Texture Artists - Quake2 Retexture Effort
Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a comprehensive Quake2 retexture effort. The project is based on the work of several defunct retexture efforts, plus a few hundred textures of my own.
What makes this project different:
I am a programmer. Thus, the project has the benefit of proper revision control (Subversion), project build files (GNU Make), and various shell scripts to aid with texture creation and organization (identifying duplicate textures, generating html tables of old vs new textures, etc.). I think a major limiting factor of prior retexture efforts is a lack of programming experience required to organize such a large collection of source files.
Lowest-common-denominator compatibility with available game engines. The textures are all scaled 1:1 with their original counterparts, and are all uncompressed RGBA Targa files. This means they require no special scaling tricks or image compression libraries. Virtually all modern Quake2 engines will be able to utilze these textures as drop-in replacements. They are already known to work with R1GL, AprQ2, and Quetoo.
These are not high-resolution textures, they are instead true-color replacements. Preserving texture image size with the original game textures makes texture creation considerably faster, while still yielding a worthwhile visual improvement over the palleted
.wal format. You'll be able to produce textures rapidly. This is an opportunity to accomplish a great deal and provide the community with a comprehensive retexture pak.
Contributing artists will be fully credited for their work on the project homepage and in any accompanying documentation at release time. The project has not yet been announced to the public.
The project homepage can be found here:
I may be reached at jdolan at jdolan dot dyndns dot org, or in #quetoo on Freenode. Thanks!