#201 posted by Yhe1 on 2011/06/04 02:05:59
This release shouldn't be on quaddicted, right? It has unvised maps, better to wait until the rerelease.
#202 posted by Tronyn on 2011/06/04 02:41:27
fair enough
#203 posted by Apm on 2011/06/04 04:21:11
stutters like crazy in fitz085 making it unplayable. Any advice?
#204 posted by Yhe1 on 2011/06/04 04:33:34
Maps are unvised, wait for the rerelease
Or Use RMQ Engine
#205 posted by Drew on 2011/06/04 07:43:21
also, the aforementioned r_flatlightstyles 1 command
#206 posted by Yhe1 on 2011/06/04 08:05:12
or -nomtex with Aguirre quake
#207 posted by Spirit on 2011/06/04 10:07:23
Tronyn, have you read my posts above? If you have further questions please ask. But as negke already said, I gave in and uploaded the file a while ago, it just does not have a description yet and I myself will not prepare that.
In hindsight I would not actually call it "vanilla-enough" since it fundamentally changes most of the gameplay. So consider this an exception and thank the Remake Quake mob for the trouble. Previously I always bent the rules because you asked me nicely to host your latest releases.
If I was to restart Quaddicted from scratch most of your releases would not make it since they are very different from vanilla Quake. This has nothing to do with quality or taste but the scope of the site.
As I said before, if someone came up with a well working and solid system how to integrate all kinds of mods I would be open-minded and very thankful about it. I made one first (badly chosen) post about it ( http://www.quaddicted.com/quaddictedcom/problems-with-mods-1-packaging-and-compression-format/ ) but did not follow up with more examples of problems because I simply do not personally care. It was an attempt to defend myself but I realised that it was futile.
And for the record, maps being unvised is completely irrelevant. And I am getting really tired of being told what to do.
#208 posted by Spirit on 2011/06/04 10:09:52
If I was to restart Quaddicted from scratch most of your releases would not make it since they are very different from vanilla Quake.
If I was to restart Quaddicted from scratch some of your releases would not make it since they are very different from vanilla Quake.
#209 posted by gb on 2011/06/04 12:57:15
Quaddicted is 100% Spirit's site and he can do there what he wants.
The flip side is: If Spirit does not host someone's stuff on his site, it's also 100% his decision.
#210 posted by Spirit on 2011/06/04 16:32:19
so it still is not clear?
I do not recall any sp quake map ever being denied.
And for mods I try to decide as technical as possible if they are vanilla quake. I do not flip a coin nor do I decide on personal taste or preference.
Quaddicted is >50% negke's descriptions and screenshots by the way.
#211 posted by spy on 2011/06/04 19:20:43
If I was to restart Quaddicted from scratch some of your releases would not make it since they are very different from vanilla Quake.
so in what/which aspects its different from the other quake releases???
it's still the same ole quake
#212 posted by necros on 2011/06/04 19:35:58
why don't you tell us how it IS like quake. you know, beyond that there are ogres and shamblers in it.
or is that all it takes for you to consider something quake?
i love this map pack. it's got great exciting fights and very evocative and interesting brushwork, but i find it hard to believe that you can't see how different it plays from normal quake.
indeed, i'd say that seems to have been PM and Tronyn's direction-- to move quake into the more evil fantasy direction with all the wizard types and other hexen monsters.
A Suggestion
#213 posted by Yhe1 on 2011/06/05 00:22:13
How about just opening quaddicted to FPS SP mods? I think those could be easily repacked.
I Hereby Declare Myself Supreme Judge Of Quakeiness
#214 posted by gb on 2011/06/05 04:29:52
And I would say that Tronyn's maps are about 66.6% Quake, but I can't say for sure since I'm not wearing my monocle tonight.
How pretentious can you get.
Just Add Sp Mods To Quadaddicted
#215 posted by nitin on 2011/06/05 04:41:49
that would be my solution.
#216 posted by Yhe1 on 2011/06/05 05:03:57
haha, bet this is gonna flare up again when Nehahra 2 is released
I Hope Not
#217 posted by jt_ on 2011/06/05 16:57:06
The discussion is silly. Spirit can up whatever he damn well pleases on quaddicted, it's his website.
#218 posted by ijed on 2011/06/06 03:53:13
Yes, he can.
This pack is pure Quake goodness.
I still haven't finished it, but its great - thanks guys.
Spirit, I get the feeling you've gotten tired of the community in general. I can understand why.
But the reason, I think, that older 'non-quake' mods were included anyway was just because you personally had more enthusiasm about anything to do with the game.
I'm not having a go at you, but you seem a bit... worn out by the obligations that have been put on you, and that you've put on yourself.
This has happened to almost everyone in the RMQ team at one point or another, and a break was taken.
In any case, I think we'll all have some really nice things to look forward to this Quakemass :D
Maybe The Above
#219 posted by ijed on 2011/06/06 03:55:03
Should have been in a private email.
A Heavy Burden
#220 posted by Baker on 2011/06/06 04:52:09
Carrying the one true ring is a heavy burden (LOTR allusion intended).
Spirit has carried more luggage uphill than anyone (and frankly done a better job than any non-Spirit would have done).
Give him some slack. Yeah, in a perfect world many of the above posts shouldn't be in this thread. But we all know these kind of things happens.
I haven't had time to play Tronyn's apparently really good --- hey it has 200+ replies --- release.
Tronyn is in the top 3 of consistently awesome single player action and I won't spend 2 minute worrying about whether it is "Quake-enough".
I look for challenge, puzzles and entertainment value in release downloads. I also like a bit of surprise and some variation. Tronyn always delivers this.
#221 posted by necros on 2011/06/06 07:13:54
if you have a fast machine, they are pretty playable as is and deliver a solid 4~ hours of play. totally worth your time.
also, i feel i should apologize to tronyn for not noticing the maps were unvised. in hindsight, that i had to use r_flatlightstyles should have tipped me off.
and sorry to everyone who played and had their first playthrough of the maps spoiled by poor performance.
#222 posted by Trinca on 2011/06/06 09:47:33
used directq and didn't even notice the maps weren�t vis :\
#223 posted by ijed on 2011/06/06 13:47:35
Engine plays them fine as well.
#224 posted by necros on 2011/06/06 22:04:28
all those engines are pretty lightweight, but i can definitely see it chugging on graphically intense engines (dp being the obvious example, but there are a few more out there).
#225 posted by gb on 2011/06/07 12:03:14
There is always Quaketastic for hosting. Although that has a size limit that's possibly too low for some newer mods. 50 MB or so?
I bet Quakeone.com would also host some mods if one would ask them. I mean they host Reforged and they also kindly hosted the RMQ multiplayer demo.
Finally, there's always moddb, wordpress et al and I bet that Quakeone.com would kindly link to any such projects.