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a) is great.
b) looks like a geomcomp entry. 
yeah, it's pretty good. it's one of those games that when you play it, you can't help but feel it could have been one hell of a game with some minor changes. as it is, it's a decent shooter with alot of untapped potential. here's hoping for a bigger budget on pn04. 
I thought it was:

a) looks great
b) plays blah

but I haven't played it so whatever 
Tried Pn03 Briefly 
...on a GC demo stand at a store. I only played for only about a minute though, and the second robot I met killed me (I didn't bother to look a the instruction splash screen so I didn't know how to crouch). Still I'd like to try a lot of it though, because it looked absolutely gorgeous.
And there was a rolling demo playing of it too, and holy crap does that combat look sexy! I know it's nothing fancy how the player performs those moves (Street Fighter-esque down, downright, right, A etc etc), but damn it looks sexcellent when the girl flips arund, does cartwheels, piruettes and other werido things while firing barrages of laser death towards evil white mechas...
Might be another reason for me to ge a GC. 
You can use .ase models in q3 maps (need later q3map2 ofcourse).
You can use some converter (like Deep Exploration) to convert to ASE from other 3d editors propitiatory formats. 
Thought Du Jour... 
Id maps that *didn't* feature signficant amounts of water to wade through

The Correlation Between Them Being: 
Shambler has way too much free time now that he doesn't review maps. 
Sm50 Up 
my cat is asleep 
Doom3 In Decent Screenshot Shocker 
excuse the shit out of me, but...isn't that basically Coriolis Storm in that screenshot? I mean, I know there are some basic elements of sci-fi design and all, but that goes beyond 'passing resemblance' for me.
Not to mention the JC ripoff a second time.
I cannot think of a suitable smiley to express my state of mind, so I'll have to make do with this string of semi-random symbols -
design like that (albeit in different textures and themes) has been around at least since the q2 days. However, given the particular theme and textures in that screenie, I can see where you're coming from. 
Oh Aye 
that's what I meant about basic elements of scifi design - the colony in Aliens ( '85-'86 ) has a section like that used for outside establishing shots of the operations center. Of course, in Aliens it's all bluish gray.
It's just the number of similarities to Coriolis; it was the first thing that struck me. ( and the other thing that struck was...well, the other Thing that struck me :P )
cf. screenie - 
Doom3 Screens 
Not bad. Hope they fix the Lost Souls to more closely resemble that Revenant-thing's head. 
Decent Screenshot 
good but not great, compared with HL2. And i can see the CS influence there, despite the standard scifi elements etc. Whoever was responsible for that area/theme was quite likely inspired by coriolis storm, it is popular enough that someone at id has seen it, im sure. 
Just To Stir The Pot A Little More... 
Mmm, Pot... 
Truth is, Doom 3 - and probably Quake IV - is just a bunch of very old ideas with the detail cranked up 'til the handle falls off. 
I like that comic.

>Oh, and apparently hl2's been delayed:


From the article
>We are currently targeting a holiday release

Maybe this means I'll get a Christmas present this year. I mean, Santa *must* have a limit on his supply of coal, he's gotta run out sometime. 
I Quite Honestly Don't See It, To Me It's Like This 
"OMG, did you see the new Mitsubishi Magna, well they have totally ripped off the model T Ford, ............ Yeah, they both have Wheels !! OMG"
that screenie reminded me of one of the beginning levels of unreal 2. 
What A Hideous Thought.............. 
I was hoping that nothing would ever remind me of Unreal II, oh well, a couple of days complete rest, and some strong medication should cure that. :) 
Oh, Great 
HL2 released just in time for christmas. What a surprise... The sad part is of course that lots of other good games will now stay in the dark. That is, if Valve manages to release the game in time (like that'll ever happen). 
Am I the only one who feels that Doom 3 has some of the worst monster design in recent games? (And by "recent games" I mean all FPS since Daikatana.) 
Worst And Worst, Miss Bloom 
I guess you refer then to the recent shots of the revenant and trites. Yeah. They look meh.
The zombies are humans, which is fair enough. Then there's those baby insects, which I think are quite cool, and definately unusual. Then pinky and hellknight, which ,quite frankly, I think are fucktasticly marvellous.
So you are a big, fat doodiehead, Mr.Rectum. 
Cranked Up 'til The Handle Falls Off 
Heh, I like that. I also like the saluting cat. I think he has a name, but I forget what it is.
Skeletor with guns for shoulders is pretty lame, but the rest of the baddies look good to me. Id seems to be holding back on screens from hell, and I expect that that is where the coolest of the monsters are going to be. 
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