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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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You'd need a QuakeC mod to implement the behaviors of the entities.

For example this mod does Quake 2 weapons:

Once you have the mod, an FGD or DEF file specifically designed for that mod can be used with Trenchbroom so that the editor knows about those entities.

At first glance that Q2M mod doesn't include an FGD or DEF, but it includes Python scripts that you can use to create those files? Kinda weird, maybe I'm misreading things. If you do end up wanting to map for that mod you could talk to its creator on moddb above, or in the Quaddicted forum here:

They're also present and active on the Quake Mapping discord server. 
Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! Damn, that is definitely a sight more complicated than I had been hoping. XD Well it's cool to see others have had similar thoughts, even if that mod is specifically weapons so far. I think I'll stick with practicing mapping for now, but keep this in mind if I decide to try and dive off the deep end there. Thanks a heap for trying to help me figure it out and explaining what would be required! 
Launching Issue 
I'm having issues loading my map up, for some reason every time it compiles and I press a key to launch it just doesn't do anything, never gives me an error or anything. I just checked my output and where my map is located and they are both correct. Here's what I'm getting every time I compile it this is what I get.

Copying Files...
1 file(s) copied.
Converting map...
---- qbsp / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
Input file:
Output file: TestMap.bsp

---- LoadMapFile ----
*** WARNING 06: No info_player_deathmatch entities in level
7548 faces
1268 brushes
537 entities
54 unique texnames
2026 texinfo

Opened WAD: C:/QuakeDev/wads/e4m3.wad
Processing hull 0...
---- Brush_LoadEntity ----
1074 brushes
2 detail illusionary
878 planes
---- CSGFaces ----
6398 brushfaces
5256 csgfaces
4081 mergedfaces
---- SolidBSP ----
5741 split nodes
2387 solid leafs
3180 empty leafs
157 water leafs
0 detail leafs
18 detail illusionary leafs
0 detail fence leafs
0 illusionary visblocker leafs
11108 leaffaces
10170 nodefaces
---- Portalize ----
3355 vis leafs
3355 vis clusters
10010 vis portals
---- FillOutside ----
*** WARNING 10: Reached occupant at (-296 -1928 -208), no filling performed.
Leak file written to TestMap.pts
---- MakeFaceEdges ----
---- GrowRegions ----
Processing hull 1...
*** WARNING 10: Reached occupant at (-296 -1928 -208), no filling performed.
Processing hull 2...
*** WARNING 10: Reached occupant at (-488 -1928 -208), no filling performed.
*** WARNING 16: Texture wwall1_1 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture rock4_1 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture wswamp1_4 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture stone1_3 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture rock3_8 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture rock3_7 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture light3_6 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture __TB_empty not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture azfloor1_1 not found
*** WARNING 16: Texture skip not found
---- WriteBSPFile ----
Wrote TestMap.bsp
1814 planes 36280
13524 vertexes 162288
6613 nodes 158712
1508 texinfo 60320
11591 faces 231820
10293 clipnodes 82344
4123 leafs 115444
12533 marksurfaces 25066
46199 surfedges 184796
29039 edges 116156
59 textures 299020
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 36654

0.867 seconds elapsed
Peak memory usage: 55390182 (52.8M)
---- vis / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
running with 8 threads
testlevel = 4
LoadBSPFile: 'TestMap.bsp'
BSP is version 29
LoadPortals: couldn't read TestMap.prt
No vising performed.
---- light / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
Raytracing backend: Embree
running with 8 threads
LoadBSPFile: 'TestMap.bsp'
BSP is version 29
SetQdirFromPath: no "maps" in 'C:\QuakeDev\working\/TestMap.bsp'--- ConvertTextures ---
Loaded extended texinfo flags from TestMap.texinfo
--- LoadEntities ---
WARNING: brush entity with mins (961.00 1153.00 -733.00) maxs (1023.00 1247.00 -729.00) (func_door) has targetname "apd2", which is not targeted by anything.
511 entities read, 254 are lights.
--- OptionsSummary ---
Embree_TraceInit: Embree version: 2.15.0
184 sky faces
9566 solid faces
0 filtered faces
0 shadow-casting skip faces
SetupLights: 254 initial lights
SetupLights: 254 after surface lights
SetupLights: 254 after jittering
--- EstimateLightVisibility ---
Final count: 254 lights, 0 suns in use.
--- LightWorld ---
--- LightThread ---
Lighting Completed.

