#1 posted by Homo sapien on 2008/06/30 03:29:15
Screenshot or it didn't happen.
#2 posted by Lunaran on 2008/06/30 03:50:53
you linked to your 'thanks for uploading this file' page. you want this one:
(posting so I can click it and try the map)
#3 posted by Lunaran on 2008/06/30 04:16:14
I really like how the 'infinite monsters and ammo, no health' felt. very frantic, like there was time pressure, except the pressure was my dwindling health.
I didn't realize you had to stand next to the terminal in the trigger until it finished, so I wandered around for a while hunting fiends until I went back for the third or fourth time and it finally finished. then I went back up the elevator through the sealed bulkhead, fought the guys, got in the final teleporter ... and that didn't work either. so I killed a few more dudes and then the message told me NOW it was active, so I made a run for it and got shot in the back two feet shy of the exit. :P
 Start Off With 200 Health
#4 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/30 04:47:54
and the SNG, this should be easy. Think, I'll whistle as I mosey my way up the that corridor . . .
#5 posted by ijed on 2008/06/30 05:19:07
Metl - can you fix the link to Lunaran's version? Thanks. Tbh I thought that that page would serve the same purpose, only realised afterwards that the thing would require a bit more messing about. I didn't take screenshots because it's just a small mapping effort, and I'm lazy.
Here are a few now though;
You're right about that damn console, Lun, nobody realises you have to wait there . . . I should have put a message if the player tries to leave that room before downloading all the data, but it's a pain in the balls to do triggered triggers, especially on a brush limitation (no nail logic gates).
The mechanic of waiting by the console is pretty Space Hulk, maybe why it seems more obvious to me.
Sounds like you had some fun with the map, anyway.
I'm a huge warhammer 40k fan, and space hulk was awesome...so I loved this, using the fiends as genestealers was perfect too. Good work.
 Updated Links.
#7 posted by metlslime on 2008/06/30 08:09:16
#8 posted by Nookadum on 2008/06/30 09:59:15
Huh, WOAW, this is a fun map. :o
 Mission Successful
#9 posted by Spirit on 2008/06/30 11:25:41
hulk returned.
mission time 0010 hours.
need medic for 1hp.
data download successful.
excellent execution.
What Lun said except for the :| smilie.
Great fun.
#10 posted by Shambler on 2008/06/30 12:30:42
You're right about that damn console, Lun, nobody realises you have to wait there . . . I should have put a message if the player tries to leave that room before downloading all the data, but it's a pain in the balls to do triggered triggers, especially on a brush limitation (no nail logic gates).
Bah, it was highly useful reading that :P. That ensured I tried to keep next to the console whilst 82 Fiends spawned outside and all crowded in the room with me. Eventually I got bored of the small talk and ran around outside a bit to kill them all, but it was a bit unsavoury as I actually lost some health there (which I wasn't planning to do).
Very cool gameplay mechanism, nuff scares and shocks, good combat, good fun.
#11 posted by Lunaran on 2008/06/30 13:43:22
(no nail logic gates)
but doesn't quoth2 have a new ent for that? or am I just assuming it does because it has new ents for seemingly everything?
#12 posted by gb on 2008/06/30 15:05:33
congrats !!!
 I Think
#13 posted by bambuz on 2008/06/30 15:09:51
quoth2 actually does have a thing for that, trigger enable or something like that, don't remember how it worked.
#14 posted by gb on 2008/06/30 15:15:43
huh, isn't that the beta Ijed? Shouldn't we start with the SNG? Or perhaps I messed up again. :E
#15 posted by ijed on 2008/06/30 15:25:51
It should be there . . .
Trigger enable? I don't remember it, so maybe it was later in the dev cycle.
I reckon a better message;
Instead of;
please wait
Would have been sufficient. I was thinking please wait in a mother / mexx series computer voice ie. whilst fiends are trying to rip the player's skin off.
Thanks to all for feedback.
#16 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/30 15:45:54
 Not Bad
#17 posted by negke on 2008/07/01 21:32:29
Quite large for so few brushes. It had a special feel to it, somewhat eerie and deserted. Reminded me of Michael Casaday's Hell In A Can.
The infestation bits were cool, didn't know Quoth2 had such entities. The download wait would've confused me too if I hadn't read the posts above before.
#18 posted by ijed on 2008/07/01 22:01:12
Blobs are bilefrags and bilebomb models from the Gug spanwed via the maponject_custom - although I couldn't figure out how to turn off their animation.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out, a quick fiend slaughter session with some extras.
 Forgotten How To Type
#19 posted by ijed on 2008/07/01 22:01:42
 "Reminded Me Of Michael Casaday's Hell In A Can"
#20 posted by Lunaran on 2008/07/01 22:24:07
#21 posted by ijed on 2008/07/01 22:37:12
 Proper Pics
#22 posted by inertia on 2008/07/02 10:57:37
 Nice Stuff
#23 posted by nitin on 2008/07/02 13:19:59
great execution of the concept, I was a bit skeptical before playing given the limited brush count but this was perhaps the most dangerous quake I've played in a while (since probably distrans' and ricky's base levels).
Very nice atmosphere, would love to see a full blown map in this vein.
#24 posted by Baker on 2008/07/02 14:26:02
I walked around not really quite understanding what was going on and was in constant fear.
I think this made me realize some things that are non-ideal about Quake because this map didn't do it.
Nice differences:
1. Respawning ammo
2. Seemingly non-fixed monster placement
3. Starting with a decent gun
4. No health
This removed a lot of the predictability and what can sometimes seem like monotony in Quake of open door and shoot monster or get key and be ambushed and shoot monsters.
I hadn't realized how much having monsters spawn in the same place detracts from surprise. Maybe it happened in this map and I just didn't realize it, but the lack of certainty about what was going on made me more concerned.
All fear is fear of the unknown and being unable to figure out how to stay safe made this map more "real" to me. I liked the staticy TV or monitor it was a nice fit for a spookier map.
#25 posted by Shambler on 2008/07/02 17:48:27
I walked around not really quite understanding what was going on and was in constant fear.
Cool eh.