#1 posted by
Spirit on 2007/08/01 14:48:22
neg!ke sucks, do NOT use Darkplaces to play his map!
Also the screenshots suck, that's my fault because I used Darkplaces to take them.
Darkplaces sucks. :D
Luckily I got tyr-glquake to work now so in the future I won't need to use DP anymore (I hope).
#2 posted by
negke on 2007/08/01 15:01:42
Spirit sucks, do NOT use aguirRe's Quake either!
Spirit's map was the only one to really fit the theme. Very necrosian in its crappy stupidity. I cheated with pride!
Ankh was simple carnage with a funny, yet annoying vertical area (annoying because I blew myself up on the last Ogre).
Trinca was standard horde combat and setting. Quite DOOM-like. Didn't find the Quad.
All maps are beatable without cheating.