#1968 posted by aguirRe on 2003/09/10 06:36:15
I'd appreciate the source maps+wads for tool testing purposes.
#1969 posted by Wazat on 2003/09/10 11:18:52
Very nice. I sure hope something comes from those!
(BTW, I'm not gonna demand you finish them, even though I'd love it if you did. I know what it's like to have lots of unfinished projects. My Quake folder is filled with mods that will never see the light of day, and I don't have the time to finish them at all. 'Course, your maps are better than any mod I'll ever make. :) )
#1970 posted by Scampie on 2003/09/10 21:44:53
now if it were Dranz making those maps, they'd be finished instead of abandoned. And they'd be excellant.
 International Boycott Of Georgia Pacific
#1971 posted by Peggy Vandeveer on 2003/09/11 09:07:05
Please go to www.dontbuygeorgiapacific.com.
It is time to speak up and boycott the companies that do not represent America's/Earth's interests.
GP is a global menace, actively practicing biological terrorism. It is time to make them pay.
For more info, contact Peggy Vandeveer @ tvandeveer@new.rr.com
(rejected news submission)
#1972 posted by nonentity on 2003/09/11 15:42:59
(rejected news submission)
 O Rly...
#1973 posted by Scampie on 2003/09/11 16:26:36
 Gentlemen, We Can Rebuild Her, We Have The Technology
#1974 posted by pushplay on 2003/09/11 17:08:45
We have the capability to make the worlds first Bionic woman. Tracey will be that woman. Better than she was before. Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.
 Website Critique...
#1975 posted by necros on 2003/09/11 17:50:27
hi guys...
i was wondering if you could take a look at this:
and tell me what you think... unfortunatly, it only really looks perfect at 1024x768, smaller and it's off the sides and bigger and you can see the edges of the graphics...
could someone tell me what the "effect" was on the qexpo.com site which made the top part of the graphic actually scale to the width of the window?
note: none of the links work, but they'd affect the part where the "news" is atm.
 Dearest Peggy,
#1976 posted by Wazat on 2003/09/11 18:14:01
I respectfully decline your offer to blindly join a random ambiguous boycott. Among my many reasons, I tend to see aggressive spamming of unrelated news sites with one's selfish political goals as more of a global menace than most companies I deal with on a day to day basis.
Thankfully yours,
 Dearest Peggy,
#1977 posted by Wazat on 2003/09/11 18:30:39
I respectfully decline your offer to blindly join a random ambiguous boycott. Among my many reasons, I tend to see aggressive spamming of unrelated news sites with one's selfish political goals as more of a global menace than most companies I deal with on a day to day basis.
Thankfully yours,
 Re: International Boycott Of Georgia Pacific
#1978 posted by wrath on 2003/09/11 18:45:56
Peggy Vandeveer,
There is but one thing that I do loathe more than companies that act like assholes, and that is spammers and other vermin who fags up my internet on a regular and vomit-inducing basis. You are a shit-munching cretin, a throwback. I hope that this notice will make you stop spewing your bullshit onto this here otherwise fine (That's a lie, white it is - but still a lie. I know.) internet message board.
And as you close your chewing mandibles for a second, and let the still bowel-warm bovine faeces slid down your quivering esophagus - I want you to remember that if I ever perfect my ip-based electricity conduct system, I will make damn sure to contact Peggy Vandeveer @ tvandeveer@new.rr.com.
Yours, wrath
PS. I love it how you split up your e-mail so that web-harvest spiders won't catch it and SPAM you.
It's like watching the proverbial kettle FIST-FUCK the proverbial pot. DS.
#1979 posted by Wazat on 2003/09/11 19:37:38
How'd that end up being a double post?
#1980 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/09/11 21:15:15
necros: looks fine.
wrath: another well stated bit of wisdom is always welcome. Thanks for contributing. However, to correct a slight error I think you made, it looks to me like when she said "Peggy Vandeveer @ tvandeveer@new.rr.com" she was simply using a shortcut by typing "@" instead of "at". (Admittedly it's the same number of key strokes.) If you'll look at the e-mail address, you'll notice it already has an "@" in it, and I've never heard of an address containing more than one "@" symbol.
#1981 posted by necros on 2003/09/11 22:33:07
i figured out how to get it to resize for different rezs... same trick as the qexpo.com site...
does it work for everyone? on different browsers than ie?
#1982 posted by starbuck on 2003/09/12 03:40:17
i think i prefer the old design, to be honest... the white lines that have been attacked with the smudge tool dont really do it for me.
 Wow That Sounded Bitchy
#1983 posted by starbuck on 2003/09/12 03:47:44
wasn't intended that way
#1984 posted by Wazat on 2003/09/12 11:15:13
Looks nice, but some lines don't line up in IE. :(
Very good all in all.
#1985 posted by wrath on 2003/09/12 16:21:39
Thank you for your input, I strive to in all things become a better and more complete human being, to contribute even finer to the global community. Anything that will help me in my endless pursuit of superiority is always welcome.
#1986 posted by Shambler on 2003/09/12 17:04:28
....it was posted as a subsidiary link at the bottom of a long HL news item on teh Shack, some ppl may have missed an arseload of new HL2 shots at http://www.gamersdepot.com/hardware/video_cards/ati_vs_nvidia/dx9_desktop/hl2_followup/shot5.htm
Some pretty cool shit there.
#1987 posted by H-Hour on 2003/09/12 17:54:12
I get red X's for the images.
 HL2 Shots
#1988 posted by H-Hour on 2003/09/12 17:58:19
Those urban pics look cool, but I really really really hope that they'll let you walk in most of the buildings and look out most of the windows. I'm so sick of urban environments where you're surrounded by these buildings with all these windows to look out and no one can get to them (except the one window which is obviously different from the rest) because the building is really just one wall with a texture. I realize there are performance issues, but they seem to be going out of their way to make it pretty. That's cool, just please make it usable too!
#1989 posted by Scampie on 2003/09/12 18:22:06
Sm49 is this weekend! Saturday to be exact! 24 hours from the time of this post to be exacter!
This weeks theme is barrowed from such classic works as 'Richbar' and 'Godfun'... We're going to make crappy maps! and not just crappy maps, but speedcrappymaps! Remember to bring your sense of humor and original ideas with you. Sorry, but you'll have to abandon thoughts of 'good design' and 'correct brushwork' at the door when you come.
100 mins, #speedq1 on irc.gamesnet.net, 6pm EST which is 10pm GMT or 11pm UK time. Emailing a map to me before I pack them is also acceptible. scampie@spawnpoint.org
 And Don't Forget...
#1990 posted by Scampie on 2003/09/12 19:04:32
to get on the hotdog!
#1991 posted by Shambler on 2003/09/13 03:19:39
Sorry, but you'll have to abandon thoughts of 'good design' and 'correct brushwork' at the door when you come.
And how exactly is that different to a normal speedmap session??
#1992 posted by wrath on 2003/09/13 07:02:31
a good passtime or contra-productive? film at eleven.