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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Stop The Train! 
To get over the time releasing my new map I'm creating a little jumping platform game where trains as platforms are running threw the screen.
I only have one problem.
How can I stop them from running? 
The last point for the func_train could be

"classname" ""path_corner"
"wait" "-1"

if you don't use it in your train path.

Other way would be creating a button that breaks the func_train with kill_target on the moment it needs to stop. Bad thing is it disappears. 
You could also use the progs_dump devkit that has the feature of pausing func_trains. 
@Whistle @Esrael 
@Whistle. Thanks for help but I need the trains as a floor.

@Esrael- I'm using progs_dump and thought to find that in the function. Is it a spawnflag or a trigger_function? 
Found It !!! 
Finaly found it after reading the manual the third time. Ahh
It's the retrigger-spawnflag.
Will test it after the weekend.

Thanks again Whistle and Esrael for your help. 
The pd_lava map has an example of the RETRIGGER spawnflag if you want to see it in action. 
Does anyone know any good set of open source (CC0 or CC-BY) textures? I'm tired of using philipk's. 
Sock Has Some 
Sound Info 
I watched the video on entity properties but what i cant seem to find is a list of properties....i want to use an ambient thunder point entity in my map but not sure how to change the intensity of sound or frequency of its occurence thanks 
that industrial set was awesome. thank you. 
The retrigger works great!
I made an mini episode with seven platform jump & run levels and am now fixing some map problems.
One of them is realy tricky. Sometimes there are two trains rolling in the same position but I can't find the second one in the editor. Do you now a way to find that brush? 
@dumptruck_ds Re:retrigger Double Brush 
So Ichecked out the brushes and theres no second.
It seems that this's a bug.
When the startingpoint of a train and the retriggerpoint of another train are the same, the second train has a ghost on the second position. 
I'm currently helping dumptruck_ds with some stuff for progs_dump. I've taken a look at the train code, and I'm not sure what would be causing that problem. =( Is there any chance I could take a look at the .map file that's exhibiting this bug? If I could, I might be able to work out what's going on. 

I'll check out the map size. Maybe I can mail it.

Hope that error was a failur of mine and not in the code. 
@iw; Mapfiles 
So heres the downloadlink to the map.
Hope all files are included. 
OK, I think I can see what's happening. The "ghost" train that overlaps the big train at the start is the model of the big, final train that appears at the end.

This one isn't a progs bug. I believe what's happening here is that the map is hitting one of the engine limits, which is that the playable area of a map is +/-4096 units on each axis. It looks like the final train starts at a path_corner so far "north" on the Y axis that its model wraps around and gets displayed at the "south" of the map.

In fact, it isn't just the final train whose model gets wrapped around: the models of the last several trains that should be at the far north are visible in the void to the south of the map when the map starts (try noclipping through the wall behind the player start point to see).

If you're using QuakeSpasm or a derivative, you should be able to see the effect vanish if you enter "sv_protocol 999" at the console and load the map again. (QuakeSpasm defaults to Protocol 666; Protocol 999 is the newer, higher-limit protocol which allows larger maps.)

If you want the bug to go away for all players, regardless of protocol, I think you'll need to modify the map so that there's less distance between the entities that are farthest south and farthest north on the Y axis.

P.S. I liked the retro visuals. =) 
Big Thanks!

Glad to hear that the failer isn't in the progs. I thought on everything but not on the map limits. So i will move the party more southward to get it work.

Best wishes. 
Ericw-tool Light "no Backend Available" 
Hello everyone,

I've set up a mapping environment under Arch Linux, using TrenchBroom + ericw-tools + quakespasm.

Everything works well, aside from the lighting. light is throwing a "no backend available" error at me, and my maps are always full-bright.

I made a small box with a single torch for testing. You can read the log here:

Best regards. 
Try the linux build from (in case you got it from somewhere else?)

What kind of cpu do you have? The raytracing library (embree) requires sse2 so mid-2000s ish. 
Hello ericw,

Thank you very much for answering my message.

Downloading the binaries from github fixed my issue. It turned out I only had the light, vis, and qbsp bianries and nothing else.

I thing I probably have downloaded the source and compiled everything myself.

This is fixed now. Thank you very much for your time! 
Zerstorer Textures Copyrighted? 
I'm building a level which is using some textures from Zerstorer, that famous Quake mod. The WAD was available on Quaddicted, but I've noted the following in the text file that came with Zerstorer.

* This product is property and is copyrighted by Nihilism Unlimited.
* If this product appears on any medium/media without the consent of
Nihilism Unlimited, full legal action will be taken.

I note some textures were used in func map jam 3, which was a Zerstorer themed jam.

The question is, is it OK to use these textures? Obviously I want to respect the authors wishes, but this disclaimer is confusing, as it appears to discourage any copying! 
It's fine to use them. It's been 20+ years and everybody from "Nihilism Unlimited", which I doubt was ever any proper legal entity, has since gotten jobs and careers (some of them are still at id). 
seems like they don't want it distributed on a physical medium like CD-ROM 
@Borax Man 
A bit of historical perspective:

That warning came at a time when software publishers were downloading maps and mod archives from They would package them and sell them in retail stores without permission.

Mappers and Modders started adding warning like these back in the Doom days. 
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