#2306 posted by Trinca on 2008/05/09 00:37:43
i only will have time next week
#2307 posted by Trinca on 2008/05/09 00:37:44
i only will have time next week
OK Ready For Some "mutual Testing"
#2308 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/09 16:17:08
Spent about 10 hours on this or so...
gb: Where do you want me to send it?
Trinca: Im gonna stop working on this now so dont worry! I have to work on e4m1rmx :D
#2309 posted by gb on 2008/05/09 18:45:43
send it here (I should probably log in more often)
I think I will end up around the 10 hour mark, too (perhaps a little less.)
Yesterday was small family drama... (luckily I'm not directly involved) I will finish tonight and send it tomorrow. :-)
Trinca, take it easy, we'll leave no one behind... not even Jonah. ;-P
Would you guys air-shaft me if I used some Quoth?
#2310 posted by Lunaran on 2008/05/09 21:11:21
I think that drug abuse is entirely wrong, I speak from experience. I am drunk right now.
quote of the thread
#2311 posted by HeadThump on 2008/05/09 22:43:44
I think that drug abuse is entirely wrong, I speak from experience. I am drunk right now.
Flushing weed down the toilet 'cause you think that its the G-men knocking on your door, hell of a way to treat a friend.
#2312 posted by bambuz on 2008/05/10 02:48:39
C-men what's the difference. Reminds me of an old Norwegian joke about a Finnish lumberjack but it's a tale for another time.
(no drugs, but no sleep instead)
Hows Everybody Doing With SM 141?
#2313 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/15 00:11:22
Projected release date?
#2314 posted by Trinca on 2008/05/15 04:09:50
i will not have time to finish, sorry guys i�m having lots of work at my job :( release without me.
#2315 posted by gb on 2008/05/19 22:11:53
sm141 is done, I'm up for another one!
Theme: Explosions, Story, Ladders, Sunset, ...?
I'd even do a speedchainmap, perhaps for QuakeExpo.
I'm just interested in more collaborations.
#2316 posted by gone on 2008/05/19 22:20:49
take one of czg`s scrap sources and finish it :P
But Not
#2317 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/05/19 23:13:47
Teacups, that one is classic
Hey, What About Something Interesting For A Change!!!!
#2318 posted by negke on 2008/05/19 23:23:29
Holy Crap!
#2319 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/20 00:08:36
How About
#2320 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/20 00:19:30
Half-Quake anyone?
Remake a part of Half - Life using Quake/Quoth or whatever.
It is up to the mapper how he/she does it:
Use Quake textures? Half Life textures?
Use Source? Remake from scratch?
How abstract can you go? Strict? Recognisable?
One small map or two?
Uh Huh
#2321 posted by Kinn on 2008/05/20 00:31:02
"...It is up to the mapper how he/she does it"
"...he/she does it"
So You're In The Kinn Darling?
#2322 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/20 00:36:31
Then (idiot Crawls Back Behind Rock)
#2323 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/20 00:37:01
#2324 posted by gb on 2008/05/20 04:06:32
uh OK, unthemed sm session then? ;-P
Ricky, I must publicly admit I only played the beginning of HL, since it runs like a dog on Linux. I'm sure I have like a huge cultural deficit there, but I just don't care enough. I did read walkthroughs and reviews etc though so I have some idea what it is like.
I'd be fine with a remake or parody of another game though, in general. Problem is I probably played more console games than PC games in the past 10 years. Most of those would be impossible to recreate in Quake, like all those Resident Evil/TR clones and Final Fantasy ripoffs...
Diablo 1? Should be doable, atmosphere, dungeon construction etc, healing shrines etc... even town portal... only part we can't do is the selling and buying... and spells...
The dungeon should be pretty easy to reproduce. The town would just be decorative, although we could have funny messages and even a tavern. And a healing fountain. All in comicky speedmap style of course.
I sense a soul in search of answers...
here's another idea: Since we never saw "the wizard" in Quake, maybe do something with him?
I really want to map with the blue wizard textures... let's build the Wizard's Lair and use one of those flying things from Rogue as the Wiz. A Rogue speedchainmap in Ebon Fortress/Manse theme, with bookshelves, pentangles, blood and everything, plus those flying ghost creatures. The whole "EEEEEVIL" thing.
OTOH, not everybody has the Rogue pack I guess. But a Rogue map would be something different...
until Kell and party import these monsters into Quoth (insert number here)... *g*
#2325 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/05/20 11:55:51
If someone can give me the basic run down on a speed map (like what the concept is and what the rules are) I'd like to participate. I'd like a more generic theme though. The last one, 'hate', is sort of up my alley.
Maybe 'suffering' or 'light' or something like that.
Well I've Only Ever Done That One...
#2326 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/20 12:02:34
...but the idea is probably how you would imagine:
Make a map in a few hours - release it! There's no real rules I dont think, just dont be asking for extensions unless it's because you thought you were gonna have time to start, but something happened and it fell through.
Speeds said to me that some speedmaps are made in 2-3 hours!! Mine took two evenings sat infront of my computer, probably 8-10 hours total. After that I left it until Gb's was ready.
I mean I dont see anyone kicking your ass if you spend 20+ hours on a speedmap, but you might hear someone say "not a real speedmap" or something ;-P
All we need to do is pick a theme and a finishing date, an we're off!
Oh yeah - sm141 - Gb and I tested eachother's maps, we sent eachother demos :-)
Heh - "light" Could Be Good...
#2327 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/20 12:05:10
...with Quoth flashlight!
I mean I think the theme suggestions can be taken very loosely, just do whatever...
In Good Old Days...
#2328 posted by gone on 2008/05/20 12:39:54
The idea was born among the q3 mappers and carried over it q1. The speedmapping was a real event - people gathered online and started mapping at the same time. Making DM maps. The time was limited to 60 (later 100 minutes) maybe with some extra 20 minutes for fixing. Then all the maps got collected, packed, put up on a server and played.
The maps had to be made from scratch and the use of prefabs was seen as cheating.
Later on it switched to sp maps and more time was allowed (as sp maps are harder to make)
And even if some people couldnt get online to map at the same time and the pack was collected in few days, the 'offline' mappers honorably kept the rules making their maps from scratch and in the limited ammount of time.
Some years later it degraded into something you cant call 'speedmapping', more like 'turtle mapping' (which also comes from q3 scene - where people were making full maps in 1 week time)
#2329 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/05/20 12:41:26
OK, well, I took a look at SM141 and I think I'd be up for something like that. Simple, blocky-ish maps with some quick kill gameplay.
I'm in for the next one!
#2330 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/05/20 12:42:26
Although, realistically, it needs to happen within the next 2 weeks or I'm only going to have limited time to work on it. The rest of the summer is "ship Gears2" time.