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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Triggering Console Variables At Runtime 
Hi, deving a map for AD mod with rusty hands.

How do you trigger console commands (or change cvars) within a map at runtime? Triggers, timers, etc.
In this case I want to alter the worldspawn "_gamma" value.

Searched various boards but couldn't find or understand how. Is it possible without altering .qc?

Thanks in advance. 
Look In The Manual 
For stuffcmd. Not sure AD has this but probably does.

People are wary of abuse so be careful. 
What's the nastiest, most malicious thing a jolly japester can do with this? I'm genuinely intrigued.

Sounds like a good Jam idea: "break someone's PC with stuffcmd lol". 
Allegedly this used to be a thing:

apparently the Quake engine lets you overwrite the game data with savegames should you be enough of a moron to call your save “pak0.pak”, a bug that seems to hail all the way from the original release eighteen years ago

But I can't reproduce it in QuakeSpasm... maybe for the best. 
Well that's a good one. 
Not Down That Road.. 
..yeah, better stick to fog triggers. 
The Road To Hell Is Paved With\nsave Pak0.sav 
Fitzquake-derived ports (at least QS and Mark V) are smart enough to add a .sav extension to the end of whatever filename you enter, even if it already includes a different one, so it won't let you overwrite any files other than existing save files. Other ports and versions do not do that, however, meaning that you can indeed overwrite .pak files with savegames in Winquake... and Darkplaces. Oh yes.

I actually fiddled with this on my own a little while back to see what exactly can be done in that vein with vanilla console commands, and the answer turns out to be "not much." Most cvars that allow you to stuffcmd (map, save, load, etc) will either interpret directory-modifying characters as part of the normal folder or filepath or are intentionally set to ignore such commands, e.g.
save foo/bar.sav (a subfolder) will spit out
ERROR: couldn't open.
save (a parent directory) will throw up
Relative pathnames are not allowed.
save ./foo.sav (the same directory) will expel
Saving game to <Quake directory>/./foo.sav... but will write the save file to the normal directory, making the ./ showing up misleading.
game, which isn't present in the original engines, will auto-reject anything that isn't a single directory name, not a path.

So you can overwrite .pak files in your game's base directory and not much else and that's only if you're using a outdated or shitty engine, but what about loading files? Again, nearly everything is locked down- map will load maps from subfolders, but not in parent ones. Everything else will give the same errors (primarily the relative pathnames one) except the exec command, which does allow directory changes in every port I've tried. Not especially interesting, but it does allow it, e.g.
exec ../quoth/config.cfg while playing in id1 will function and return
execing ../quoth/config.cfg
This (obviously) also works for the quake.rc stored within vanilla or mod .pak files. All the above limitations still apply to whatever's written in those config files, though. You can also string multiple ../ segments to navigate to two, three, and so on folders up.

So, food for thought: someone more malicious and skilled than myself can probably find some nasty way to write to system files outside of the Quake directory, and Darkplaces sucks. I didn't test the various extra console stuff in AD and similar mods, but I doubt they left any serious holes open. 
SM189 - Doom 
Sorry for likely asking a repeated question, but in regards to SM189 being:

"Progs: id1, because I feel it's too soon for another modded pack after the last speedmap/halloween jam/xmas jam."

Obviously Id1 .dat entities etc., yet are these vanilla jams intended to run w/out mod engines?

In this case I'd want to use alphas textures, eg. window/crossbar alphas contained in the various doomtex wads. Is there a restriction on the added functionality these mod engines provide? (alpha, fog, increased limits..)

..also, where the HELL should it be submitted?? 
Obviously Id1 .dat entities etc., yet are these vanilla jams intended to run w/out mod engines?

Yes, but almost everybody uses QuakeSpasm, so it's fine to consider a target engine.

..also, where the HELL should it be submitted??

Package the .bsp and the .lit if it exists in a zip file, upload to your file sharing service of choice cough and post in the speedmapping thread.

Alternatively catch me on the Quake Mapping Discord
Thanks A Bunch! 
"Hmm, not enough ash.." *stirs mortar 
Info_player_start Ambience 
I'm new to trenchbroom, been messing around with it after watching some tutorials just to get a handle on working with the software, and the entity info_player_start seems to be emitting that teleporter ambience. how do I get rid of this? 
If you have a monster spawning in using the point entity method set the spawnflag to 2 for silent. That will solve this issue.

When I made the entity tutorial I was unaware that that hack caused the teleport sound to play at origin 0.0.0

Hopefully this is the cause of your issue. 
If you have a monster spawning in using the point entity method set the spawnflag to 2 for silent. That will solve this issue.

