Big Thanks!
Glad to hear that the failer isn't in the progs. I thought on everything but not on the map limits. So i will move the party more southward to get it work.
Best wishes.
 Ericw-tool Light "no Backend Available"
#20310 posted by beaucanard on 2019/09/11 13:06:46
Hello everyone,
I've set up a mapping environment under Arch Linux, using TrenchBroom + ericw-tools + quakespasm.
Everything works well, aside from the lighting. light is throwing a "no backend available" error at me, and my maps are always full-bright.
I made a small box with a single torch for testing. You can read the log here: https://pastebin.com/h0E8kfcm
Best regards.
#20311 posted by ericw on 2019/09/11 16:39:01
Try the linux build from https://github.com/ericwa/ericw-tools/releases (in case you got it from somewhere else?)
What kind of cpu do you have? The raytracing library (embree) requires sse2 so mid-2000s ish.
#20312 posted by beaucanard on 2019/09/11 22:45:58
Hello ericw,
Thank you very much for answering my message.
Downloading the binaries from github fixed my issue. It turned out I only had the light, vis, and qbsp bianries and nothing else.
I thing I probably have downloaded the source and compiled everything myself.
This is fixed now. Thank you very much for your time!
 Zerstorer Textures Copyrighted?
#20313 posted by Borax Man on 2019/09/28 13:20:44
I'm building a level which is using some textures from Zerstorer, that famous Quake mod. The WAD was available on Quaddicted, but I've noted the following in the text file that came with Zerstorer.
* This product is property and is copyrighted by Nihilism Unlimited.
* If this product appears on any medium/media without the consent of
Nihilism Unlimited, full legal action will be taken.
I note some textures were used in func map jam 3, which was a Zerstorer themed jam.
The question is, is it OK to use these textures? Obviously I want to respect the authors wishes, but this disclaimer is confusing, as it appears to discourage any copying!
It's fine to use them. It's been 20+ years and everybody from "Nihilism Unlimited", which I doubt was ever any proper legal entity, has since gotten jobs and careers (some of them are still at id).
#20315 posted by metlslime on 2019/09/28 18:52:13
seems like they don't want it distributed on a physical medium like CD-ROM
 @Borax Man
A bit of historical perspective:
That warning came at a time when software publishers were downloading maps and mod archives from cdrom.com. They would package them and sell them in retail stores without permission.
Mappers and Modders started adding warning like these back in the Doom days.
 Oh God I Remember That Crap
#20317 posted by Kinn on 2019/09/28 23:21:46
Yeah you could literally walk into a high street games retail outlet and buy one of those big cereal-box sized packages with a CD rattling around in it, with "3000 BRUTAL QUAKE LEVELS" written on it in a big red "rubber stamp" font, and 90% of them would be fullbright boxes with a rotfish stuck in the air, big walls tiled with the flashing button texture, and everything more than 10 feet away from you is a great big HOM.
 SM202 Theme Confirmed There.
#20318 posted by Shambler on 2019/09/28 23:33:49
#20319 posted by Borax Man on 2019/10/02 12:12:28
I suspected that would be the case. Good.
I played jamx_bloodshot, which was quite excellent, a map in func_mapjam x.
One thing that appeared to happen after passing through the silver key door, was the player being teleported when they turned their back on the door. I have a few ideas for my level, but the only way I can implement them is to have a func_wall disappear when the player gets close to it. That I can do, but is there Quake C code which allows for a trigger to be fired when LOOKED at?
#20320 posted by metlslime on 2019/10/02 16:14:12
Triggers can have an “angle” property which requires players to face within a quarter turn of that direction before the trigger will fire.
 Key Values
#20321 posted by gillandro on 2019/10/05 12:51:48
is there a list of the key values I can use some where... I wanted to use some ambient sounds but I can't seem to find the key value for volume... i.e. how the ambient light has an intensity key value, I wanted to make the sound of a rumble or something louder... I have typed in things like volume, intensity and what not but not sure how... also I had wanted to put a lightning effect so I wanted to make the lightning have a occurrence so it would happen every five or 10 seconds. thanks. the video on entities tells how to edit and add key values...but not what key values are available and unless i missed it in the manual I can't seem to find it there...
Not sure but are you asking about progs_dump?
If so the audio settings are well documented in the manual since version 1.1.0
In a nutshell, the audio defaults to the loudest volume. If you need something louder try and "double up" entities next to each other.
