Trying To Get Started Mapping, Little Help With Compiling Probs?
#19908 posted by AM on 2018/10/04 22:38:28
Hi All, long time quake player, thinking about my first quake map.
Hi Im looking into making my first quake map.
Im having problems understanding why qBSP runs on my map but vis and light doesn't run.
I dont understand why it finds my QCompileTools folder just fine for qbsp, yet it wont do the vis and light right next to it in the same folder?
I'm using necros compile gui
Im very new to all this and this in particular is really confusing me, so I hope you can help, and if the soltion isnt obvious I could post the compiler output.
I hope you can help and Best wishes!
 First Question
Is qbsp.exe creating a bsp in your maps folder?
Next, if not we'll need to see the .log folder that is created in the working directory.
 Hi Dumptruck, Great Youtube Vids By The Way.
#19910 posted by AM on 2018/10/05 02:48:35
Yeah I get the bsp, it runs, Fullbright and with geometry disappearing.
Here is the compile
Copying Files...
The file cannot be copied onto itself.
0 file(s) copied.
Converting map...
---- qbsp / ericw-tools v0.18.1 ----
Input file: FirstQuakeMap01.map
Output file: FirstQuakeMap01.bsp
---- LoadMapFile ----
*** WARNING 06: No info_player_deathmatch entities in level
2700 faces
450 brushes
2 entities
28 unique texnames
452 texinfo
Opened WAD: D:/Projects/Texture Archive/texturedownloads/base.wad
Opened WAD: D:/Projects/Mapping/MyTrenchBroomQuakeMaps/id.wad
Processing hull 0...
---- Brush_LoadEntity ----
450 brushes
425 planes
---- CSGFaces ----
2700 brushfaces
3205 csgfaces
3025 mergedfaces
---- SolidBSP ----
3886 split nodes
1749 solid leafs
1840 empty leafs
298 water leafs
0 detail leafs
0 detail illusionary leafs
0 detail fence leafs
0 illusionary visblocker leafs
20722 leaffaces
19774 nodefaces
---- Portalize ----
2138 vis leafs
2138 vis clusters
5477 vis portals
---- FillOutside ----
*** WARNING 10: Reached occupant at (1504 -144 312), no filling performed.
Leak file written to FirstQuakeMap01.pts
---- MakeFaceEdges ----
---- GrowRegions ----
Processing hull 1...
*** WARNING 10: Reached occupant at (1504 -144 312), no filling performed.
Processing hull 2...
*** WARNING 16: Texture __TB_empty not found
---- WriteBSPFile ----
Wrote FirstQuakeMap01.bsp
923 planes 18460
23094 vertexes 277128
3886 nodes 93264
368 texinfo 14720
19774 faces 395480
5626 clipnodes 45008
2139 leafs 59892
20722 marksurfaces 41444
79088 surfedges 316352
47598 edges 190392
32 textures 346812
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 216
0.469 seconds elapsed
Peak memory usage: 69414148 (66.2M)
---- vis / ericw-tools v0.18.1 ----
running with 8 threads
testlevel = 4
LoadBSPFile: 'FirstQuakeMap01.bsp'
BSP is version 29
LoadPortals: couldn't read FirstQuakeMap01.prt
No vising performed.
The file cannot be copied onto itself.
0 file(s) copied.
The file cannot be copied onto itself.
0 file(s) copied.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Press any key to continue . . .
 2 Issues
1. You have a leak in your level so VIS will not run.
2. Light will not run if you don't have any light entities in your map. If you do, then I am not sure why it isn't running. Double check the path in the GUI to light.exe Maybe it's incorrect?
Also it's a good idea not to have spaces in any of these tools paths or for your wads etc. But that's not the issue above.
#19912 posted by Mugwump on 2018/10/05 04:24:45
Open the .pts file in your editor, you should see a dotted line leading you to the leak so you can fix it.
#19913 posted by AM on 2018/10/05 11:13:43
sorting the leak means vis will now run,
it makes a prt file, does this go in the same dir as the bsp when loading it into quake?
I put some light entities into the map, and now when I try to compile, it gets to light, and crashes.
light.exe system error
The code execution cannot proceed because embree.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
I see the flame of the wall torches, but there is no light. still fullbright textures.
Strange. Light.exe is in the same place as the other 2 compilers.
#19914 posted by mariteaux on 2018/10/05 13:54:18
PRT files are just for use with the compile tools. The Quake executable doesn't need it.
The prebuilt builds of ericw-tools require (and come with) embree.dll. Try reinstalling it: https://github.com/ericwa/ericw-tools/releases/
re: light crash
You are missing the MS Visual C++ files. TB and ericw tools use 2 seperate libraries. Go to the site and look at the link right under the blue download button.
Also plz watch my troubleshooting video which will help you with leaks.
