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And how exactly is that different to a normal speedmap session??

lol...well usually we do have thoughts of good design and correct brushwork, whether they materialise is a wholly different matter. 
question is what's it rated? I'm not watching if there's no nudity or drug use. 
hey, who's doing the broadcasting here? a little credit where credit is due, have I ever failed to deliver?

I have two mottos, one is 'always aim to maim' and the other is 'if Tipper is against it, I'm all for it'... 
I have two mottos, one is 'always aim to maim' and the other is 'if Tipper is against it, I'm all for it'...

Truly admirable mottos. 
Uwf In Half-life Related Post Shock!! 
although i have already stated in the past my unequivcoal and unashamed dislike [near hatred] of half-life, somehow i found this link to a mod below which is rather weird and may be of some interest/amusement.

PS looking forward to more great speedmaps soon. :) 
I Updated My Site... 
finished the new design and got everything except the art section working...

check it out and stuff 
in opera the index page images are misaligned, rest is fine it seems.

Try adding shadows (with burn tool, or finger painting with black (gotta hold alt afair)) - It will look much better with shadows. 
Post 2k! 
Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum DUM DUM DUM DUM 
Another good Half-Life thing is Half Quake Amen ( ), black and white, lots of cool stuff, tortuously sadistic. More puzzle than combat, though. 
Shamb: HL2 Pics 

Very nice. My bro showed me the 250 MB promo video, which I liked *very much*... 
HL2 Pics: 
Blah. :P 
Yer Missin' Out, 
uwf. :) 
Interesting Editorial Here... 
Realism VS Verisimilitude

intersting and reasonably well written article, i think. 
Yeah, that's exactly the same argument I've made a few times before - although I use the words 'realistic' and 'believeable', not 'verisimilitude' ( and people call me pretentious :P ) - but it amounts to the same thing.
I do disagree with the last section of the editorial though; I'm sure there are developers who are mistakenly convinced of the value of absolute realism. But more developers, I suspect, are well aware of the difference between realistic and believeable, but know that the majority of goobering adolscent fanboys are not - so 'realistic' games are made because they sell more easily. 
Yea Pretty Much 
You don't work in the video game industry as a career without getting at least half a clue (unless you're in management). But game companies will always produce whatever people will buy most, based on the silly false assumption that the customer is always right.

It's the game companies that produce outside of the market and successfully create a new one that spark my interest most. I'm just waiting for the next ID Software to replace today's old relic. 
the silly false assumption that the customer is always right

When will EA learn to stop being silly with all their obscene profits? 
Realism Article 
I thought it was a bunch of crap -- mainly, another case of someone trying to make an logical argument for their personal preferences. Ridiculous arguments -- he says Half-Life establishes believability and then throws it away, after we've already seen space aliens teleporting in, shooting lightning from their fingers ... guess what they come from somewhere, maybe free floating platforms in space aren't likely but neither is riding the draft of a big fan. Finally, the author has a limited imagination regarding the range of the truly unrealistic. 
Sturgeon's Law 
Ninety percent of everything is shit. True also in the game industry. 
Except Shit. 
100% of shit is shit.

(via Too Much Coffee Man) 
Then, Is The Article Worth Reading, 
or should I just go back to sleep? :) 
Hl2 Video Card Compatibility... 
i heard that hl2 was supposed to run well on ati cards, but would have trouble on nvidia ones... just wanted to confirm this. 
That'd Be Bad 
I'd have to replace mine, though I wouldn't miss it much. Just the money it costs.
Sheesh Necros... 
...follow the news, they are ensuring good performance on all cards is the latest reports AFAIK. 
Hl2 Video Card Compatibility 
there was a big rumble about NVIDIA insisting they use the latest .50 drivers.

/me admits to following half-life 2 news coverage. 
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