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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Trigger_teleport, Info_teleport_destination And Trigger_once 
Hello, I am teleporting monsters into my map. I have made two functioning examples. They work fine. The third teleports the monster to 0, 0, 0 no matter what I try. I know the third example is set correctly because when I make a map just to test it no problems occur. Any thoughts? 
There's a problem with the teleport destination. Check if the targetname is correct, if the (skill) spawnflags are correct, and if it's placed correctly (enough space, not inside geometry). 
Figured It Out 
The first teleport combo was set wrong but none the less it worked. The second was a copy and paste of the first with target and targetnames changed and it worked as well. The third one was a new build with the same target and targetname scheme used previous with minor changes to indicate new events. Initially I was transported to 0, 0, 0. I saw an error and fixed it then the monster went to 0,0,0. I spent a couple hours trying various things but none of that was fruitful so I began asking for help and rereading the docs. I interpreted them differently and fixed my scheme. It now works. The reason my third scheme worked in a map with no other schemes seems to verify that one or two mistakes can be forgiven but as in life if you keep making the same mistake over and over you will pay. Thanks for the reply negke 
Coloured Light ~ Switch On/off 
I have a room with two lights.
One is coloured, the other one not.
When I add a button I can switch the white one on/off,
if I switch the coloured one nothing happens.
Is this preordered? 
Can't output centerprint message if activator is not "player" in standart progs.dat (trigger_relay or other). Is there any way to do this? 
Set an enemy | 1 key/value field on the trigger sending the message. In singleplayer, the player is always edict number 1 (worldspawn being 0), and the entity being activated should still consider the player its enemy, thus sending the message properly- at least in my experience. Note that this only works in singleplayer, as MP will have different edict numbers for different players. 
I understand your idea, it is interesting, but it does not work for me. The event sends a monster. I added him the property "enemy" "1". He is killed by a Vore's shell. But the message is not displayed.

I looked at the source code.

void () monster_death_use =
if (!     return;  

activator = self.enemy;  
SUB_UseTargets ();

Only a number is assigned here. But elsewhere the entity is verified.    

if (activator.classname == "player" && (self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOMESSAGE) == 0)

How can this work? 
And I have another problem. If I set "enemy" "1" for a monster, then his stops seeing me 
Suggestion For Digs 
Hi Digs,

I think you can use the following hack to get your message to display:
Use this hack to create a trigger with your message, which gets spawned when the Vore dies. You'll need to make sure that the trigger is so big that the player will hit it straight away - why not make it the size of the whole map! 
Thank you very much! This is a very interesting decision. I will try to use it in the future when the opportunity arises. But I already sent the map for which it was necessary. Therefore, now only the next time. Thanks again 
Anyone Using Linux To Map ? 
And would point me in the right direction for tools of the trade, wanted to start making maps for a long time, just lurked around for almost a year... 
Trenchbroom is available for linux:
As well as EricW's compilers:

I don't use Linux, but this is what I'm using currently for mapping and am pretty happy with it. 
Unreal Engine Question 
Does anyone have a pipeline going from Trenchbroom to unreal engine 4? Or failing that, is there a good way to “map” in unreal engine 4 in a vaguely “quakey” manner? 
Don't have any experience with it myself, but you might want to check out HammUEr: 
HammUEr will be your best bet, me thinks. I havent used it personally but it very much seems to be worth the money. 
That’s a terrible name for something that looks really good. Thanks! Will look into it. 
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