 Above Should Read
"you might be missing"
 Sounds Good.
#19918 posted by am on 2018/10/06 04:10:23
which of the 3 should I download?
Im using 64bit windows 10
#19919 posted by Joel B on 2018/10/06 04:13:40
 Still Getting The Embree Message After Vcredist_x64.exe
#19920 posted by AM on 2018/10/06 04:53:27
I downloaded and ran vcredist_x64.exe only. It didnt ask me for a destination when I ran it so I dont know where it puts those libraries. My projects/mapping is on my D drive whereas windows system files are on c
could this be an issue?
#19921 posted by ericw on 2018/10/06 05:38:28
When you extracted the ericw-tools-v0.18.. zip there should be a "bin" folder containing an embree.dll as well as the various .exe's. Maybe just confirm you still have the embree.dll because copying just the qbsp/vis/light.exe to a separate folder would cause the "embree.dll not found" error.
I downloaded and ran vcredist_x64.exe only. It didnt ask me for a destination when I ran it so I dont know where it puts those libraries.
Yeah this is fine, it's part of Windows so it gets installed globally somewhere.
One last thing there are 2 packages of the tools, -win32.zip and -win64.zip. The -win32.zip requires vcredist_x86.exe and the other one requires vcredist_x64.exe. I should probably spell this out more clearly :)
 It Works Perfectly Now =D
#19922 posted by AM on 2018/10/06 06:33:37
beautiful moody quake lighting.
Yeah it all makes sense now, I think I moved the .exes thinking it would be ok. I put them where they should be and everything is fine.
#19923 posted by Qmaster on 2018/10/07 00:13:42
Wait what....why would you need separate .dll's for the compile tools? Did something change? What's embree?
 Trenchbroom Custom Model Display (.fgd File)
#19924 posted by Reyond on 2018/10/14 17:57:32
Hello! In my progs I have misc_model entity which places custom models into maps. It has a parameter "model", which contains the path to my model in folder (for instance progs/v_shot.mdl). It works fine, but how should I set my .fgd file to display this custom models in Trenchbroom? Is it possible to do somehow?
It is possible. I have an improved version of the fdg for progs_dump that has this feature. Here's the bit you need to add to the fgd:
"path" : model,
"skin" : skin,
"frame": frame
#19926 posted by anonymous user on 2018/10/14 20:18:43
Sorry for being so stupid, but I have never worked with .fgd files before. I have this in my .fgd file:
@PointClass base(Appearflags) size (16 16 16) color(30 150 35) = misc_model : " Place your custom model"
model(string) : "Path to your model"
Trenchbroom sees the entity in the entity list, bit it can not display the model when i wright the path to it. Where exactly should I add your piece of code so the model could be seen?
P.S. I tried to add your piece of code but got an error. I have downloaded fgd from your drobpox but I still can not sort out how to use fgd files. Thanks for helping me!
 Thanks To Dumptruck_ds
#19927 posted by Reyond on 2018/10/14 20:26:33
Thank you so much! I found out how the misc_model is made in your fgd file and this worked for me:
@PointClass base(Appearflags, Target, Targetname) size(32 32 16) color(255 128 0) studio({ "path" : mdl}) = misc_model : "A point entity for displaying models"
mdl(string) : "Model Selection (ex progs/model.mdl)"
speed(integer) : "Speed" : 10
angles(integer) : "set 'angle' to 0 if this is used"
#19928 posted by Qmaster on 2018/10/15 13:41:56
Studio is the key bit here
 Is It Ok To Just Add The RL On Skill 0 ?
#19929 posted by Sir_Random on 2018/10/16 17:03:37
I'm trying to balance my map for skills, and I'm wondering is it ok to just add the RL near the start for easy skill? Or would that be viewed as lazy?
It just seems harder to remove enemies and still keep the map exciting.
#19930 posted by madfox on 2018/10/16 17:29:21
Depends on the game-wise developpement you tend the player to behave like.
A RL at the start makes it easy to clear path for almost the hardest monster, so then it depends on the ammo, health and armour you supply.
At the other hand with the weakest weapons you can build up a steady monster count that balances on to a harder fight at end.
Don't forget that several knights can make a player already uneasy to fight.
So an easy skill won't say an easier fight IMHO.
Or start with no weapon, there's an easy hack for it.
 Thanks Madfox
#19931 posted by Sir_Random on 2018/10/16 18:25:18
Thanks, I do have a build up of monsters, geared at Normal/Hard. I guess I'll just change/remove some monsters for easy. I wanted to keep the ambush/crossfire situations, but I guess not many play on 'Easy' anyway.
#19932 posted by metlslime on 2018/10/16 19:12:31
Don't forget that you can do more than just take away monsters on easy -- you can also replace them with weaker monsters that only spawn in easy mode.
For example replacing a vore with an ogre, or a shambler with 3 knights.