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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Is The Brush On-grid? 
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V in Trenchbroom snaps all the vertexes to grid AFAIK.

Sounds weird, I've had weird bugs in the geometry before. If you download the Worldcraft Quakeadapter, you can load your mapfile, then click Map-> Check for problems. It has nice mapfile error reporting. (Well it's better than nothing I guess). But I don't think the auto-fix tool will do you much good. Might yield some info though. Trenchbroom has a console too, if you click Ctrl+4, that might show something up. 
You Can Also Check Any Brushes That The Brush Intersects 
for errors too. 
And Check The Texture Scalings On The Brush. 
Func_button Linked To A Func_plat Or Func_door Or Func_train 
Hi all.
I'm trying to make a simple elevator, imagine it's a small cabin. I want it to be triggered by a button. So far it's simple, the problem is that I want that button to be a part of the elevator (cabin), so it moves when the elevator moves.

I tried with func_plat, func_door and func_train, without success, the button will not move.

Any idea?

I don’t think you can do that with vanilla progs. But with most of the big mega mods like AD, alkaline, copper, and progs_dump, I think you can. 
progs_dump has a great elevator system that was taken from one of the mission packs and then enhanced but sadly I don't think you can use the button as you describe. The button needs to be a static entity - so ours live at each stop the elevator can make.

Our system is nice because you can call an elevator back if it's on the wrong floor for any reason. We have a good sample map in the release that shows how it all works.

progs_dump info, links and videos can be found here:

I am only aware of one other mod that might have this functionality but I am not 100% sure on that. It's called extras_r4. There's an updated version called extras_r5 too that added some new stuff.

r4 is here: from

In mid 2002 nostalgia and boredom drove me to write some interesting QuakeC hacks. The result is this "Extras" mod, which aims to provide extra stuff for Quake mappers. It features honest to goodness func_water, and func_ladder entities, as well as an insanely customizable emitter/effector based particle system, and advanced trains and switches. So if you ever wanted to dynamically flood a level, or attach water volumes and/or switches to trains, this is the mod for you! Example maps and some snazzy new animated sprites and sound effects are also included.

r5 is here but not a lot of documentation: 
Thanks both of you for the reply. Right now I want to finish a map that I've started in 2000 (long story). And I want to be as close as vanilla Quake as possible, so I'm using only standard Quake textures, monsters, etc. 
Map Loading Forever 
This is my first 3D map I am ever making so getting errors isnt surprising at all. Before when map had less objects I could load it but now it gets to number 9 and then nothing happens... I really cant believe that a map with few floating islands, rocks and some other objects is too big.
Heres cmd:
Copying Files...
1 file(s) copied.
Converting map...
---- qbsp / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
Input file:
Output file: infernalislands.bsp

---- LoadMapFile ----
*** WARNING 06: No info_player_deathmatch entities in level
921 faces
181 brushes
5 entities
9 unique texnames
102 texinfo

Opened WAD: D:/QuakeDev/wads/Doom3_hell.wad
Opened WAD: D:/QuakeDev/wads/Doom3_rock.wad
Opened WAD: D:/QuakeDev/wads/Doom3_outside.wad
Opened WAD: D:/QuakeDev/wads/e4m8.wad
Processing hull 0...
---- Brush_LoadEntity ----
181 brushes
539 planes
---- CSGFaces ----
921 brushfaces
1104 csgfaces
973 mergedfaces
---- SolidBSP ----
1219 split nodes
338 solid leafs
814 empty leafs
68 water leafs
0 detail leafs
0 detail illusionary leafs
0 detail fence leafs
0 illusionary visblocker leafs
1982 leaffaces
1731 nodefaces
---- Portalize ----
882 vis leafs
882 vis clusters
3427 vis portals
---- FillOutside ----
89 outleafs
---- MergeAll ----
950 mergefaces
---- SolidBSP ----
1023 split nodes
334 solid leafs
624 empty leafs
66 water leafs
0 detail leafs
0 detail illusionary leafs
0 detail fence leafs
0 illusionary visblocker leafs
1579 leaffaces
1336 nodefaces
---- Portalize ----
690 vis leafs
690 vis clusters
2836 vis portals
---- Tjunc ----
1398 world edges
3928 edge points
657 edges added by tjunctions
0 faces added by tjunctions
---- MakeFaceEdges ----
---- GrowRegions ----
Processing hull 1...
Processing hull 2...
*** WARNING 19: No entities in empty space -- no filling performed (hull 2)
---- WriteBSPFile ----
Wrote infernalislands.bsp
1983 planes 39660
1242 vertexes 14904
1023 nodes 24552
102 texinfo 4080
1336 faces 26720
6183 clipnodes 49464
691 leafs 19348
1579 marksurfaces 3158
5400 surfedges 21600
2701 edges 10804
9 textures 250640
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 463

0.547 seconds elapsed
Peak memory usage: 38475782 (36.7M)
---- vis / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
running with 4 threads
testlevel = 4
LoadBSPFile: 'infernalislands.bsp'
BSP is version 29
690 leafs
2836 portals
State file is out of date, will be overwritten
Calculating Base Vis:
Calculating Full Vis:
I'm surprised that it never finishes, but, not surprised it takes a long time.

