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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Thank you #20088, there is clearly some fat I can trim from that level 
Hello. I want to try to make some maps for Quake. Well, wanted since long ago, but never got far. Now I saw AD and discovered Trenchbroom and had my interest in Q mapping renewed. So I've read Trenchbroom manual, and tried some things, and got some questions.

1. Is there a way to create geometry by drawing it with vertexes from scratch and extruding or smth? In any Q editor?
What are standard ways to shape geometry in Trenchbroom? Vertex tool and Brush tool feel kind of awkward, probably because I dunno how to use them properly lol.
By far I've had most success with cuboids and CSG substract - made a kind of hall with rooms on sides to test various blnking lights in each room.

2. I've finally found out that stuff like doors is done with brush entities and their keys/values, after downloading Quake source maps from Romero's site and looking at them. Wasn't mentioned in manual much (not the brush entities themselves, but making various things :). Should I just continue to look up stuff in id maps and look up entity parameters in editor/the quake wiki entity guide or there exist some good tutorials on the subject? Seems to be better documented for id Tech 1 :)) 
Trenchbroom is a multi-game editor, so by design its manual doesn't talk much about the specifics of mapping for a particular game.

Have a look at: 
Doom and Quake mapping are very different beasts as you can see. Your best best is to learn to think and map in 3d. Especially with TrenchBroom as your tool of choice.

Now that being said, there is the "brush tool" (default is B) that you can use to "click" out vertices and then extrude. But I would not recommend making maps entirely this way. It's very limited in that it can only be used on an existing surface and only in 3d mode. It's also a bit clunky. Not many ppl use it AFAIK.

Your best bet is to watch my early tutorials on each of the tools and start creating brushes. For the most part, you will need to abandon most of what you have learned from Doom editing. Quake is true 3d and TB makes creating levels more of a 3d process than before.

The good news there are tons of resources here and elsewhere.

Bal's mapping streams are good to watch - although he's very fast.

Good luck! 
2 Post 
regarding the link above.... his mapping starts about 35 minutes into that video. 
Thanks for replies. I'll look through links/videos a little later.
I wasn't going to make maps using the brush tool only or such. I'm just trying to figure out what is the usual workflow for creating more complexly shaped things than a corridor or box room, before starting to make a finished map.
Seems that it is mostly adding up sloped/cut/rotated cuboid brushes?
I guess there's also nothing like subdividing faces to get more vertices. 
Freecs FTE Textures Trouble 
Hello, I have some troubles with textures on my map in FTE engine:

My map has low-quality textures and here is how it looks in darkplaces engine:

In darkplaces I added high quality textures in "textures" folder (each hd texture name corresponds to each lq texture name). I also use normal maps and gloss. Here is how it looks after that:

I tried to do the same in FTE engine. So I have a map with low quality textures and I have some hd textures with normal maps and gloss in "textures" folder. Hd textures are loaded too:

After that i decided to run this map in "Freecs" for FTE quake. The problem is that now hd textures are not loaded from "textures" folder. Only normal maps and gloss can be loaded. Screenshot:

I replaced all the cfg files in freecs for cfg files from my mod. The graphics changed but my hd textures are still can not be loaded. I also tried to use different formats - tga and jpg for textures in "textures" folder but still no result. Map is in quake 3 format.

Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
(sorry if I made any mistakes, my English is still poor) 
try gl_load24bit 1 
Reply To Spike 
This variable is already set to 1 on those screenshots. I tried to change its value to 0 and return to 1 but still nothing changed. 
I have path with 3 path_corner ("wait" "-1"). I made 2 trigger_once for start func_train. But only one works. How to make to move to the next path_corner only in the event? 
You can't... wait -1 stops the train permanently. 
rubicon 2 source has this feature ... every time it's triggered it starts moving again. 
I took a look at your source a while back, I'll add it to progs_dump for the next final release. It keeps coming up so ppl want it. 
Quick Question. 
I have seen in some maps glass that is transparent and I couldnt find any help on how to do this.
Can anyone tell me how to do something like this? 
"alpha" key on brush entities, from 0 (invisible) to 1 (opaque). 
Water Fullbright/minlight 
Is there any way to make it so water is not a set brightness? I'm using waterfall textures from ikwhite that fall into a vanilla water texture. I need either a way to set the water texture to not be fullbright/minlight or a better texture set for a waterfall into a body of standing water. Thanks for any help. 
I have not tried this but you try a func illusionary brush above the liquid with a black texture and set alpha between 0 and 1 (i.e. 0.5) to darken the brush underneath.

Good luck! 
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