#2326 posted by aguirRe on 2004/08/12 19:32:46
I only added that possibility to qbsp since it's normally so fast that you don't have time to manually use Task Manager to change the priority of the process.
I have a small utility that you can use to start any Win32 console program with a specified priority and optionally with a timeout to wait for completion. After the timeout expires, it will kill the child process (useful when it might get stuck).
I'll email you this small utility.
Ok, I Give Up (GTK 1.5)
#2327 posted by VoreLord on 2004/08/12 22:58:52
Could someone please explain to this dimwhitted australian, how I am to get the textures to show up (Quake). I mean, nothing shows up in the texture menu, so I can't load any textures. I can however type the texture name in the surface inspector and have it applied to the face I have selected. but I refuse to beleive that this has to be done all the time. Everything works fine when I load GTK 1.5 for Quake 3, or DooM3, but for Quake, well I can't seem to get it.
Please, anyone, anyone ?
#2328 posted by VoreLord on 2004/08/12 23:57:28
Just in time to, I was about to see how much of a mess a 21" monitor would make after being hit by a high speed mouse.
#2329 posted by PuLSaR on 2004/08/13 16:11:07
When a HOM is on the surface of a brush and is not affected by VIS, I've found that it will usually fix the problem if I make sure all the edges and vertices meet perfectly where the HOM occurs.
It really helps. I've splitted the brush into two ones so that edges and vertices were exactly where HOM took place and it has gone.
Quake 3 Elevator
#2330 posted by Quake 3 on 2004/08/13 16:34:49
I am looking into making an elevator in quake3 but HOW is it done? i used the func plat and it moves up about 1 block and not any do i set the height it moves up or just make a simple elevator
#2331 posted by aguirRe on 2004/08/13 19:18:38
Is your planetquake email address OK or should I use another? I heard Tyrann had a lot of problems with his.
#2332 posted by necros on 2004/08/13 19:33:27
i have no idea, but apparently, i didn't get anything. :\ pq mail has never been very reliable...
send it directly to necros -AT-, that should be fairly reliable.
Singleplayer Start Help
#2333 posted by h20ryder on 2004/08/13 20:16:34
I am having problems getting a few enitys to work in my start setskill, etc.
Anyway does anyone have a tut for starting sp mapping, with a list of all the spawnflags and such... i am trying GTK 1.50 nightly...
The spawnflags don't seem to all be there.
I also need to know how to define an episode beginning to end... also is 'print' a valid spawnflag as in q2?
Thanks in advance.
#2334 posted by aguirRe on 2004/08/13 21:13:43
I sent a copy today to that address too but got some weird warning about "delayed email" in return.
Anyway, you can get the file from .
Please let me know when you've got it.
Re: Quake 3 Elevator
#2335 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/08/13 21:15:21
Rising platform the player can ride to reach higher places. Plats must always be drawn in the raised position, so they will operate and be lighted correctly but they spawn in the lowered position. The plat will stay in the raised position until the player steps off. There are no proper sounds for this entity, only beep noises. It will spawn in the game and work properly but it sounds silly (see Notes).
-------- KEYS --------
speed : determines how fast the plat moves (default 150).
lip : lip remaining at end of move (default 16). Has no effect if "height" is set.
height : if set, this will determine the total amount of vertical travel of the plat.
dmg : damage to inflict on player when he blocks operation of plat (default 4). Plat will reverse direction when blocked.
targetname : if set, the trigger that points to this will raise the plat each time it fires. The plat raises and comes back down a second later if no player is on it.
<snip> <snip> <snip>
-------- NOTES --------
By default, the total amount of vertical travel of a platform is implicitly determined by the overall vertical size of the brushes of which it's made minus the lip value. But if the "height" key is used, then the total amount of vertical travel of the plat will be exactly that value regardless of the shape and size of the plat and regardless of the value of the "lip" key. Using the "height" key is the best method for any kind of platforms and the only possible one for thin plats which need to travel vertical distances many times their own thickness. Setting the origin key is simply an alternate method to using an origin brush. When using the model2 key, the origin point of the model will correspond to the origin point defined by either the origin brush or the origin coordinate value.
