Whoops, That Was Me ^^
 Just A Thought..,
#20559 posted by madfox on 2020/09/18 22:44:53
I think it's like the "no deathmatchplayer" warning, when compiling a map with only a player_start. Something like a maximum entity warning that is obvious.
#20560 posted by Preach on 2020/09/19 22:58:55
The inhibit count records the number of entities which were prevented from loading of their spawnflags and the current gamemode/difficulty. So for example, when playing on easy, any "not in easy" entities are added to the inhibited total, and likewise for "not in deathmatch" when playing in deathmatch mode.
Note that if the QuakeC code removes an entity, that doesn't count as an inhibition. Standard QuakeC removes all monsters from deathmatch, even if they don't have the "not in deathmatch" flag set - but only monsters with the flag count as inhibited.
 Thanks, Preach!
#20562 posted by Jeremy on 2020/09/21 18:10:59
I'm trying to edit a mdl model in the blender, but whenever I enlarge or stretch a place in a frame, the part of the model that I stretched or expanded in the next frame does not look properly. Is there no way to prevent this? I'm using blender 2.8 thank you
 Question About Loading The Quake Source Map Files Into Trenchbroom:
#20563 posted by Tonius42 on 2020/09/28 01:24:51
So I have started making maps recently and would like to load the quake source maps into Trenchbroom to look at the design, it allows me to compile the maps and load with no textures, but if I try to load the .Map into trenchbroom I get this error :
At line 8, column 64: Expected '[', but got integer (raw data: '0')
Any idea on how to get the quake source map file to load in trenchbroom?
Thanks a ton!
#20564 posted by anonymous user on 2020/09/28 06:16:57
@Jeremy: every frame of animation is baked into a shape key, you're only ever editing the currently selected one.
@Tonius42: choose "Standard" map format instead of "Valve"
 Thank You!
#20565 posted by Tonius42 on 2020/09/28 21:22:22
Much appreciated!
 Quoth Death Lord Error/glitch?
#20566 posted by huanlopan on 2020/09/29 17:42:31
Using Trenchbroom with the Quoth set, and in my compiled map, the Death Lords from Quoth will every other second have this field of yellow sprites around them.
It reminds me of when you spawned HECU grunts in HL1 in midair, so I feel like this is an error of sorts. I'm not too experienced with mapping or Quoth, so maybe that's part of their mystique and this isn't an error? Would appreciate some clarification.
#20567 posted by madfox on 2020/09/29 18:43:29
There is something wrong with the lightning effect. It looks as if you're using the muzlebright or muzleflash in the placement of the entities as flags.
Normaly this only happens when you set a monster with a light decimal on it.
Do the Death Lords have flags in their map statements?
#20568 posted by huanlopan on 2020/09/29 19:45:43
I don't think there's any flags in their statements, at least I wouldn't know if there were. Total novice.
And I don't think I'm using a muzlebright or muzleflash, but indeed, the only lighting in the room are torches in the center. Would that have anything to do with it?
#20570 posted by metlslime on 2020/09/29 20:33:54
also.... quaddicted is hosting an archive of itself?
#20571 posted by madfox on 2020/09/29 20:38:29
So they indeed have Flags in their statement.
I couldn't find theor cmoment in the tutorial, but I think you can find the cause there.
Try a bit hussling with the flags number.
#20572 posted by madfox on 2020/09/29 20:41:56
Quoth qcc code is not published, but I think this is just a mapping error.
 What The Fuck?
It's not a mapping error. It's working as expected.
 Beg Your Pardon
#20574 posted by madfox on 2020/09/29 22:32:32
Does the Fuck relatest to #20567 or #20572?
#20575 posted by madfox on 2020/09/30 00:42:29
I must be as ill tempered as OTP, sorry for that.
Let's see it the other way.
Not that I'm huanlopan.
Would it be possible to change the flag options for the Quoth DeathLords? In the dimmed imgur view of Trenchboom I see a few parms.
If the defs are:
// entity effects
float EF_DIMLIGHT = 8;
could they be turned off by deleting some, or turn them to 0? Or doesn't this work with Quoth code.
#20576 posted by huanlopan on 2020/09/30 04:09:18
Hey, thanks for the link, and thanks for the clarification! That's a load off. I'll peruse this Quoth tutorial page for sure.
The Death Lords has no spawnflags, and the effect cannot be turned off. It's there on purpose, and that purpose is "the Death Lord takes 50% damage when the effect is active".
#20578 posted by madfox on 2020/09/30 20:43:46
Sorry for intervening on a case I have no experience.
 Is There A Flag For No Monster Infighting For Quoth/id1 Content?
#20579 posted by huanlopan on 2020/10/01 17:00:16
I know there's such a thing for Arcane Dimensions, as stated on this page, but what about Quoth/id1?
#20580 posted by Preach on 2020/10/02 08:26:00
There's no flag to disable it in Quoth or ID1. In Quoth an alternative is to construct a fight using the Death Guard/Death Knight/Death Lord triumvirate as they never infight with each other - they are treated as variants of the same monster.
#20581 posted by huanlopan on 2020/10/02 09:57:30
I see, thanks for the response. No way around it: Have to be clever with enemy placements.
I used to hate infighting in my maps. But once I saw some of the clever ways players use it in a tactical sense I got over it. It's part of the game play.
But yes, you can mitigate it in enemy placement. And remember, in id1 only Grunts will infight each other. The rest of the gang will ignore their own type.