound that the deadguy currently has is actually for the Gross. The Chasm developer mixed up Gross and Lionman.
#252 posted by madfox on 2020/01/23 08:06:41
I see no trouble in t_tower, can be the adjustments for the statics.
I have the same thing with sacrof
I had to recover the seized Stratos, which is the one that drops.
Mincer melee attack is 50*, but it also has a charge attack of 14.
#253 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 08:34:11
but the turret does look collapsed on my computer, but as long as your are aware of the problem, I am sure you can fix it.
so the mincer can do 64 damage in one bite? Reduce the damage to 36, so that it can only do 50 damage. The only one who should do 60-70 damage melee is the boss Scarof.
Skeleton also walks too slow.
#254 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 08:35:36
can you put the Scarof and Mini Scarof in an big open area in the next map, along with a shambler. Really hard to test in that small area.
#255 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/23 11:49:13
Madfox, one more thing, in the latest version, a mong can take more than a rocket, while two rockets can kill a lionman. Can you double check the health settings between the game and your table?
All Monsters?
#256 posted by madfox on 2020/01/25 05:03:09
Lionguy health 220 - Mong health 180.
- Added Phantom and Sphinx.
- Experimental stadium, not sure of the attacks.
- Changed the tt_tower as the static collapsed the entity.
- I keep the sticky warning : "h_gross is a HexenII model".
Coding made me ketchup.
#257 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/25 05:38:30
Lionguy and Viking needs more health due to being Melee monsters. 300-350, tougher than Gross
Mong is too tough at 180, the most powerful enforcer from AD, the eliminator, only has 120 health. 80-100 health is good for Mong.
How is the Joker doing? The square blade? the pain pose?
#258 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/25 05:43:06
These are the AD health values you can use for reference:
AD Monsters
monster_spider (30/75HP) // Erratic arachnids in brown/green variety
monster_voreling (30/60HP) // Ankle biting, crazy jumping, mini shalraths
monster_swampling (30/60HP) // Ankle biting, poisonous three legged terrors
monster_lostsoul (30HP) // Floating skull with a ram/bite attack
monster_dguard (35HP) // Medieval style soldier replacement (melee only)
monster_eel (35HP) // Fast moving sneaky fish firing plasma (range only)
monster_boil (40HP) // Proximity mine with tarbaby like explosive damage
monster_zombiek (60HP) // Sword wielding zombie, fast movement (melee only)
monster_dcrossbow (75HP) // Chainmail knight with crossbow (sniper ability)
monster_gargoyle (120HP) // Large flying fireball throwing imp (range only)
monster_gaunt (120HP) // Flying plasma wielding harpy creature (range only)
monster_scorpion (80/120HP) // Brown/green range stinger and black jumping surprise
monster_skullwiz (120HP) // Tall wizard with fast skull missiles and teleportation
monster_hogre (200HP) // Ogre Hunter model replacement (extra melee)
monster_hogremac (200HP) // Alternative ogre model with mace weapon
monster_hogreham (300HP) // Heavy metal ogre model with hammer attack
monster_dknight (250HP) // Hell Knight model replacement (classic silver)
monster_wraith (300HP) // Semi-transparent wraith with debuff attacks
monster_dfury (400HP) // Fast sword wielding knight with magic attacks
monster_dsergeant (400HP) // Blue Flail knight with homing missiles
monster_drole (500HP) // Large tentacle tank with rocket/melee attacks
monster_minotaur (500HP) // Giant hulk with fast plasma/poison attacks
monster_golem (500HP) // Massive mountain of rock with large fists and feet
monster_army_rocket (45HP) // Red armour heat seeking rocket soldiers
monster_army_grenade (60HP) // Green armour Z aware grenade firing soldiers
monster_army_plasma (75HP) // Blue armour high damage plasma gun soldiers
monster_pyro (100HP) // Yellow armour flamethrowing enforcer (burn defuff)
monster_fumigator (100HP) // Green armour Posion Spewing enforcer (poison debuff)
monster_jim (50/100HP) // Fast moving flying laser/rocket robot
monster_defender (100HP) // Dual wielding SSG (melee range) and GL (mid range)
monster_eliminator (120HP) // Blue armour double firing plasma gun enforcers
monster_centurion (120HP) // Flying hover board plasma gun enforcers
monster_freddie (500HP) // Slow moving weapons platform with ogre on top
monster_seeker (500HP)
#259 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/25 05:44:33
Also include that Green scorpion skin you made, no reason to waste it.