<snip> <snip> <snip>
This should help you out. Basically, the func_plat follows a formula to determine how high it moves. X - L = H. X is the overall height of the func_plat entity, L is the "lip" value, and H is the height the func_plat will move when the player steps on it. So if the func_plat is 64 units tall, and the "lip" is set to "8", then it only moves up 56 units. You can override this by setting the "height" key. If "height" is set to "256", then the func_plat should move 256 units up.
Also, you should make sure you set the direction of the func_plat to "up".
#2336 posted by necros on 2004/08/13 21:18:28
i got the email.
i couldn't get the thing to work though.
in my batch file i was using priority below vis %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
but it didn't seem to do anything. is it that hard to make priority settings available in vis.exe itself?
Re: Singleplayer Start Help
#2337 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/08/13 21:32:27
You'll need a Quake1 entities.def for making Q1SP maps. I'm not sure where you can get one online right now.
I'll see if I can get SPoG to start reading this thread, since there are some GTKRadiant 1.5 questions that he would be most suited to answering.
Episodes are pretty much only defined as a looping set of maps. I.E. at the end of each map, have a trigger_changelevel that has a "map" "nextmapname" key/value pair. If you want to have full out episodes like Quake did, then you'll need a start map with func_episodegates blocking off various episode teleporters, and the appropriate spawnflags for each episodegate. Then each map links to the next in the trigger_changelevel, and at the end of each episode you need an item_sigil with one of the spawnflags checked. And the trigger_changelevel in last map of each episode should link back to the start map.
I don't remember a "print" spawnflag for any Q1 entities.
#2338 posted by necros on 2004/08/13 21:36:55
i wrote a little guide a while ago that should have everything you need to map for q1 with gtkr1.4
since you're using 1.5, you can still download the .def file from there.
Direct Link:
#2339 posted by necros on 2004/08/13 21:41:38
#2340 posted by aguirRe on 2004/08/14 05:59:27
What do you mean by "didn't seem to do anything", didn't it run the vis program with its parameters %1 %2 %3 etc at the specified thread priority? Maybe you forgot adding the parameters to the batch file command?
It's not hard to implement, but I see no reason since this utility does the same job without any cost at all.
If you still can't get it to work, please send me the batch file and a description how you call it.
#2341 posted by truskoski on 2004/08/14 07:43:23
are there any fgd files for worldcraft 2.0 or maybe hammer that would let me map for heretic2? im so used to worldcraft im too lazy to learn the one that comes with the game, and i have no idea how to make a fdg for worldcraft. :(
Stone That Heretic
#2342 posted by VoreLord on 2004/08/14 08:15:20
#2343 posted by truskoski on 2004/08/14 08:42:35
i'd kiss you... but i dont know if you like aids. :(
#2344 posted by Kell on 2004/08/14 12:31:19
Yeah, I got your original mail. Please note that I have very limited net access and I'm a bit snowed under with content, so I tend not to reply instantly to emails.
Light Shader Problem
thought I would post this here too, can't figure this out. Didn't feel like reformating this post, go to the link below.
#2346 posted by aguirRe on 2004/08/14 13:02:41
No problem, I just don't trust Internet email much anymore. To avoid both parties waiting for responses that never come, I'd rather run the risk of being a bit repetitive.
Btw, I've been running a fullvis on the terrain map for about 78 hours now. It has reached 88%, claims that there are 13 hours to go and half an hour ago it even crashed my RVis ...
/me consults the good Dr Watson
78hrs VIS?! Um what are you mapping for?
#2348 posted by necros on 2004/08/14 13:36:44
the line in the batch file:
priority below vis %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
command line:
privis -level 4 map
starts vising the map, but when i check in task manager, vis.exe is assigned the 'normal' priority.
that's what i meant by "does nothing"... any suggestions?
GTKRadiant 1.5 Docs
#2349 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/08/14 13:40:53
BTW, anyone using GTKRadiant 1.5 may want to check out SmallPileofGibs' docs on the subject:
I've asked him to keep an eye on this thread, so hopefully he'll see when a new question is brought up, and he can let us know when the docs are updated.
#2350 posted by necros on 2004/08/14 13:45:44
every point in the 'transition' section has convinced me not to switch to the newer version.
'select complete tall' was one of the best features of gtkr, because you could size the selector brush to exactly the right size before selecting the other brushes.