Random lightning effects are too complex to explain here but you will want to take a look at func_counter and the random spawnflag.
I have a new pd_lightning map that will be released very soon with pd_ version 1.1.2
#20323 posted by Borax Man on 2019/10/06 05:11:56
I have implemented a lightning effect in Lords of Chaos. Actually, the effect is a little more complex than what I'm describing here, but I don't want to spoil too much.
I used a func_counter, which has the "looping" spawnflag set. "wait" is set to the delay between each lightning strike. The counter targets three trigger_relays. The first trigger_relay targets the light which is the lightning effect, and turns it on. The second trigger_relay also targets the light which is the lightning effect, but to turn it off. I have 'delay' set on this trigger at 0.3, so you get a pretty quick flash. The third trigger_relay targets 4 different play_sound_triggered entities spaced a few hundred units apart. I have delay set on this relay to '1', so the thunder sound is a little delayed from the lightning, for realism. These entities all play ambience/thunder1.wav. Of course, you can use your own effect here or change the delay values to change the timing of events.
The trick to making it louder is the 'impulse' key on the play_sound_triggered entities. The default value is '0', which is 'automatic', but I found the sound crackled a little and could drop out. What I did is set each play_sound_triggered to use a different impulse value (1,2, 3 and 4) which means all four entities use their own unique channel. The sound comes out nice and loud if you space them apart just right. My sound entities are about 500 - 600 map units apart. Note this doesn't actually really make it louder than other sound effects, but it does allow you to have it loud over a larger area in a reliable way.
You COULD use one play_sound_triggered instead of four, and set speed to '-1' (heard all over the level), but for my purposes I only wanted it heard where the lightning could be seen.
 Key Values
#20324 posted by gillandro on 2019/10/06 14:57:56
when you use the point entity ambient_drone for example... and I look at they key/value spread sheet in entities all I see is the classname, origin, and spawnflags keys... the ambient_drone only seems to be audible if I create it near the player start entity. I wanted to put it some where in the middle of the part of the map it was created in and sort of be loud enough that no matter where I was in that part of the map that it would be heard... thanks hopefully this clears up my question better.
#20325 posted by iw on 2019/10/06 20:00:20
ambient_drone (and the other ambient_* entities from the original game) are unfortunately not very configurable; there's no key the mapper can set to change the volume etc.
If you're using progs_dump, it adds a more configurable entity named ambient_general which has the following keys:
- Set "noise" to the path of the wav file to play (if you want the same sound as ambient_drone, that's "ambience/drone6.wav").
- Set "volume" to the volume (1.0 should be full volume, 0.5 should be half volume, etc.).
- Set "speed" to the attenuation factor. "-1" means no attentuation (i.e. should be audible anywhere in the level). The original game generally uses "2" for monster idle sounds, "3" for ambient sounds, and "1" for most other things.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried using this entity, I'm just looking at the source code.
 @Borax Man
Funny reading your lightning set up. I've done something very similar in a new sample map called pd_lightning. Yours is a bit more involved and mine is more a trap than an effect for ambiance. I used func_counters to toggle the lights in my setup. The new version of progs_dump will be out soon. (I am hoping to get it wrapped up later tonight.
#20327 posted by gillandro on 2019/10/07 03:41:21
Is progs_dumps something i can find in the create menu?
You mean when you first launch TrenchBroom?
If that is what you mean, the answer is NO.
progs_dump is a mod. You can enable it in the editor at the bottom of the Map Inspector tab. Look for the Mod selection area at the bottom right side of the screen. Then you load the FGD (found in the progs_dump development folder) at the bottom of the Entity Inspector tab. The FGD will allow you to see all of the specific entities like dead monsters, the candle and other entities.
#20329 posted by iw on 2019/10/08 01:07:07
I must have misread one of the previous posts, I thought you were using progs_dump. As dumptruck_ds said, it's a mod, so if you did want to use it, you'd need to download and install it, and then set up your map editor to use the mod's entity definitions.
BTW, other mods provide similar entities for setting up ambient sounds with specific properties: e.g. Quoth has ambient_generalpurpose, Arcande Dimensions has ambient_custom_loop, and Copper has ambient_sound.
#20331 posted by gillandro on 2019/10/08 19:16:42
only issue is... 1 where do I find it? and 2. can players play maps made with it... or do I need to put my maps some where specific? thanks.
Scroll down here for the new version I just posted last night. Please read the readme and manual. I spent a lot of time and most of your questions are answered there.