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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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oh yes! that's why we have the Quake Injector. you just need to have java installed. openjdk works from what I know. downside is that it is only maps, and mods that stay fairly close to the original Quake, well, if you consider that a downside. Drake is currently not included which is why arcanum is not supported either.

I am not sure how to best structurise a console/parameter guide, especially since my most beloved engine has not yet been publicly released. if someone wants to write one quaddicted is open for you. Quakespasm and DirectQ are currently the "supported" engines. 
Sounds Lke A Good Idea 
I won't be able to use it. I can't upgrade to Java 6 on my 10,5,8 Mac, I only have Java 5.

Is there an older version of QI that would work on Java 5?

Are you saying I should write up a tutorial/walkthrough that can help Mac newcomers understand how to install maps?
I could do that based on my experience.

Sounds like a cool idea!

Givin' back some love!! 
Zerstörer Problem 
I received this shocking message when trying to install Zerstörer:

"You must have the registered version to use modified games"

I say shocking, as I have the official PAK files.

I am sure that I have the correct folder structure for this type of mod installation:

Zerstörer (this is the main root folder sitting on my desktop).

Inside it:

1 x ID1 folder (with the PAK0.PAK & PAK1.PAK files)
1 x Quakespasm engine
1 x zer folder

This is standard manual installation, as far as I know.

I found the 'Zerstörer' 1.1 patch files, and replaced the 'PROGS.DAT'& 'QWPROGS.DAT' files with the new lower-case ones from the patch.

Still nothing.

It still thinks the correct ID1 PAK isn't there.
I have 17 Quaddicted mods & maps all working fine, so I know that there is nothing wrong with my PAKs.

I heard that Mac/Linux are case-sensitive operating systems, and most of the files in the 'zer' folder are in higher case. Is this the problem?
I tried renaming them all in lower-case, but still no go.

I even tried placing the ID1 folder inside the 'zer' folder (which breaks with the convention of all the other 17 mods I have successfully installed).

I'm completely out of ideas!

Any advice?


Please check the thread at QuakeOne you did on Mac OS X Quake.

I'll help you to the final resolution of your problem AND I probably already posted what you needed in the last post in that thread that I don't believe you saw (it was like just a couple of days ago.

Plus it'll keep what is really a mod installation issue not related to Quakespasm out of this thread.

Quakespasm is a pretty awesome engine and it is really nice to see it let people on non-Windows platforms experience "true single player Quake" the way it is meant to be played. 
I should have used the Quaddicted forum, in retrospect.
Trust me, i'm gradually getting there!

I did see your post, and I did reply. I have been using that formula flawlessly for the last 17 mods I got from Quaddicted.

I'll continue this over @ the DP OS x thread.


I wish QS would stop spamming the console with all the "FindFile: blahblag.pcx" messages. 
yeah what is that?? if it's just looking for external images, it should be putting out errors unless there IS an image in the first place. 
it shouldn't be 
I was wondering how to enable vsync.

I've been looking around, but nothing comes up ('vid_wait' or 'vid_wait_override') are commands I have seen, but they are nor clear enough for me to understand..

Any ideas?


in the windows version, it's in the video options menu. 
But beware - some gfx cards on some platforms don't support app controlled vsync under OpenGL and expect you to set it via their control panel. 
Quakespasm is detecting vsync capability because it probably checking for that GL_swap_control extension, but needs to check for GL_ARB_sync for the Mac at least with the modern Macbook Pros

[That's kind of a fiasco and not fair to the developer. There shouldn't be several different ways to detect sync capability. On Windows even sometimes you have to check WGL extensions instead of the GL extensions. That's just wrong.] 
Well, whenever I run a user mod/map in QS, the Quake video options menu lists vsync as 'n/a'.

Is there away to enable it? 
Not without the developers making a change to Quakespasm. 
VSync Continued 
GL_ARB_sync is not related to vsync. Apparently that is something else (sync multiple GPUs). 
so basically what you wrote above is all wrong, yeah? If you find out how to handle vsync on OS X, let me know and I'll add it to the mac builds.

AFAIK, OS X has a different architecture than other OSs when it comes to swapping the buffers. So whether you can use VSync also depends on how the window / gl view are created on OS X. At least, that's what I remember - might be wrong or different now. 
SDL Can Do It Since 1.2.10 
But I think the extension check is unnecessary, at least on OS X. 
The Fruitz of Dojo port has had vid_vsync for ages although the cvar name is vid_wait.

void VID_SetWait (UInt32 theState)
const long params = theState;

// set theState to 1 to enable, to 0 to disable VBL syncing.
[gGLContext makeCurrentContext];
if(CGLSetParameter (CGLGetCurrentContext (), kCGLCPSwapInterval, �ms) == CGDisplayNoErr)
gGLVideoWait = vid_wait.value;
if (theState == 0)
Con_Printf ("video wait successfully disabled!\n");
Con_Printf ("video wait successfully enabled!\n");
vid_wait.value = gGLVideoWait;
Con_Printf ("Error while trying to change video wait!\n");

And the part that calls that function:

void GL_EndRendering (void)
// set the gamma if fullscreen:
if (gVidDisplayFullscreen == YES)
VID_SetGamma ();
CGLFlushDrawable ([gGLContext cglContext]);//CGLGetCurrentContext ());
// if minimized, render inside the Dock!
GL_RenderInsideDock ();

// check if video_wait changed:
if(vid_wait.value != gGLVideoWait)
VID_SetWait ((UInt32) vid_wait.value);
Of Course With SDL ... 
All the Core Graphics stuff is done by SDL, but that is how Fruitz of Dojo Quake does it ... 
Maybe my memory is wrong or I'm mixing things up. I guess I'll have to see whether the SDL way actually works at all, in that case I'll just remove the extension check. 
I wish QS would stop spamming the console with all the "FindFile: blahblag.pcx" messages

Chase_active 1 
It seems that qs has the chase cam bug that older engines have. With chase_active 1 set, if the camera 'hits' a wall, you can partially see through the wall. I think there was a fix for this on inside3d. 
Chase Cam Fixes 
Of the various options, if you want an essentially 100% fix as easily as possible, this one by MH is the easiest to implement:

There is a 95-99% fix by R00k that is even easier to implement, but then you'll get driven insane if you notice even a single weird situation that it fails ... particularly stepping backwards at an angle.

The MH fix does not take entities into consideration. This means doors and platforms and such. More "sophisticated" maps of the times where you turn a wall into a func_wall to make it transparent (FitzQuake .alpha support) or in the case of Remake Quake (alpha texture support, like Half-Life ... fence textures per se) the MH fix won't take func_walls into consideration because those are entities, not the "static unchanging world". 
Link Fail ... Attempt 2 
Yeah, our chase cam is broken. 
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