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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Textures With Incompatible Colors...? 
I have custom textures for a map I'm making but once I convert the texture from an image to a texture and put them in the custom wad and run the map in Quake, I see that the texture's colors are simplified, parts of the texture are simply grey where the colors are I guess incompatible or whatever.
What's going on? Is it a problem with Quake's colormap, a problem or a problem with the WAD? 
Do the colors look correct in texmex? (Or which was editor you’re using?) 
Any Quake 1 Texture Artists Still Around And Active ? 
Somehow, in 2019, I need some Quake 1 inspired textures for my indie project. So I am wondering if there are still any good Quake 1 texture artists around and reachable (like Speedy for example, who I have no contact with, unfortunately). 
Quake uses an 8 bit color palette. More info here: 
is there any engine that allows me to increase the lightmap size for my maps? I was wondering if I could get some nice 2048 or even 4096 lightmaps for cool lighting 
misc_poster, you can see Spike and ericw discussing that, starting at post 19263 here: 
I am very close to finishing my map, but am facing a few issues I need to iron out. The one I'm not sure of, is r_speeds, and what they should be for a modern machine.

After building it with a level 4 vis, I find with the FTE Quake Engine, the sound still stutters, where it doesn't with other maps. By stuttering, I mean that the last second of sound or so repeats multiple times while the game keeps running. The frame rate seems to average 60FPS, with the worst frame rate still over 35.

The "draw indices" value indicated by r_speeds can get over 70,000. Is that too high? How do authors today ensure that the maps aren't too detailed? Is the sound issue an FTE Quake issue only? 
Curves And Grid 
Hi and hello! In my first post I'd like to say hi to QUAKE maniacs and thank to people who made trenchbroom (@kristianduske), compiliations tools (@ericw), and @dumptruck_ds for great tutorials and all others people thanks to them I could back to QUAKE maps - thank you very much!
I got two question:
1. Is possible to use on some Q-port patches/curves like in Q3.
2. Is this a big problem to not keep the grid (I know it is very important, but maybe new compilators can handle it without any problems). Here I show my little altars: as for sure you see they can't handle the grid. Of course I can make altars in the grid but they don't look as good as this style. Is this a real bad idea in building map or I should always handle the grid? Thanks! 
Is this a real bad idea in building map or I should always handle the grid?

"Always stay on grid" is like a func_msgboard/terrafusion mantra.

In this particular case it won't really matter, since it's a loose object and not part of anything structural*. But otherwise, yes, you should always try to stay on grid when building in Quake, 2 at the very least.

It is possible to use smooth on-grid curves to achieve your desired result, though.

* - I hope you're going to mark this altar as a func_detail_wall
Quake, 2 at the very least.

Grid 2, not Quake 2. I wouldn't inflict that on you! 
@onetruepurple - thanks for advice, I always keep in grid in DOOM3/QUAKE4/QUAKE1 but I thought there could be some new feature I didn't know about. I look at my altar once again and it was just easy to see rectangles in triangles chaos. I love brush style mapping! Back to QUAKE mapping thanks new compilers and trenchbroom is like holidays for me. I had to loose work on maps 10 years ago cause compilation time :(
Now is good grid 2 units. 
Looks great in map, for now without func_detail and _phong 1 
Grid 0.125 For Life Yeah \m/ 
"I Wouldn't Inflict That On You!" 
So is Q2 mapping not really a thing now? Genuine question, since I've been out of the game for a long time and have just started resurrecting a project that I started about 20 years ago.

As far as I have heard there are still MP and "jump" maps being created. We have a small group of Quake 2 enthusiast on the Quake Mapping Discord with a dedicated #q2-mapping-etc channel.

I know a few of the regulars there are interested in giving Quake 2 SP mapping a spin. Including myself. Most likely in the new year for me as I am finishing up a project.

Come say hi: 
Why Thank You! :D 
Have done, thanks! 
Someone created a TrenchBroom importer for Godot: 
Cool find, I was recently wondering if there's any sort of support for Quake content in Godot. Too bad that most implementations that aren't derived from Quake support the simplest subset of data formats (either .map or .bsp) and are not concerned with gameplay portion of Quake at all (progs, client-server, etc.). But I guess people work on what they find the most interesting, typically rendering. ;) 

You guys have any idea where I can get a hold of a Wrath ent def file? It's kinda tedious to write your own, trying to figure out all that stuff =) 
AD Item Offset/rotation 
How do I disable it? I'm using jackhammer 1.1.1064 (latest freebie version available) and AD 1.70 P1 with included fgd.

There are a couple of parameters in worldspawn properties that regulate offset and rotation but they have no effect. I tried both Ericw and TyrUtils qbsps, with the same result - items are still rotated/offseted randomly, and will not spawn at all if they dont have more than 64x64 space around them.

There is "Floating" flag that solves the not spawning issue, but it makes items clip through world geometry because they are still offset randomly, but this time with no regard for surroundings. 
Yeah the worldspawn keys don't apply anymore in latest AD I think.

You can set an explicit nonzero angle on the item to stop the random rotation. If you really want explicit angle zero, then use 360 instead. 
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