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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Teleport Help Final 
Well, I was looking at the output from the compiler and there were some warnings about empty target properties so I decided to take a shot in the dark and it fixed the issue. So for any future people who might have this problem, there you go! 
Disappearing Doors 
Hi, I'm new to quake mapping.

I was very close to finishing my first map and suddenly my func_doors started disappearing. This isn't just a visual problem, the collision is disappearing as well. I have a lot of doors in my level, is there some kind of limit? I tried different tool sets and the same thing still happens. Any advice would be appreciated. 
Do all doors have seperated targets? It can happen when one of the door initials is not corresponding.
Are there any compile errors? 
I noticed I had some dangling targets then noticed I had a bunch of doors on top of each other that I didn't know about. Deleted the extra doors and it seemed to work, I'm not sure if it was because of the targets or doors. Thanks for the help! 
Teleport Out Of Map 
Hi, Please I have a problem with the map I'm currently working on, it's really strange...
When I get to a certain point the map "teleports" me out of the map in a strange way... I have recorded a video if someone knows wtf is happening...

I have check entirely the log and all its fine

thank you very much!! 
The playable area of a Quake map can't be further than 4096 Quake units from the centre of the world (where the x, y and z axes intersect). When you move beyond that, you see the kind of thing happening like in the video you posted.

Either your map is too big (i.e. bigger than 4096^3), or more likely it's simply off-centre. If the latter, select everything in your map and move it so it extends more or less an equal distance in all directions.

If the map really is too big, there are solutions for that too, but try centring the map first. 
Thanks!!!!!! It works!!!!!!!!!!! Very grateful 
Sorry, I Meant 8192^3 Of Course 
No problem; happy to help :) 
Fun Fact 
Try firing a grenade out of the playable area and the engine will drag it to the opposite side of the level, dragging its particles after it.

Got this in one of my levels now, but unfortunately no way to fix it without rebuilding lots of map :P 
I came upon the same "duce" when I tried to make the fishing ogre walk for several spots.Then it started walking from the side level to the other. No idea how it came back again in an endless loop. 
Vis doesn't ignore func_illusionary, right? Or does it? I'm a little confused by the fact that ericw-tools includes both func_detail_illusionary and func_illusionary_visblocker. I would have thought that one of those would be superfluous. 
Vis ignores func_illusionary the same way it ignores func_wall or func_door. 
Thanks. So what's the point of func_detail_illusionary, then? 
func_detail_illusionary becomes part of the world bsp, like func_detail, so it costs no static entities and is more efficient to render. 
Ah, ok. Thanks for the explanation! 
X Entities Inhibited 
When running a map with "developer 1", what does the warning "[some number] entities inhibited" mean? I understand the "walkmonster in wall", "item fell out" and "exceeds standard limit" messages, but this one has always thrown me. 
Whoops, That Was Me ^^ 
Just A Thought.., 
I think it's like the "no deathmatchplayer" warning, when compiling a map with only a player_start. Something like a maximum entity warning that is obvious. 
The inhibit count records the number of entities which were prevented from loading of their spawnflags and the current gamemode/difficulty. So for example, when playing on easy, any "not in easy" entities are added to the inhibited total, and likewise for "not in deathmatch" when playing in deathmatch mode.

Note that if the QuakeC code removes an entity, that doesn't count as an inhibition. Standard QuakeC removes all monsters from deathmatch, even if they don't have the "not in deathmatch" flag set - but only monsters with the flag count as inhibited. 
Thanks, Preach! 
I'm trying to edit a mdl model in the blender, but whenever I enlarge or stretch a place in a frame, the part of the model that I stretched or expanded in the next frame does not look properly. Is there no way to prevent this? I'm using blender 2.8 thank you 
Question About Loading The Quake Source Map Files Into Trenchbroom: 
So I have started making maps recently and would like to load the quake source maps into Trenchbroom to look at the design, it allows me to compile the maps and load with no textures, but if I try to load the .Map into trenchbroom I get this error :

At line 8, column 64: Expected '[', but got integer (raw data: '0')

Any idea on how to get the quake source map file to load in trenchbroom?

Thanks a ton! 
@Jeremy: every frame of animation is baked into a shape key, you're only ever editing the currently selected one.

@Tonius42: choose "Standard" map format instead of "Valve" 
Thank You! 
Much appreciated! 
Quoth Death Lord Error/glitch? 
Using Trenchbroom with the Quoth set, and in my compiled map, the Death Lords from Quoth will every other second have this field of yellow sprites around them.
It reminds me of when you spawned HECU grunts in HL1 in midair, so I feel like this is an error of sorts. I'm not too experienced with mapping or Quoth, so maybe that's part of their mystique and this isn't an error? Would appreciate some clarification. 
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