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Questions About Csaddon For Quake3 
Questions About Csaddon [EDIT]
Posted by FTE terrain editor, csaddon on 2019/05/15 14:48:19
I was making map with landscape for quake3 and when I decided to make landscape with q3 patches I remembered about the csaddon in fte engine. Yesterday I tried it and it works pretty fine but I have some questions about it.

First of all, which type of heightmap is it using? Is it a kind of format which some terrain-editors like worldmachine can use or it is a format which was made only for csaddon editor? And where is it saved? I cant find any heightmap files in maps or in any other folders.

The second question is can I make a lightmap from the sun (q3 shader light) or can I make lightmap for terrain without using any realtime lights? And if I can do that, what exactly should I do?

Thanks, and sorry for my poor English... 
its some private sparse format, split over multiple files (which allows for some massive terrain).
losslessly exporting it to a raw heightmap would take 16gb.
the texture blends (and granularity) is unlikely to be compatible with other programs, and would be about 16 times bigger, and it would still be missing data.

the sections get written into some 'maps/FOO/block_XX_YY.hms' files, which you'll generally find in some annoying homedir location somewhere that everyone forgets about etc.
use the 'path' command at the engine's console and you'll see lots of paths, files usually get written to the first one listed.
or `dir maps/*/*.hms` should include the system path info too (and can list dupes if you have the same file in multiple places - a red colour shows inactive entries). 
Landscape Works With Csaddon In FTE 
Hello, I copy this question from my thread which was deleted for some reason. I have some questions about terrain editor in FTE.

First of all, where are all those terrain files saved? I checked maps and other mod folders, but nothing is there.

The second question is which format is used for terrain in that editor? Is it some kind of format which can be used in other editors like worldmachine, or is it format which was created only for FTE?

I wonder how can I make light for terrain on my map. I am making map in q3 format and I would like to use only lightmaps without any rtl lights. But if there is no other way than use rtl lights is there any possibilitiy to make directional rtl light? I mean not pointlight but something similar to sun light shader in q3.

P.S. Nice editor. It is pretty convinient to use and in my opinion it is the simpliest way to make landscapes in quake forks. Thanks for that. 
Sorry For Coping This Here 
Sorry, I didnt notice, that Shambler already copied my question here 
What about adding the lightmap. Is it possible to make lightmap "from the sun" for terrain which was created with csaddon? And if it is possible how can I do that? 
Light Sources 
Quick and stupid question: Is there a limit on the amount of light sources one should use in a map? I've kind of gone overboard in my very first room, which has +1000 light sources by now... 
Your light compile times should let you decide what's too much for your map. If the compile becomes intolerably time-consuming, then consider ways of simplifying your lighting. 1000 in one room does sound a bit crazy (how big and complex is the room?)

Light times for 1/x and 1/x^2 lights will be massively influenced by how much vis-blocking you are doing. If your map is very open without much vis-blocking, lighting will be exponentially more time-consuming than in a room-corridor-room type dealio.

In desperate times, for 1/x and 1/x^2 lights, the "gate" variable can be played with - this sets a hard cutoff on the area of influence of your light, but the light will just visibly "cut off" if the value is too high, so use this with care. 
Thanks, much appreciated! Yes, I have six walkways in a room and decided to have small lights on the sides of them, which multiplied the light sources ridiculously. I can probably cut it in hald - every single small light texture doesn't need its on light source I guess.

Nice to know the issue will be compiling time rather than some technical limit. 
So basically six walkways like this, although they weill extend to different rooms:

If nothing else, tinkering around with Trenchbroom makes me look at other Quake maps with different eyes, checking for neat ideas. 
Did you know about surf_light?
It can be helpful with many lights for the same texture. Add one light with the argument surf_light light1 and all light1 textures receive this light without adding one.
Of course this do count as light and goes on for every light1 texture you use. So carefully before you reach the 625 entity count. 
surf lighting is very coarse (1 light every 128 units) and not terrible controllable (if faces are split, more lights are generated)

I would consider a different design for the platforms that doesn't use tiling light textures with huge extents. maybe just have some light fixtures plonked along the walkways at reasonable intervals?

@madfox - what "625 entity count" ? 
"not terribly controllable" I meant. 
I'm still living in the age compilers use this 625 enitty count as limit. That means the total count of entity and lights have this ceiling before the game starts "warning maximum entities reached".
It can be nowadays engines don't have this failure, but I'm like an old dog that can't learn new tricks.
Something like the maximum poly's what is I thought 33768, and then try to build a map with one more to see what happens.

Your declarance though of surf_lights helped me to see why I keep getting those dark spots in my map. 
You do not need anywhere near that amount of overlapping light entities to give a good lit-up effect to that texture. Try 1/4 the amount and play around with the entity values. 

..... non-interactive light entities with no associated sprites or models, are removed as the map loads, so they don't contribute to the in-game entity limit (the "edict" limit)

This was always the case even with old unmodified engines.

of the lights that aren't removed, some e.g. torches, are turned into statics (so again, not contributing to the edict limit, only the static ent limit)

the only light "edicts" should be those that need dynamic interaction in game, e.g. switchables. 
Since those lights in the screenshot above are "light_flouro" they are going to make a sound. Might be a bit loud or cause issues. You may want to use them at certain intervals 512 units or so. 
1000 light fluoros per room HYPE! 
FTE Csaddon Terrain Lighting 
How can I make light “from the sun” for the terrain made with csaddon? Is it possible to make the lightmap (I am working with q3 format)? Or if it is not possible, can I make directional rtl light in fte? 
How can I avoid monsters to start fighting eachother? (like ogres don't). 
Give them all the same classname 
(void) monster_anonymous = explode on it selve
return ; 
From A Discussion Thread. 
Lighting For Graveyard And Flat Ambience [EDIT]
Posted by Featheon on 2019/06/01 23:10:21
Thanks for hosting my question. I'm having trouble of solving light sourcing for a graveyard scene featuring tall mausoleum. In your experience, to get an even low ambience, does one use many point entities or one powerful entity and adjust the penumbra? I cannot use worldspawn light more than 20 for this project. Editor is trechbroom, engine is darkplaces.

Thank you.

#1 posted by anonymous user on 2019/06/01 23:30:26 spam
Try these tools if you aren't using them already:

Some options like -bounce may help. You'll need fewer light entities that way.
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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