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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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changing to 3, 1, 2 (using your numbers.)

Well, that should be 3,2,1 to be correct. But I _think_ that would mess things. 
continuing from the jam thread..

what's the history behind qs
The QS changelog is the best summary of what was changed versus Fitzquake. Likewise, the Fitzquake changelog summarizes what metl changed versus GLQuake

Also worth mentioning, QS started as a continuation of SleepwalkR's port of fitzquake to SDL (for mac/linux support):
It also shares some code and maintainers with uhexen2 
Thanks for the links, good stuff. Not quite what I meant with my question, though; I'm more in learning about the circumstances behind QS's adoption by the community as a "Standard" engine. Was it just momentum carried forwards from the popularity of fitzquake, or something like that? Mostly just asking because I wasn't around in the community at the time, so it's all a bit of a mystery to me as to how we got to where we are today. 
is there plans to add some of the graphical features shown elsewhere on the forum, about flames rendering and other special effects ?

And what about the OS X version ? 
Pritchard, I'm kind of curious to hear how other folks answer your question, but from my POV... yeah, Fitzquake had established itself as the "better version of GLQuake" that was the standard for making/testing/playing custom Quake maps. Fitzquake stopped development after a while and then Quakespasm sort of carried that torch forward. 
Special FX: Try the Spiked version. It's not the goal of regular QS. 
What is the Spiked version ? Is it available on OS X ? 
Fitzquake Already Was The De Facto Standard 
QuakeSpasm took over because it was more actively developed and cross platform, I would say. 
A fork of QS made by Spike that supports fancy stuff like particles and weather effects. There's a tutorial thread here:
Additionally, here: is an example of effects for E1M1. You'll find the download link for the latest revision either on top of this page or in post #25 of the previous link.

I have no idea if there is a Mac version, though. I'm sure some people here would know. 
QS-Spiked is a version of quakespasm that'll get you drunk faster than you expected...
it still looks+feels the same, unless someone actually uses one of the new features (which is imho why quakespasm is the more accepted / neutral engine).
and annoyingly people focus on only the particles rather than the other things intended to stop it from being crippleware. grr.

there's no prebuilt mac build, no linux build, no win64-specific build. the only prebuilt build is for win32, on account of it being intended as an updated patch rather than an engine in its own right, and me being too lazy to make 4 different builds with all their dependancies and crap.
its still based on sdl, so you should be able to compile your own version if you're determined (but you might need to grab any missing files from vanilla quakespasm).

Heh, well at least there are people interested in your work... 
How To Trigger Spike 
Aren't you also the man behind FTE? Considering that, I find your comment very surprising. At any rate, the people who come to QSS for the pretty-shiny can discover its other features afterwards. 
I'll make a mac build of qs-spiked soon 
Spike is all about the QuakeC. What would really need to happen is some single player modder using the QuakeC extensions available in the modified engine.

Like use the magic ear extension in QuakeC to create a shrine area with different statues and you have to say a magic word like "Klaatu Barada Nicto" to open the entrance to the tomb.

Like those games where the vault combination "4398" or the computer password is scrawled on a wall, possibly an alert player could use it to get a secret item.

Or have computer be able to do different commands like "airlock" to open a door on a base map. 
See? I've just discovered something! I admit that my interest in QSS resides primarily into said pretty-shiny, because I'm a DP fan and "normal" QS looks a bit too vanilla and I want to play maps/mods that have issues with DP but still get the bling, but what I've just read is AWESOME SAUCE! 
The actual extension is KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND and QSS totally has it.

Which let's QuakeC intepret chat knowing what player entity said it and where they are. 
Krimzon? An easter egg referencing King Crimson, perhaps? 
Krimzon was a community member from ancient times. 2001/2002 or so; don't ask me to be any more specific.

Considering that, I find your comment very surprising.

If you use Linux you should be able to compile yourself. If you're not able to compile yourself maybe you shouldn't use Linux. 
Barnak has a Mac which can only run 10.6 (32 bit or something). Spike doesn't have a Mac, gotta have a Mac to compile Mac version because Apple wants it that way and sells hardware. SleepWalkerR has a method to compile for old Mac OS versions, it's obscure as hell and requires frameworks no longer available from Apple. Ericw has those frameworks/files.

Ericw = only guy on planet who can make binaries for Barnak's Mac. 
Krimzon was a community member from ancient times.
Oh, OK. Just asking because Crimson is one of my fav bands.

If you're not able to compile yourself maybe you shouldn't use Linux.
I don't. I tried a S.u.S.E. distro a long time ago but Linux is not user-friendly enough for me. I wasn't talking about the build part but about your jaded/angry tone. 
Barnak's Mac
Heh, that sounds funny. Try repeating it as fast as you can. 
I personally tend to play quake with vanillay setting. Pretty stuff like rtlights is not what I personally favour, which is why I've not gone completely crazy with that stuff. For instance, FTE has a number of presets, and only ONE of them has fullblown rtlights enabled.
Pretty stuff sells (yay screenshots), hence your interest in DP, which is why FTE has the effects that it does, but its not my personal focus. I'm more about letting people do what they want without extra barriers (bug-willing), hence csqc etc.
Note that QSS has a whole load of ssqc extensions, such that mods like SMC can run. I'm not saying that its worth playing SMC with QSS, only that its content-loading limitations that really holds it back (well, okay, a couple of extra things that I didn't bother to network up because I couldn't be bothered to implement the various clientside parts).
The point is that QSS should no longer feel like crippleware to an aspiring ssqc modder.
And hopefully FTE+DP users won't be left with horrible clunky mods that comprise of 60% hacks that were needed to work around QS limitations.
The particle system is useful to mods+maps, in much the same way as fence textures or strcat (though you're likely to need to use the more limited DP-defined effect definitions if you want compat across all 3 engines). My personal justification for including the particle system was because Sock used custom particles in AD, demonstrating a need, but that his particles made the game totally unplayable in coop - using the engine's particle system, this problem goes away.
Anyway, that's my reasoning.

@ericw, I *really* need to get off my arse and do that bugfixes-and-polish-only r5 build, then start harassing you or the other guys to get it merged into vanilla QS... but meh, lazy.

@baker, numberic combinations like 4398 could easily be done with impulses, but yes that would generally imply breaking weapon switching in certain areas.
I'd like if someone made a proper map-scripting language some time, but I'm too lazy myself. 
-Triggers targets when a given magic word has been said
--------- KEYS --------
-message: message to wait for (can start or end with * for wildcards)
-netname: replacement text (by default, no replacement is performed if empty)
-radius: radius in which the player has to be for this to match
-target: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
-target2: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
-target3: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
-target4: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.

/Xonotic QuakeC source code 
My OS X 10.6 is full 64 bit.

If Quakespasm runs well on it, then it should run well on all newer OS X's. 
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