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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Always Getting "WARNING: Leaf Portals Saw Into Leaf (#)" 
I'm a new Quake mapper and hoping to submit a map for Yoder's Sewer Mapjam. I'm already getting hung up because every time I'm compiling a map and get to the vis process I get a bunch of "WARNING: Leaf portals saw into leaf" warnings. The compiler doesn't report any leaks and no pts files are made, so I am at a loss with how to fix/approach this. Trying to read through the Trenchbroom manual and searching on Google hasn't helped me figure out how to solve this.

When I pull other maps, be they original id maps or maps from Quaddicted, I notice they don't have the same warnings. For troubleshooting, I have tried putting a few different maps I started through the compiler and closing the maps down until there are no warnings, but even maps that are barely more than a cube room give me the warning.

I am sure I keep doing something dumb that keeps causing this issue since I'm new to Trenchbroom and Quake modding. If anyone is able to point me toward some documentation to explain what I'm doing wrong or is able to help me troubleshoot through the comments, it would be super appreciated!! 
My Bad.. 
I assume this is happening with:

It's a bug I inadvertently added in that version while fixing something else (a cause of HOM's with very thin leafs). As far as I can see the warnings are safe to ignore and the vis quality is still fine. On my list of things to investigate / fix properly, but if you want you can use an older version like or another compiler etc. 
Ericw - That Did It 
Thanks for the heads up on the bug. I see someone else mentioned it on your github page now. I tried things in v0.18.1 and I don't get any warnings. Also nice to know the warnings can be ignored in v0.18.2-rc1 if I want though.

btw, thanks for all the tools ericw! 
Longer Messages 

I want to show a long mission briefing text in a message that has to be shown at least 10 seconds.
Tried this with a brush-trigger with wait and delay but it dissapeard after 3 seconds.
Is there a way to show it longer? 
Here's A Hacky Method 
I've done this in the past by using a chain of trigger_relay entities. It's not perfect but it should work.

Give the same message to 5 trigger relays. Trigger the first in the chain with no wait value. Have this trigger_relay target the next relay and give it a wait of 2. Repeat this with the remaining relays.

It's been a while and I am typing this from memory but I believe this worked. You may need to fiddle with the wait value. Also the text is limited to a certain number of characters. Not sure how many. 
or, trigger_multiple for the text, and a silent counter that kills the trigger after X times 
It Works! 
@dumptruck_ds; @metlslime

Thanks for the hints.

I did the trigger_relay thing and it works.
I only got this nerve killing bing sound endless repeating.
Can I turn this off? 
it should only do it 5x - what might be happening is you are using a trigger_multiple with a short wait time.

increase the wait time to a higher number 
it should only do it 5x - what might be happening is you are using a trigger_multiple with a short wait time.

increase the wait time to a higher number 
Ok. I changed the waittime of the trigger to 10 and the wait=2 of the relays to delay=2. That works better. Less beeps. :)

Re-post From Closed Thread 
Teleportation And Boss Gate Help
Posted by gillandro on 2019/08/23 19:33:24

Hi all,

I am trying to set up a gate to lead to a boss, i created a separate area for the boss to be in and can't figure out how to use a teleport function to send my player to the boss room... there doesn't seem to be many tutorials about boss room teleports... if anyone has any ideas... I basically have a set of stairs with a portal, just not sure how to make it a usable object to send my character to the other room. thanks.

a trigger_teleport pointing to an info_teleport_destination. 
Take a look at this tutorial series, particularly the entity tutorials 1-4. 
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