#2552 posted by JPL on 2009/04/14 08:04:12
Good found ;)
#2553 posted by ijed on 2009/04/14 13:48:27
It's not that special in concept but extremely well finished.
Replay Doom 2 TNT Evilution
#2554 posted by JPL on 2009/04/19 15:26:06
Hell, I didn't remember how good it was.. fucking good map.. To play again without any doubts :D
... I Thought TNT: Evilution Was Part Of Final Doom
#2555 posted by meTch on 2009/04/20 03:54:33
along with the plutonia experiment or what ever :O
//doom3 should have been doom4 on PC :P
////damn i should play Final Doom again :S
#2556 posted by JPL on 2009/04/20 08:01:06
Final Doom is a compilation of the best Doom maps ever, and TNT Evilution / Plutonia Experiment has been included "as is" in the pack... And if you have any interest of replaying it separately on your PC (as I do with Doom Legacy engine) you can download the Doom wads here: in the wads section ;)
Enjoy !!
#2557 posted by ijed on 2009/04/20 15:43:21
Was right - World of Goo is pretty good. It is just an extended flash game, but with more depth, better story and artwork.
$20 is a bit steep for what you get, nut I'm having fun with it.
#2558 posted by ijed on 2009/04/20 15:43:40
Shii !!!!!
#2559 posted by JPL on 2009/04/20 18:26:18
#2560 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/04/20 18:48:01
That's very insulting to women!
New Fallout !
#2561 posted by Zwiffle on 2009/04/20 20:17:43
Fallout: New Vegas - apparently a new game, not a sequel to Fallout 3 but more like a contemporary kind of thing. Coming out next year or so.
Who else is excited?
I Still
#2562 posted by ijed on 2009/04/20 20:52:53
Haven't played ANY of the previous Fallouts - so many games, so little time. $50 is a price I try to pay once or twice a year as well.
That's Surprising.
#2563 posted by necros on 2009/04/20 21:43:36
i'd have thought they'd just keep doing downloadable content for FO3.
#2564 posted by Spirit on 2009/04/20 23:36:13
Screw Fallout 3! Get Fallout 1 for 1$ somewhere and lose countless hours in its greatness.
Isnt It In Fallout 1 N' 2
#2565 posted by meTch on 2009/04/21 02:35:54
you can make your characters intelligence so low that when they speak its just Sloth-like sounds?
L4D Survival Pack
#2566 posted by Shambler on 2009/04/21 13:53:37
The DLC is free to all owners of Left 4 Dead and introduces a new multiplayer game mode entitled, Survival, plus two complete campaigns for Versus Mode.
No mention of any new coop stuff = pointless = count me out.
#2567 posted by necros on 2009/04/21 19:38:27
yeah, although it's more like "me help you" instead of "sure, i'll help you out."
and some NPCs mock you which is pretty funny.
L4D Pack
#2568 posted by ijed on 2009/04/21 21:34:08
You can't be counted out unless you never connect to the internet to play.
There's a rumour that the HDR testmap (lighthouse) might be one of the Survival maps, though don't know how valid that is.
#2569 posted by ijed on 2009/04/22 00:40:59
There it is, including a lighthouse.
58% and counting . . .
And Some NPCs Mock You Which Is Pretty Funny
#2570 posted by meTch on 2009/04/22 00:45:48
only three letters can describe that: L, O, L
#2571 posted by Shambler on 2009/04/22 11:02:32
Okay, maybe I'm not understanding Survival mode, is it coop then??
I'd rather just have new campaigns / a new weapon / a new special.
#2572 posted by DaZ on 2009/04/22 13:30:29
Is basicly a never ending finale event like the ending area of each campaign. The idea is to survive (duh) as long as you can against endless zombies and specials.
I did hear a rumour that Valve were working on a flamethrower for L4D, which would be great :D
Also, I would love some sort of heavy melee weapon that you could replace pistols with perhaps, like a fire axe or sledge hammer, im sure that could be fun ;)
#2573 posted by nonentity on 2009/04/22 13:58:53
It's like the DMSP player mod but co-op Sham.
Still got all the hectic teamplay you enjoy from campaign, but without all that hassle of walking through a level (yes, I agree that it's inferior to a new campaign, but still, probably be good for a laugh or 6)
#2574 posted by nonentity on 2009/04/22 13:59:24
Yes I'm a single-player player. Playa!
#2575 posted by Shambler on 2009/04/22 17:21:48
I see. Hmmm, maybe baby.
+1 for flamethrower.
I Like
#2576 posted by ijed on 2009/04/22 17:37:49
The sound of new specials - the Screamer that was cut was basically a cross between the Boomer and the witch but there's alot of scope for other designs.
Not a fan of the weapon suggestions so far - an instant fire weapon negates the molotov's clunkiness. It was left clunky for a reason and adding the ability to instantly flame stuff introduces a whole new range of mechanics.
Could be done I spose.
Melee would be fun, but I doubt they'll go for it. I suspect they'll keep the zombies as the melee creatures. It's the cool thing to do right now - 1st person everything - but I'm not yet convinced. Have yet to play Zeno Clash though.
How about a disposable rocket launcher? Not a Quake rocket launcher but a real one. I mean kneel down to fire, shrapnel pinging off etc. A tank stopper.
Another one might be claymores - cover yourselves but if you don't let your team-mates know then you're fucked.
The other thing that could be an interesting new mechanic is non-combatants. You have to get them to the safe house but they're useless bots without guns.