Vis is the process that calculates visibility between different parts of a level, and it does really poorly with wide-open levels where you can see almost everything from everywhere. It's optimized for more rooms & hallways type levels.

Some ideas to try:
1. Make a lot of your smaller brushes "detail"
2. Just run "fast vis" instead of "full vis" since you won't get much improvement either way. 
I didnt find anything related to detail however I used fast vis in necros compiling gui and made the skybox smaller. Now it works perfectly, thanks! 
@raverx, RE: #20866 
nathnolt made this for you:

It's a solution to the elevator issue, read his comment. (It's a clever useage of vanilla entities) 
Ilumination Bugs On My Map 
I'm making a Quake map, and on testing the ilumination on floor looks very rare, I'll provide few screenshoots to show you what I mean:

An idea why happen that and how fix it. Im using Jackhammer. I'll give jackhammer map file to see if there is something wrong on map. 
Those pillars are floating 1 or 2 units off the ground. I would make them touch the ground (or even intersect with the ground).

If you are using current tools then you can make the pillars into a brush entity func_detail_wall, or func_detail, give them "_shadow" "1" as keys/values (I would also give them "_phong" "1" for a smoother shading).

You can also add dirt mapping for baked ambient occlusion - run:
light.exe -extra -dirt

The tools I would use are here: 
looks like floating point imprecision varying between the light util and that specific engine. such issues can often be worked around by nudging the texture scale slightly, just enough to change the rounding without being noticeable by hunams. 
I decided change from editor because jackhammer were giving me a ton of problems. I re started doing it, but exist few bugs... for example rocket box don't spawn in game and on kills part says there are seven enemies while there are only five. 
Fish Bug 
There is a bug where the killcount gets messed up when there are fish involved. This would be a good use for the Copper mod!

Those pillars aren't touching the floor BTW.

Also the rocket entity has some strange keys/values. I wold try without ritem, respawncount and respawndelay. It might also help to move out from the wall a bit. 
Reply To My Help Thread Map 
Why do you say me about a Quake mod called "Copper mod"?
And pillars are touching floor/ceiling.

Btw For some unknown reason trashing fish kill count is fixed and rocket problem is fixed too. Thank you 
The Pillars 
I loaded the rmf file, the pillars were definitely not touching the floor.

The Copper mod is a nice mod that keeps the original feel of Quake, whilst fixing some bugs and adding a couple of nice features.

It has become quite popular: 
I Need Help Deciphering This Return 
SetQdirFromPath: no 'quake2' in E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\215.bsp
#### Finished with exit status 1

I have Trenchbroom compiling Quake 2 just fine.
It's Kingpin and other games giving me this problem

If I just "test" the map this is returned:

#### Using working directory 'E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps'
#### Exporting map file 'E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\'
#### Executing '"E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\compiler\bsp\kpbsp.exe"'
#### Executing '"E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\compiler\vis\kpvis.exe" 215.bsp'
#### Executing '"E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\compiler\rad\kprad.exe" 215.bsp'

I can find no leaks, it's just a box with a light and player start.

I don't know why it's telling me no 'quake2'
The map compiles and it runs but 'kprad' is not working

#### Using working directory 'E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps'
#### Exporting map file 'E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\'
#### Executing '"E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\compiler\bsp\kpbsp.exe"'
---- qbsp3 ----
entering E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\
0...2...5...7... (0)
0...2...5...7... (0)
writing E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\215.prt
Writing E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\215.bsp
0 seconds elapsed
#### Finished with exit status 0

#### Executing '"E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\compiler\vis\kpvis.exe" 215.bsp'
---- vis ----
reading E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\215.bsp
reading E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\215.prt
8 portalclusters
18 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
Average clusters visible: 8
Building PHS...
Average clusters hearable: 8
visdatasize:84 compressed from 128
writing E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\Kingpin\Main\maps\215.bsp
0.0 seconds elapsed
#### Finished with exit status 0 
Check How You Have Configured Your Kingpin Game 
In Trenchbroom. At a glance it looks like the map compiles, but the game didn't start? Check the game path. 
I didn't read the whole post.

Can you run the tools from a command prompt, and see what works manually? 
From A Command Prompt 
E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\compiler\rad>kprad 215
----- ArghRad 2.01 by Tim Wright (Argh!) -----
Modified from original source code by id Software

----- Settings -----

************ ERROR ************
SetQdirFromPath: no 'quake2' in E:\Quake Engine Games\Kingpindev\compiler\rad\215 
That Was Run With 215 In The Rad Directory 
so I didn't think I would need any switches 
I mean, try putting it in a folder with ‘quake2’ in the name? 
I Thought About That 
but would like to solve the problem rather than work around it. Thanks though 
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