lightdatasize: 214606
0 switchable light styles (32 max)
Writing TestMap.bsp as BSP version 29
0.380 seconds elapsed

2.192647 lights tested, 1.355077 hits per sample point
0.000000 surface lights tested, 0.000000 hits per sample point
0.000000 bounce lights tested, 0.000000 hits per sample point
0 empty lightmaps
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Press any key to continue . . .

Does anything stick out here that could be wrong? 
What are you using for compiling the map? Some pics with settings would be good as well.

According to pasted log I see .map is compiled into .bsp, but not vis'ed because it has leaks ("Reached occupant" warnings), but that's a different issue.

Afterwards it has lightmap generated by light tool, then 2 files (I assume .bsp and .pts) are copied somewhere ("1 file(s) copied" message), and the last command (which I assume is to launch the engine with the map) has an error message:

> The system cannot find the file specified.

So looks like you need to check your paths? Specifically, for launching game/engine. 
Making An Elevator With Multiple Stops In Trenchbroom 
Hey everyone,

I'm new to Trenchbroom and wanted to make a map with a central elevator that goes up to a new floor, then the player needs to find a switch to let the elevator progress to the next floor. I know you can use doors as elevators, but from what I can see, they can only move between two points. Is there any way to achieve what I want to do here? Thanks! 
You need will need a mod for that.

I added this feature in Rubicon 2, so it's surely also in Alkaline -- you can set a flag on a func_train to stop at each point waiting to be triggered again. It's spawnflags "1"

I'm sure that AD and progs_dump and Copper also have similar features but they may be implemented differently. 
In original game (ID1) you can't do multiple-floor elevators, at least the ones that are controlled with the buttons to call it up and/or down between the floors.

I know that Mission Pack 2 (ROGUE) has such an elevator, but nobody maps for the Mission Packs. Such elevator is also implemented in "progs_dump" mod: 
@rik @gila 
progs_dump has the mission pack 2 style of elevators with a good sample map you can study and cut and paste from

AND progs_dump also has the func_train "wait for retrigger" method metlslime refers to as well

You can find progs_dump 2 here and version 3 will be coming out next week come hell or high water.

No later than the 27th (if all goes as planned)

You are welcome to come to the dev Discord and ask questions!

One thing to note is that the trains changed between version 2 and 3 so you'll need to tweak this if you start with 2 and move to 3. 
Thanks for the recommendations everyone! I'm doing this for a school project and I'm not sure if we're allowed to use mods, so fingers crossed. 
Hey All! 
Been tinkering with Quake mapping again after ... so very, very long.

At any rate, using Arcane Dimensions and wanting to start the player with just their axe. I see the "takeweapons" key for the worldspawn but not having a lot of luck getting it to do anything. And Google hits are very thin.

Any guidance I could refer to? 
You may also have a look at the "Holy Quake Mapping Bible" written by aguirRe:

This text file allowed me to solve 99% of the issues I face when I as mapping (one decade ago)

Good read ! 
Just found the same question on discord.

Give the player a trigger_once hull brush.

classname trigger_once
target take

Another trigger

classname target_items
items 4096
origin . . .
spawnflags 2
targetname take
weapon 4096

Player starts with only the axe.
Thanks riktoi. 
With "wait" "-1" on the path_corner you want it to stop at. Train will start again when triggered (again) 
Compiling Gui Not Working >:( 
I'm trying to compile my quake map and its not working so here's the error.

