#2154 posted by Kinn on 2016/06/22 20:08:16
/is playing oblivion
/a small crab emerges from a pond 25 yards away
#2155 posted by Baker on 2016/06/23 03:31:07
Nice to see you got your modification working.
#2156 posted by Baker on 2016/06/23 03:40:59
Probably with some kind of distance from player function as well.
Shamblernaut walks over a bridge. There are fish below.
Combat music ensues.
Shamblernaut finishes crosses the bridge. Combat music wanes.
Close call! Major skirmish averted!
do rottfish target the player out of the water?
#2158 posted by Preach on 2016/06/23 08:40:18
Monsters in Quake can't trace line-of-sight through water by default. wateralpha didn't exist in the original Quake. Preventing fish from alerting on players they can't attack is the main reason not to alter this behaviour.
ijed: There's a bit of a challenge in Quake that you can't modify the volume of a sound while it is playing. You'd have to build some kind of drum machine/sequencer in QuakeC and manually repeat the samples at different volumes - maybe like the procedural music in Left 4 Dead. I worry that variations in the frame rate would make that a bit wobbly.
Related joke: How do you know a drummer is knocking at your door? A: He speeds up
Forgot About That :)
#2159 posted by ijed on 2016/06/23 14:50:24
Constructing it by hand would allow you to do the knocking drummer effect though - upping the tempo as well as or instead of the sound volume changeover.
And there's always the classic HL1 method - ambient sounds only, and whenever a big fight starts play a short, scripted, one shot piece of music.
download link: https://db.tt/5jcVUJfD
screenshot: https://db.tt/5jcVUJfD
If possible I'd like to ask for some help compiling for windows and osx. I already have the linux version compiled and working (binaries included in the dropbox link provided).
Also feedback will be greatly appreciated.
#2161 posted by Joel B on 2016/06/25 17:14:51
wrong screenshot link?
Dat Texture Filterering
#2163 posted by killpixel on 2016/06/25 18:08:49
#2164 posted by Baker on 2016/06/26 08:31:59
You might consider cross-compiling for Windows and testing the build under Wine, since you seem to understand all of that.
Which would keep you in driver's seat, which is seat anyone wants to be sitting in.
Here is a cross-compiling tutorial for CodeBlocks: http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php?topic=3343.0
CodeBlocks Cross-compiling Wiki Entry: http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Code::Blocks_and_Cross_Compilers
Video Tutorial on cross-compiling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-yw-aD8CTI
Then you can make tweaks any time you want and build a Windows binary whenever you like.
#2165 posted by Baker on 2016/06/26 08:43:48
The Quakespasm team may already have a way of cross-compiling up a Windows build.
Thanks Baker
Yeah, I'll sort it myself. I was trying to avoid clogging up my system with too many dev apps and libs, but last night I started down that road anyway.
Thanks for the links too. I'll dig a little deeper into it.
#2167 posted by ericw on 2016/06/26 09:19:30
QS has some build_cross_*.sh scripts in the Quake directory, they'll need to be edited depending on your Linux distro/version.
The cross compile scripts I use for windows builds on my jenkins setup are here: https://github.com/ericwa/quakespasm-build-scripts (somewhat specific to my jenkins/ubuntu 14.04 setup. IIRC I started with build_cross_win32.sh and modified it a bit to work on that system.)
Pretty much all I installed with apg-get was the "mingw32" package plus "build-essential".
New Link With Windows Binary
requires dlls, they're packaged in the source code if you don't have them
Hi Guys
#2169 posted by spy on 2016/07/02 16:20:48
is it possible to add the monster count to the scoreboard of game(s) Return to Castle of Wolfenstein and/or Sin and its MP
Removing Keys With A Trigger/Fake Key
#2170 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/07/05 12:41:01
So, i'm looking to have the player collect a key in my map and then later be teleported in front of the door the key is supposed to open.
As part of this sequence, the door opens *jazz hands* for "effect" very slowly, beginning as soon as the player has been teleported. Unfortunately, this means that the player never actually touches the door to remove the key!
Basically, is it possible to either use some kind of entity setup to remove the key from the player without having them touch a door, or is it possible to create an entity that *looks* like a key, but isnt?
Answered It Myself
#2171 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/07/05 13:07:24
I looked into it, and on the advice of others, decided that it wasn't possible to directly remove the key from the player in vanilla quake.
Instead, I settled for a solution where the player moves over an invisible door that is instantly removed when they touch it. That door takes the key from them at the appropriate time :D
#2172 posted by ijed on 2016/07/05 15:58:25
#2173 posted by madfox on 2016/07/05 16:57:03
I want to use the earthquake trigger, but I only need it once.
So I use the killtarget option but it doesn't seem to work that way.
The killtarget is allready used for starting and stopping the earthquake within a given time.
I only need it once, but when I use the killtarget on it, it just goes on triggering the earthquake all the time.
What is going on there?
The Shake
#2174 posted by ijed on 2016/07/09 03:57:50
Is not being turned off, and it probably works independently of the trigger itself, being a looped function.
Try triggering the earthquake entity again instead of killtargeting it.
Should work, but I don't know what code base you're using.
#2175 posted by madfox on 2016/07/09 07:04:50
I got two codes, one with only an earthquake.qc and the one from DoE. They both seem to act the same.
killtarget is allready in use, and there's no way to calm it.
I thought on trigger_once wait -1 but it fails.
Quake Code
#2176 posted by Mike Woodham on 2016/07/09 11:56:51
I remember using a one-off earthquake in FMB-BDG2 and I can see from the map source that I used a trigger_MWquake, which suggests I wrote or adapted some code.
I don't have the source anymore (I have no idea why not as I still have the map files?) but you could decompile the progs in that and have a look for the code I used.
I Believe
#2177 posted by Qmaster on 2016/07/09 13:47:47
there should be a trigger_earthquakekill entity. Check the rogue or hipnotic entity fgd's.
#2178 posted by necros on 2016/07/09 20:08:24
from gtkr def for rogue:
/*QUAKED trigger_earthquake (.5 .5 .5) ?
The Earthquake generator.
Anytime a person is in an active
field, they shake. If the trigger is a
target, it will be OFF until triggered.
It will then toggle between ON and OFF.
weapon - richter scale of movement
(default 40)
weapon - if you give a weapon value of
40, the X and Y displacement
can vary between -20 and +20, a range of 40.
i don't know why modern editors other than radiant don't include the description text. it's very useful!