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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Works For Me, Thanks! 
But what about position offset? 
I think that particular worldspawn key DOES still work. I.e. try setting no_item_offset to 1 for worldspawn. 
Yea, apparently "enabled" is actually "disabled". Worked, thanks! 
No Spawn Function For: Func_detail_illusionary 
Console spits this error for every func_detail_illusionary in the map. Am I doing something wrong or this entity just broken? No errors during compilation, playing with quakespasm. 
You need to use ericw's compilers.

That ent is just used by his compilers. It will be stripped out of the bsp.

In general, ericw's compilers are the only compilers anyone should even be thinking about using, at this stage. 
no q2 though :( 
Argh! Hunk_Alloc 

One year of work and now I got this message after compiling: "Hunk_Alloc: failed on 67108896 bytes".
if I read the crashreport right, "ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64" it means stack overflow.

Does someone know what this means and how to repair it? 
Gotta Alloc More Hunks, Bro 
Try your local gym.

Errrr, could mean needing to allocate more RAM, IIRC? try -heapsize 256000 or similar in your Quake exe shortcut. 
used heapsize. Same failure.
Is there any other way? 
What Is Your Current Heapsize? Try Doubling It 
Where can I find the heapsize setting? 
Not Sure But 

I think you type com_hunkmegs into the console to see what your current settings are. 
Thanks @Shambler, Metlslime, Dumptruck_ds 
Finaly it works with -heapsize 512000. 
Just found out about a strange thing with my Xmas map. The player falls into a trigger_push at the start, and in QSS this causes the camera to get tilted by 4 degrees.

Raising the player start by 4 units solves the issue, but copying the unmodified playerstart+trigger to a fresh map does not isolate it.

The trigger has "angles 335 35 0", the player has "angle 30". Messing with these leads to all sorts of weird results (zeroing the player makes the tilt go up to 8 degrees).

So, is it an issue with my map, QSS or AD?

I also had some other issues that were either AD bugs or me being dense:
- Widowmaker doesn't work in deathmatch: can't be picked up again after dying
- "Delayed" monsters seem to activate all monster-sensitive triggers on spawn
- "Non-solid" flag on a func_bob seems to have no effect
- The distance that a func_bob moves seems unreliable and/or goes out of sync over time
- trigger_monsterjump doesn't affect flying enemies despite the specific spawnflag
- It's impossible to trigger-set fog density/color to 0, have to use 0.0001 etc instead
- Brushes with sky texture on one side will behave as pass-through for projectiles on all other sides too(?). Possibly even make the enemies pass-through(?) 
non-solid func_bob becomes solid when you walk over a corpse 
Overwriting Default Backpack Values? 
I have a monster_ogre, and when I add a key value pair of
ammo_shells: 20
I gain 20 shells when I kill him and touch the dropped backpack.

This does not work with ammo_rockets however, because in ogre.qc it sets self.ammo_rockets = 2. Is there a way so it respects my values in the entity settings? 
Trenchbroom Q2 Map Leaks 
Hey everyone,

I'm a newbie working on mapping with Quake 2 in Trenchbroom (loving the editor so far!)

Unfortunately I can't seem to generate a map with proper lighting due to a leak while running QBSP3.

I can still launch the map, however after compiling with QVIS3 it will be dark.

In order to troubleshoot I started a new file which is a simple closed off room, ensured my "Snap to Grid" option is on, and that the room is indeed closed off.

Here's what the compiler is doing:

#### Executing 'E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\qbsp3.exe q24'
----------- qbsp3 -----------
original code by id Software
Modified by Geoffrey DeWan
Revision 1.09
gamedir set to E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\
entering E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\maps\
0...2...5...7... (0)
**** leaked ****
Writing E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\maps\q24.bsp
0 seconds elapsed
#### Finished with exit status 0

#### Executing 'E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\qvis3.exe q24'
----------- qvis3 -----------
original code by id Software
Modified by Geoffrey DeWan
Revision 1.03
reading E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\maps\q24.bsp
reading E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\maps\q24.prt

************ ERROR ************
LoadPortals: couldn't read E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\maps\q24.prt

#### Finished with exit status 1

#### Executing 'E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\qrad3.exe q24'
----------- qrad3 ----------
original code by id Software
Modified by Geoffrey DeWan
Revision 1.04
Compiled for Pentium processors
gamedir set to E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\
reading E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\maps\q24.bsp
Couldn't load E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\textures/__tb_empty.wal
No vis information, direct lighting only.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
writing E:\Games\quake2\baseq2\maps\q24.bsp
0 seconds elapsed
#### Finished with exit status 0

Here's the map:

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 
Have you tried 'File > Load Point File'? It should tell you where the leak is.
Have you tried different textures? The compiler complaining about __tb_empty means you have untextured brushes. Not all textures seal against the void.

I can see that the geometry shouldn't be leaking, but I don't have Q2 or its compilers installed. 
Default Backpack Values 
Hi nathnolt. Afraid that can't be done without modifying the QC. Map hacks involve getting interesting effects from setting values in fields which the QC has assumed are set to default. If the QC explicitly changes a field, you can't tell it not to do that.

Sometimes you can work around things the QC does, either by:
- using a hack earlier on to prevent the offending QC running
- running another hack after the offending QC to overwrite the value
Neither of these work for the ogre ammo, because the ammo value is set in the same function which drops the backpack. If you found a way to skip that, you'd skip the backpack spawning as well. If you rewrote the ammo value later (which might not be possible anyway...) you've missed the change for it to count. 
Map Hacks 
Thanks @Preach, both for your reply and your website. Is there a list with the combined knowledge of map hacks and/or entity knowledge? 
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