Copying Files...
1 file(s) copied.
Converting map...
---- qbsp / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
Input file:
Output file: gamermap.bsp

---- LoadMapFile ----
*** WARNING 06: No info_player_deathmatch entities in level
4808 faces
783 brushes
341 entities
36 unique texnames
1075 texinfo

Opened WAD: D:/quakedev/wads/QUAKE101.WAD
Processing hull 0...
---- Brush_LoadEntity ----
0 brushes
0 planes
---- CSGFaces ----
0 brushfaces
0 csgfaces
0 mergedfaces
---- Portalize ----
---- vis / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
running with 16 threads
testlevel = 4
LoadBSPFile: 'gamermap.bsp'
************ ERROR ************
Error opening gamermap.bsp: No such file or directory
---- light / ericw-tools v0.18.1-32-g6660c5f ----
Raytracing backend: Embree
running with 16 threads
LoadBSPFile: 'gamermap.bsp'
************ ERROR ************
Error opening gamermap.bsp: No such file or directory
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Press any key to continue . . .

It used to compile fine but now it doesn't. I'm new to this message board so I might not be posting in the right place. please help I wanna finish my map >:( 
Something is probably wrong in your setup, like directories or perhaps the paths have spaces in them (they shouldn't). Maybe something changed?

For some reason the QBSP log looks cut off and then immediately VIS log starts. Either way the BSP file either can't be created (maybe some user rights issue like you can't write to that folder or whatever) or is not created due to some other error. 
Yeah you'd probably need to show us how your compile GUI is set up, paths/arguments/whatever. 
Try Running The Tools Using A Command Prompt. 
Put your tools (qbsp.exe, vis.exe and light.exe) in a directory such as c:\compile\, along with your map file.

Then click start, type CMD, press enter.

You should see a command prompt.

Type cd c:\compile

Then type qbsp gamermap

Then, assuming it finishes, type light gamermap

If that runs, type vis gamermap

then you can copy your map file to quake\id1\maps or wherever your maps directory is.

Then you can run Quake, press the tilde key (`), and type map gamermap.

The old fashioned way. You will probably find out what the problem is along the way. If not, post your experience here :) 
Quake Rerelease Crashes 
My map crashes the Quake Rerelease with this weird error:

kexTaggedMemory::Malloc: failed on allocation of 18446744073709453648 bytes (c:\jenkins-agen\workspace\_ii_silver_athena_quake_i_master\kex3_bastet\source\renderer\r_model.cpp:1145)

It's vis'd properly with no warnings or errors and works in quakespasm and qss. 
Solved It.. 
Selected everything and moved the map so it's at the center of the grid and now it runs fine. 
Cant Select Touching 
whenever i use Ctrl-T or click "select touching" in the menu, instead of selecting touching, it deletes the object i originally pressed. What am i doing wrong? 
Are you using Radiant? If so, that is expected behavior. The four options -- "select partial tall," "select complete tall," "select touching," and "select inside" -- all assume that you will first draw out a temporary brush that you intend to use only to select "real" brushes. The temp brush then gets deleted as part of the operation. 
^ Yes. 
In Worldcraft and other editors, you can drag a selection box to select brushes and entities. But in Trenchbroom there is no selection tool. So you make a temporary brush then Ctrl+T. 
Button Works Off Proximity? 
i've been trying to design some elevator shennanigans and the last blocker i am experiencing is a button i have that triggers several targets sharing the same name is also triggering an func_door that itself has no targetname. I don't understand how this button is doing is causing the func_door elevator to move once pressed despite seeming have no direct connection to the elevator. I think I've even recreated the brush at this point, deleted and drawn a new one, and structuralized the old one... it seems like it's a proximity thing, like the button is triggering it just by proximity!?? 
Door Linking Could Be The Issue 
If doors touch, quake will automatically link them to animate together (so that a two-part door will animate in sync.) Could that be your issue? If so, there is a spawnflag on doors for "don't link", see if that helps. 
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