#1981 posted by Spirit on 2007/03/22 16:54:10
revisiting the id1 levels and adding things to them. for example one level could be infested(?) with some devilish organics, another could have had a slipgate exploded and so on.
#1982 posted by anonymous user on 2007/03/23 01:46:22
Theme Ideas
#1983 posted by Sielwolf on 2007/03/23 20:58:19
"With only a boomstick"; derived from the Q2 map "with only a blaster" (, the goal would be not to kill all monsters but to somehow dodge various traps/ ambushes and get through alive.
A variation af this could use the Airfist mod, I was thinking about cramped/tight rooms, again the goal would be to get to the exit and not to get 100%.
Another: making maps with fun Boss battles, like that one map by Harbinger which has a Chthon throwing fish instead of lavaballs.
We Need A Session!
#1984 posted by Spirit on 2007/04/07 18:53:36
I'd like neg!ke's theme suggestion from way above:
Who is with me this weekend (deadline monday evening)?
#1985 posted by Spirit on 2007/04/07 20:21:23
I had a nice start (~1 hour) and will probably spend 2 more hours on it (one tomorrow, one monday).
#1986 posted by Sielwolf on 2007/04/08 21:26:47
sounds good, can�t wait to play your map!
#1987 posted by efdat on 2007/04/08 21:36:14
my sm132 is ready. it actually could also be a full release. betatesting on monday with neg!ke (& spirit?).
#1988 posted by Trinca on 2007/04/09 01:13:17
deadline? i was away this weekend :\
#1989 posted by JPL on 2007/04/09 08:10:46
so.. you're dead for this session... :P
#1990 posted by generic on 2007/04/10 13:45:30
How about this weekend (4/14 - 4/15)?
#1991 posted by Spirit on 2007/04/10 17:48:47
for sm133 machinery or for the next?
SM133 Machinery
#1992 posted by generic on 2007/04/11 00:24:49
#1993 posted by negke on 2007/04/11 10:23:02
i was going to release the pack today. do you want me to hold it back for you?
#1994 posted by generic on 2007/04/11 18:39:16
I won't have time this weekend anyway.
#1995 posted by PuLSaR on 2007/04/19 18:05:04
what about making a map where every brush must have the same texture on every surface? One brush=one texture. Kinda new conceptual type of mapping along with geocomp, 100brush, monsterfree etc.
Already Done
#1996 posted by czg on 2007/04/19 18:09:20
Though I Guess Not As A Speedmapping Theme So I Dunno Whatever
#1997 posted by czg on 2007/04/19 18:09:49
Oh And Also
#1998 posted by czg on 2007/04/19 18:10:16
Every map ever made with Thred3D ever.
Theme +1
#1999 posted by Spirit on 2007/04/19 18:15:16
Square brushes with the same texture on every surface.
Post 2000
#2000 posted by PuLSaR on 2007/04/19 18:41:52
we may call it notexturetool or nosurfaceinspector map
I Don't Get It
#2001 posted by negke on 2007/04/19 19:21:23
but yay for a "czg00" theme
#2002 posted by inertia on 2007/04/21 07:36:38
restriction: only make objects with dimensions of a power of 2, and only textures displayed on the surfaces of those objects
#2003 posted by than on 2007/05/06 08:23:11
Metlslime mentioned this earlier, and perhaps it has been a theme earlier on but how about doing a speed sp conversion of a quake dm level you have made. If you haven't made any then maybe just use id source or use the source of another mappers level.
That way you get the whole time to concentrate on making fun gameplay and the visuals are already taken care of. I know much of the fun of mapping comes from building geometry, but this might be a fun change.
Also, how about rerouting an id sp map to have different gameplay? Maybe that's more of a turtlemap project to do nicely.
I mention this because I am currently making a quick conversion to Quake of an old q2dm map I made and will be adding sp gameplay to it when it's built because I know nobody will bother to play it otherwise. I've also still got plans to work on sp conversions of all the id dm maps at some time, but I have a lot of other maps that need building first :)
Lego Theme?
#2004 posted by negke on 2007/05/12 21:53:33
Sounds\great But...
#2005 posted by Drew on 2007/05/13 20:24:38
how come when I loaded it into WC 1.6 it doesn't recognize it?