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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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So they indeed have Flags in their statement.
I couldn't find theor cmoment in the tutorial, but I think you can find the cause there.
Try a bit hussling with the flags number. 
Quoth qcc code is not published, but I think this is just a mapping error. 
What The Fuck? 
It's not a mapping error. It's working as expected. 
Beg Your Pardon 
Does the Fuck relatest to #20567 or #20572? 
I must be as ill tempered as OTP, sorry for that.

Let's see it the other way.
Not that I'm huanlopan.

Would it be possible to change the flag options for the Quoth DeathLords? In the dimmed imgur view of Trenchboom I see a few parms.

If the defs are:
// entity effects

float EF_DIMLIGHT = 8;

could they be turned off by deleting some, or turn them to 0? Or doesn't this work with Quoth code. 
Hey, thanks for the link, and thanks for the clarification! That's a load off. I'll peruse this Quoth tutorial page for sure. 
The Death Lords has no spawnflags, and the effect cannot be turned off. It's there on purpose, and that purpose is "the Death Lord takes 50% damage when the effect is active". 
Sorry for intervening on a case I have no experience. 
Is There A Flag For No Monster Infighting For Quoth/id1 Content? 
I know there's such a thing for Arcane Dimensions, as stated on this page, but what about Quoth/id1? 
There's no flag to disable it in Quoth or ID1. In Quoth an alternative is to construct a fight using the Death Guard/Death Knight/Death Lord triumvirate as they never infight with each other - they are treated as variants of the same monster. 
I see, thanks for the response. No way around it: Have to be clever with enemy placements. 
I used to hate infighting in my maps. But once I saw some of the clever ways players use it in a tactical sense I got over it. It's part of the game play.

But yes, you can mitigate it in enemy placement. And remember, in id1 only Grunts will infight each other. The rest of the gang will ignore their own type. 
^Thanks for the tip, and hey, thanks for the Trenchbroom tutorial series. It's the whole reason I'm here right now. Really enjoying making my own small map. Hoping to make bigger, more traditional Quake ones soon. 
Collision Box Rotation? 
Hi there!

I was triyng put my custom models on my map, but when i try to rotate the objects, the collision boxes remains in the same spot and not rotate with the model, how can i fix this?

A screenshot 
If it is a model or static give them a flag :
"angle 180" or any number 0/360. 
Thanks Madfox!! 
Useful as always, thanks bro! 
I am still wondering how you obtain that transperant shape. Is that fence a static entity or a brush with texture? 
FWIW: You can make Ogres infight by using monster_ogre vs monster_ogre_marksman.

marksmen also don't play their alert sound. 
For Madfox 
Its a model, looks better this way in quake engine.. 
Random Teleporting Out Map Boundaries 
Hi everyone, I'm new into Quake mapping. I want to create a singleplayer map but encountered a weird issue. When I move around my map, I get teleported outside the level into some location way outside of it. Can anyone tell what is going on?

For the record, I've placed only ground floor on the level, simple paths just to check it out.

Here's the shot from the map:

Screenshot ->

The points with 'teleport area' are the places where if I move close to it, I get teleported far away.

One possible reason is if you are building really far away from the origin. Your map is very small so that seems unlikely, but if that is the case, move everything close to the world origin. The standard boundaries are ±4096 from the origin. 
Yes, that was it! Moving it closer to the world origin helped. Thanks for the help :) 
Raising/Lowering Stairs Using Func_doors? 
Hello folks, new mapper here trying to make a Quake 1 vanilla map using Trenchbroom 2.0, ericwtools, and quake.fgd entity definitions. Have watched all the Quake Builder and dumptruck_ds tutorial videos on youtube. Only started in the last couple weeks so I'm still learning a lot of basic stuff like how all the entities work together.

In the map I'm working on I'm wanting to make a set of stairs that raise from the floor when the player presses a switch or walks through a trigger brush. Is this possible? I know it's easily accomplished using a single switch/trigger and a single brush but I'm wanting to do a sequence of steps. The idea being the player triggers the steps and then they rise out of the floor slowly in sequence one after the other.

I'm currently trying to use func_door brushes linked by trigger_relay point entities that are initially triggered by a switch, where pressing the switch triggers the first step which in turn triggers the next step via a trigger_relay which triggers the next step via another trigger_relay and so on.

But since it's not working I'm obviously doing something wrong in setting up the brushes and relays or I'm just going about it the wrong way completely.

The current setup I'm experimenting with is as follows (A switch and four steps):

-A func_button entity with a wait value of "1" targeting func_door entity "step1", all other values default
-A func_door brush entity targetname "step1" sized 144x144x32 units with angle "-1", dmg "0", lip "16", speed "20", wait "-1", targeting a trigger_relay entity targetname "triggerstep2", all other values default
-A trigger_relay entity "triggerstep2" with delay "1" targeting func_door brush entity "step2"
-A func_door brush entity targetname "step2" sized 144x144x48 units with same angle, dmg, lip, speed, wait and other default values as "step1" targeting a trigger_relay entity "triggerstep3"
-A trigger_relay entity "triggerstep3" with delay "1" targeting func_door brush entity "step3"
-A func_door brush entity "step3" sized 144x144x64 units with same angle, dmg, lip, speed, wait and other default values as "step2" targeting a trigger_relay entity "triggerstep4"
-A trigger_relay entity "triggerstep4" with delay "1" targeting func_door brush entity "step4"
-A func_door brush entity "step4" sized 144x144x80 units with same angle, dmg, lip, speed, wait and other default values as "step3" targeting nothing (this is the final step in the sequence)

And that's it. When I compile and test it the button presses in but the steps do not rise. They just sit in the floor. Perhaps this just isn't possible? Any help is appreciated! 
Examples Are Easier To Understand 
Watch this
Probably you missed the orientation of the pathcorners. 
Hi Arktos - I have an alternative suggestion to try with your setup. Apply the DON'T LINK spawnflag to all of your func_door entities. This will save you from lots of problems where the doors get clumped together. 
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