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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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My Presumed Hack 
If a static entity has a walk frame, it is possible to use the frames on a position, so that they walk away from the origin.
Placing the same static entity as info_null, it will look as if it it walking from its start position.

It needs some correction in the mdl file for the walk pose, which can be done in an editor. But as the monster isn't used in game it won't matter. 
Maybe instead of using misc_model, you could use a real monster but use map hacks to make it non responsive. That should make it ride the train.

On the other hand, the feature to have misc_models ride trains and plats seems generally useful, so maybe dumptruck_ds should add that. (Maybe a spawnflag on the entity to make it use physics?) 
Version 3 of progs_dump has a way to do what you want I think.

The new entity misc_modeltrain allows you to animate a model and change the frames at path corners. It's pretty sweet. Shoot me an email and I can probably do a build for you. We've delayed the next release by a few months but this function already works. Here's the FGD entries so you can take a sneak peak. 
@madfox, Metlslime, Dumptruck_ds 
Thanks for your help.
The hack and the real monster will not work for me because it should walk overhead and turn on path_corners. But big thanks anyway for your interesting ideas.
The progs_dump 3 sound realy good and maybe they will do the effect on to the map, that I thought of.
I'm looking forward to post some screen shoots totday of my project and the map where I want to place this function. 
I forgot to add above what metlslime suggested above is in version 3 already. misc_model now has spawnflags for solidity and physics. And a bunch of new animation options.

spawnflags(flags) =
1: "Gravity" : 0
2: "Solid" : 0
4: "Back and forth" : 0
8: "Only once" : 0
16: "Play count times" : 0
That sounds realy interesting. Looking forward to see this in action. 
.map Files 
If I make a map using TB I can export and edit it in Jack, but can't do the opposite. Why? 
First, did you export the map from Jack as a .map file?

If so, you might be using an older version of TB that defaults to opening non-Valve 220 formatted maps. If this is the case, just switch the dropdown from Standard to Valve when opening it in TB. 
And if dumptruck hasn't correctly guessed your issue, you'll need to describe the problem you're having in more detail so that folks can help. 
Merging Mods.. 
Violent Rumble have weapons from rogue and hipnotic, monsters from Quoth and features like dp_200. Is it possible to make something like that without any coding? 
I just want to use jumpmod's boots with dp_200 in QS. 
no, you can't combine mods without some coding. You'd need the source code for each mod, and enough understanding to know what files to edit and how. (Also, Quoth source code was never released.) 
As expected.. Well, I have to learn some qc and try at least. Thank you! 
By the way, jumpmod include dev folder with qc and map sources (like pd_200) 
Show Lights Color Directly In TB 
my friend lurq use JACK as editor, and it has a really nifty way of displaying what color each light source is, without clicking and reading the properties. See this image:
- any way of getting this feature to TB?
cheers, bps 
Unintentional Post Spam 
omg, didn't realize post stuck on last page... sorry 

You could log an issue on Github, the Trenchbroom developer is quite resposive! I think it could be a good idea - there was talk of a real time lighting preview in Trenchbroom - not sure what became of that idea. Nonetheless - you can find it here: 
Trenchbroom Disregarding Edits When Compiling 

I've been fiddling around in TrenchBroom for just over a week now, making simple box maps to test mechanics as well as starting on a proper map. I've had some previous experience with Hammer.
In a couple of instances now, TrenchBroom saves the document (.map-file) and I can restore the file with all edits apparently up to date. However, sometimes the documents seem to get "stuck", in that when try to compile them, it seems to compile an older version of the file.
When this happens, I have found no way to proceed with the same .map-file; I either have to revert to an older backup or start over... It has happened on very simple maps with no errors in them as well.
Any ideas? 
What are you using to compile your Quake .map? Is it Necros' Compiling GUI or are you using TrenchBroom map compiling profiles? There's also another utility for compiling maps that I've seen mentioned but don't remember the name right now, while some people even use batch files or other scripts to compile their maps.

Either way, some screenshots of the configs might help.

Also, just in case, what engine you are loading your compiled maps in? 
I'm Old. 
I always manually export my .map file into a compiler folder, often with a new name, and use CMD to run the compilers manually. I use ericw's Quake tools. Works well. I also then manually copy my .bsp and .lit into the quake\id1\maps DIR and load the map manually. Works every time.

I guess you could try and run TB as administrator. Maybe it's a write permissions issue. Not sure. 
Adding Quake 2 Assets/ Entities To Quake 1 
Hi just started exploring mapping with Quake and Trenchbroom and was wondering something.

Is it possible to bring Quake 2 entities over to Quake 1, and if so, is there a guide out there on how you could do this, or would anyone here be able to explain the process? (I'm not sure what kind of compatibility there is between the games.)

Lastly, are you then able to use Trenchbroom to drop these entities into your Quake 1 map?

Thanks for any advice! 
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