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General Abuse
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Abuse M3h... 
Don't post them here often but I feel the need for "interventive" abuse.

is that an attempt at a cel shaded map for q2? Cant really tell from that one screen. 
Looks a bit like those car park toys for kiddies...

Sorry, it's probably a great map, I haven't played it, but that was really the first impression I got when looking at that screenie =) 
New Revolutions Trailer 
I believe this is the one playing at theatres currently:

It rocks. 
ROTK Trailer 
you did receive my email about the second beta right? I sent it the same day as I received it but didnt get a reply so I'm not sure. 
Yes I did, thank you nitin. 
just sounds like what they're doing exactly what we all want... A good story going, but nothing that's forced down your throat with stupid cutscenes every 2 steps, or with huge mini movies showing everything that's happening without you (the player) directly involved. 
just sounds like what they're doing exactly what we all want...

Shock horror id doing something gamers approve of gasp etc 
Don't Worry... 
I'm sure we'll find something to complain about. 
gamers are such a gentle tribe.

acting meek, inheriting world, etc. 
fuck inheritance, I want it now

(nonentity - voice of a generation :) 
voice of a twit :) 
generation sucks. A bunch of spoiled brats. When I was your age - we had to wait, meekly, for the inheritance of the earth. And we liked it that way! And if it was good enough for us, it's good enough for you. Asshole.

Now get the fuck off my lawn!

*Shaking cane, spitting tobacco, etc.* 
I'm scraching my balls and playing video games!

-Scampie, voice of a generation 
the voice of degeneration. 
New Radeon Cards W/ Free HL2 
Re: Radeons 
whoa, free with a $499 card :)
probably a good game to show the beast off with though 
One day I'll stop being sarcastic in text. Never works.

And it's not your fucking lawn, it belongs to the meek. 
The meek can pry it from my cold, dead hands! 
NC Mappers Meetup 
I'm currently planning a mappers meetup in central North Carolina for October 11th and 12th. If you're interested in attending, please get in touch with me. 
/me wonders how many mappers are in the NC area other than Mr. Gove... 
Eh Eh? 
Currently two besides myself. And then there's the possibility of other peeps that I don't know of. 
Nc Mapper Meet? :) 
cow crying, udder full, no one around. 
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