#2531 posted by Trinca on 2008/11/18 23:14:23
:) hehe
#2532 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/11/19 01:30:34
"As usual Monday deadline, send maps to me."
Can someone give me the rules again? When can I start mapping for a Monday deadline? Does it need to be done in 2 hours or what are the current rules?
The Rules Are
#2533 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/11/19 01:40:30
1.a.01) All maps herein created by an author (referred to hereafter as "the mapper") are to be submitted no later than 0700 hours, Central Standard Time.
1.a.02) If a map's creation time is greater than 2 hours of time, the mapper responsible must cut off his left thumb and swallow it live on web cam.
1.b.01) Just map and get it in by Monday some time. Sheesh.
#2534 posted by drew on 2008/11/19 06:56:48
usually I map for 2-5 hours. I don't think I've ever gone longer than that, and I've never broken it up, unless you count 15 minute breaks to like, pick my gf or something like that.
I've never made one in less than an hour. But shit, its tough mapping with no thumbs.
#2535 posted by Spirit on 2008/11/19 08:59:28
The rules are: Have fun!
If you feel like it, map 60 minutes. I often try that. :D
If you want to invest hours, well, that's your choice. It's good to try things and stuff. I would not ever spent hours polishing the gameplay, lighting, texturing or things alike though. Speedmaps aren't worth that in my opinion.
And you can totally ignore any theme (which I might do this week because I want to try something rather different). ;)
#2536 posted by Trinca on 2008/11/19 11:18:15
I think i will jump of this week ;) negke is pressing me up to finish tchak ;) and i want to start beta in end of month to release during christmas ;) i need to start a fresh map in 2009 :)
#2537 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/11/19 11:43:04
Heh, OK, I know the idea is to just map and have fun but I didn't want to break any rules ... but there are no real rules, so I'm good. Thx!
#2538 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/11/20 01:20:48
Check the maps for SM141
Dont know how long I spent on mine, but it wasn't as long as I probably said it was, but I got slated for it being too polished, and not a REAL speedmap. I dont care really, it was fun to make. MY only midevil map.
Apparently it was a turtlemap, but if I had taken a week it would have been even better. I was on my midevil mapping honeymoon....
#2539 posted by st3ady on 2008/11/20 06:12:03
Willem is getting in on it this week!? woop woop this should be good XD
Ya, What Ricky Said,
#2540 posted by HeadThump on 2008/11/20 07:00:47
yesterday after finishing my lunch, I grabbed a legal pad to sketch out the ideas for the map and how the entities would need to be organized to make it work, when after the eighth page of detail it occurred to me that the idea is a little too involved for a speed map. I'll still take some time to map for it, though.
#2541 posted by st3ady on 2008/11/22 18:22:35
gotta skip this week, i've fallen behind in my MCAT studies, I need to spend the whole weekend and Monday catching up. sux
Didn't Finish
#2542 posted by HeadThump on 2008/11/24 03:45:49
I have to be up early tomorrow so I don't have any more time to work on it. Here is the map file if anyone feels like throwing some entities at a
basically complete but entity free structure. It's in Quake 3 format.
If not, I'll finish it up next session.
Haha... Uhm
#2543 posted by Drew on 2008/11/24 07:41:54
Ditto to Headthump.
My speedmap has morphed into something more quasi turtleish. Minus the quality that title implies... I tried to whip something together quickly but I'm burnt out.
I have a theme suggestion for next week though: Finish an aborted speedmap.
Not Finishing?
#2544 posted by Spirit on 2008/11/24 09:09:14
What are you, girls?
#2545 posted by negke on 2008/11/24 09:57:04
That's A Good Theme For Next Week Though...
#2546 posted by Shambler on 2008/11/24 10:57:03
"Finish some map scraps". Should be easy, most ppl have many lying around, and could do more than one map for it.
Hello Sailors
#2547 posted by HeadThump on 2008/11/24 16:08:36
Not Finishing?
#2544 posted by Spirit [] on 2008/11/24 09:09:14
What are you, girls?
#2545 posted by negke [] on 2008/11/24 09:57:04
The preferred term is fancylad, or Nancy, but, yeah, I wimped out.
The Important Thing Is That We Tried.
#2548 posted by Drew on 2008/11/24 18:19:19
And that we have distressingly realistic looking vaginas.
#2549 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/11/24 18:26:27
It don't mean shit if it doesn't ship!
Oh Yeah!
#2550 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2008/11/24 18:59:18
Lets take "finish an aborted speedmap" as theme next week. I didn't quite finish mine as wel, but with a week more I can expand it an finish for next session.
And since HeadThump and Drew has speedmap scraps as well we can have some "double" speedmaps, guess it will be turtlemaps then?
Well who cares as long as we get some maps!
#2551 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/11/24 19:00:26
Theme suggestion: Man up and finish!
More Like:
#2552 posted by Shambler on 2008/11/24 19:13:20
"Finish up a man!"
Can see CZG cumming out of retirement for that one.
#2553 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/11/25 01:48:32
Has a speed map event been done on the theme of "infighting"? Might be interesting and chaotic...
#2554 posted by negke on 2008/11/25 09:54:49
In most cases map scraps deserve better than being haphazardly pushed out for speedmapping purposes. Do something original!
(There was a Drew scraps themed session once)
How About...
#2555 posted by generic on 2008/11/25 14:07:16
A speedmapping theme of finishing up some of Shambler's map scraps.
You know he's had to try it at least once!