When I made the entity tutorial I was unaware that that hack caused the teleport sound to play at origin 0.0.0

Hopefully this is the cause of your issue. 
That did the trick. great tutorials! 
Need Help 
Greetings everyone! I'm pretty new at Quake mapping and mapping in general for that matter and need help.

I'm trying to build a map for Quake Rally. It is a rough recreation of Bowser Castle 1 from Mario Kart. When compiling the map it seems to do fine but when it runs Quake (I use Qrack by the way) it plays my pc's error sound and closes Qrack. I can fix this by changing the sky brush to a different texture and getting rid of the lava. This allows the map to compile and launch. Once I get in the game though it spawns me in one of the outer walls instead of where the info_player_start is. I can walk out of the wall and fall to the floor. Once i'm on the floor I am able to walk around the bottom of the map until i hit an invisible wall or the game window turns black. I've tried all I can think of and can't get it to work properly, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 
What are the coordinates of your info_player_start? Likely the entire map needs to be shifted to be inside +/-4096. 
The info_player_start is at -1440 8832 360 
Standard BSP Limit 
Yep that's it. Select all and move to center everything over the world's 0 0 0. Make sure you have Texture Lock on when you move it or everthing will get off.

Quake has a max positive or negative position of 4096 in any direction. I believe you can still have stuff past 4096, like distant towers or some such, it just won't be reachable. <side note> certain engines allow for larger maps if you compile with -bsp2 but I don't recommend it for beginners unless your map is truly that gobsmackingly huge. 
No Option To Add A Wad File

I have the wad place in


You need to set (or reset) your Quake directory in Preferences. 
Follow Up 
Merry Christmas ! I see that you are the author of the top notch youtube tutorials. I did not want to be more specific in my initial post. What I am attempting is to add a generic game, namely Kingpin. I again followed your setup tutorial. I was able to add a def file(which initially did not provide for a worldspawn) but by cutting and pasting other def or fgd files I overcame that problem. That does not mean the I solved the problem. I was also able to get the textures in Trenchbroom though I can't be specific as to how.

Maybe this log will help. By no means do I expect you to solve this but any suggestions would be great

---- qbsp / ericw-tools v0.18.1 ----
Input file:
Output file: k1.bsp

---- LoadMapFile ----
*** WARNING 06: No info_player_deathmatch entities in level
36 faces
6 brushes
3 entities
1 unique texnames
3 texinfo

*** WARNING 00: No wad or _wad key exists in the worldmodel
Processing hull 0...
---- Brush_LoadEntity ----
6 brushes
12 planes
---- CSGFaces ----
36 brushfaces
24 csgfaces
12 mergedfaces
---- SolidBSP ----
24 split nodes
6 solid leafs
19 empty leafs
0 water leafs
0 detail leafs
0 detail illusionary leafs
0 detail fence leafs
0 illusionary visblocker leafs
33 leaffaces
33 nodefaces
---- Portalize ----
19 vis leafs
19 vis clusters
48 vis portals
---- FillOutside ----
18 outleafs
---- MergeAll ----
6 mergefaces
---- SolidBSP ----
6 split nodes
6 solid leafs
1 empty leafs
0 water leafs
0 detail leafs
0 detail illusionary leafs
0 detail fence leafs
0 illusionary visblocker leafs
6 leaffaces
6 nodefaces
---- Portalize ----
1 vis leafs
1 vis clusters
0 vis portals
---- Tjunc ----
12 world edges
24 edge points
0 edges added by tjunctions
0 faces added by tjunctions
---- MakeFaceEdges ----
---- GrowRegions ----
Processing hull 1...
Processing hull 2...
*** WARNING 16: Texture b_cp_v18 not found
---- WriteBSPFile ----
Wrote k1.bsp
17 planes 340
8 vertexes 96
6 nodes 144
3 texinfo 120
6 faces 120
12 clipnodes 96
2 leafs 56
6 marksurfaces 12
24 surfedges 96
13 edges 52
1 textures 8
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 401

0.031 seconds elapsed
Peak memory usage: 168816 (164.9k) 
Vis Murderation. 
WARNING: RecursiveLeafFlow: recursion on leaf 550

Help please.

Yes I have googled and searched through this thread and see leafs mentioned a lot but don't understand what is going on nor how to fix it.

Yes I have used a LOT of func_detail_walls and func_detail_illusionaries

Yes my map does have a lot of botched rotated stuff tho.

Yes my map does have a lot of botched rotated stuff tho

Live by the sword.... 
Thanks Kinn. 
Any idea how to fix or reduce the Leaf Recursion error?

Incidentally, I didn't get this error when I did a fullvis a week or two ago, when I already had almost all of the rotated stuff in place. 
I Unno 
I assume the warning message doesn't indicate the area of the map where the problem is?

Is what you've posted all the info that you have? 
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